Dear Parent or Guardian,

We are looking forward to a great year in our 8th grade Magnet Science class.

In eighth grade, your child will be studying Physical Science. Physical Science includes Engineering, Forces and Motion (Physics), Chemistry, and Astronomy. This curriculum is an introduction to the Science classes that students are required to take during high school for college admission.

Science includes experiments and engineering activities. Magnet students participate in team projects to help develop the qualities in the IB learner profile: to be a knowledgeable inquirer, thinker, communicator, who is also a principled, open-minded, caring, balanced and reflective risk-taker. All students will be expected to show teamwork that is constructive and respectful, use materials appropriately, and work scientifically to produce accurate results and thoughtful conclusions.

Students will be assessed through projects, writing assignments, presentations, creative projects, engineering projects and experiments, quizzes, and tests. There will be 2 Assessments in Science during the year. The students will also take the CST, an 8th grade Science assessment based on the entire year.

This year’s study introducing Physics and Chemistry will require an organized effort. Instruction in study methods will be included, allowing students to develop studying strategies that help them to be successful and save valuable time.


1 . Studying begins in class- Students who focus in class have a deeper understanding before they study and write assignments on their own.

2. Keep an organized spiral notebook and binder- The spiral notebook will help organize information for future study.

3. Study today’s Notes and Reflections– 5 minutes will help you learn vocabulary.

4. Flashcards- to test hoe well you recall scientific language.

5. Writing- short essays and connections to real world experiences

6. Posters and Diagrams- Making and studying posters and diagrams helps students understand how processes and events take place.

7. Reading Science - Students will read the textbook and take Cornell Notes for homework, and have selected reading in online articles.

8. Create special materials- students make models, videotape presentations and create digital projects


1. CLASSWORK- 30% Notebook, Reflections


3. PROJECTS- 10%


5. TEAM PROJECTS- 20% of grade

HOMEWORK and PROJECT DUE DATES- Students are responsible to write down assignments and due dates in class and read all printed directions several times.

Due dates are to be taken seriously. Students should not expect any credit for late work, except after an absence, due date extensions may be given. Homework assignments and directions for projects are posted online on the school website for parent and student convenience.

SUPPLIES CHECKLIST-(This list was sent home on the first day with your child.)

Please check during the year to see if your child is running out of any supplies. Students have a difficult time when they are running out of supplies, but often forget to ask.

___1. A one subject spiral notebook

___2. Flashcards (100 minimum)

___3. a small box or large envelope to store flashcards

___4. black pens for notebook (a pack of pens is recommended)

___5. colored pencils or markers to finish projects at home

___6. a flash drive or drop box account for digital assignments

___7. Recommended: printer paper (to print and to do small posters)


I am really looking forward to working with you and your child. Your support and encouragement of your child are especially valuable during the last year of middle school.

email- You are welcome to email me directly at . Please provide your email on the tear off and return section below for frequent updates. If you prefer to call, you can email requesting a call, or leave a message at the Magnet office.

Please keep the letter portion above and sign and return the tear off below.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with you for your child’s success and well-being.


Ms. Buck


Please return this portion only.

STUDENT NAME______Science Period ____

Dear Ms. Buck,

I have read and will keep the letter concerning Science class content and expectations.

SIGN X______DATE____/____/___

Parent Name______Please provide EMAIL______

PHONE: day:______evening: ______

SIGN X______DATE____/____/___

Parent Name______Please provide EMAIL______

PHONE: day:______evening: ______