Sunday Weekly Leader Guide for each of Years A, B & C

Book of Readings (the Lectionary adapted for Children) for each of Years A, B & C

(C. Brusselmans, P. Freeburg, E. Matthews, C. Walker, Treehaus / Novalis)

available from Dept for Pastoral Formation

A Child Shall Lead Them: A Guide to Celebrating the Word with Children (G. Pottebaum, P. Freeburg, J. Kelleher, Treehaus) [companion to the Sundaymaterials]available from Dept for Pastoral Formation


Living Liturgy: spirituality, celebration and catechesis for Sundays and Solemnities, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota. Published annually. Good source of background and reflection materials on the Liturgy of the Word

Diocesan Ordo(in printed form or on the Diocesan website) – this is the ‘calendar’ which lists the feast to be celebrated on any given day

Mark (Matthew, Luke, John) for Everyone, Tom Wright, SPCK. Approachable series on each of the Gospels. Useful for background to the gospel.

Liturgy of the Word with Children Guidelines Liturgy Office, Bishops' Conference of EnglandWales

Spirit of the SeasonA bulletin on liturgy and schools which comes out 6 times a year. It mixes practical advice and resources, reflections on good practice and a deeper understanding of liturgical matters.

Marking the Liturgical Year: a resource for primary schools R. Ellwood, L. Birley, A. Griffiths, P. Inwood, Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth 2001 (includes the Directory on Masses with Children and much practical help in celebrating with children)available from Dept for Pastoral Formation


Christopher Walker, Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Oregon Catholic Press

Three books (Years A, B, C) contain the complete accompaniments to all the music in the Sunday Weekly Leader Guides for the three years. CDs also available.

Paul Inwood, Children at Heart, Oregon Catholic Press. Includes Acclamations for the Word, Dismissal Chants for Children's Liturgy of the Word, several Eucharistic Prayer settings, and a bereavement song for children.

To order any resources which are available through the Department for Pastoral Formation, contact Eileen Stephenson 01329 835583