Choose a Date / Contact your Regional Director and plan your date. / □
Apply for Trial Package / Fill out the "Trial Awards and Insurance Application" and send it, along with the fee to the PSA Secretary (must be received at least four weeks prior to your trial). / □
Follow-up / Allow time for the form/fee to get to the Secretary and then follow-up via email or phone to be sure they have all the info needed and the process is moving forward.
Announce / Post your trial on the PSA Forum, promote your event. / □
Forms to print / Print/Copy an ample amount of each of the following forms (remember that you may need to print/copy more if you find that you don’t have enough for two days)
PSA Membership and Membership Renewal (at least 15 of each)
PSA Scorebook Application (at least 15)
Score Sheets for EACH Level. (for Level 3, blank paper)
  • PDC (at least 20)
  • Level 1 (at least 15)
  • Level 2 (at least 10)
Trial Entry Form (If you don't have one, ask your Director or another club for a template. This form is for your club’s records. It is recommended that it include a liability waiver of some sort.)
Trial Log (this will come to you as an Excel file, be sure to print out all the sheets)
A full copy of the PSA Rulebook and Surprise Scenarios (It's a good idea to have this printed at Kinko's and have it spiral bound with a plastic cover) / □
Get stuff from PSA Secretary / Current Membership List (excel sheet)
Excel Trial Log
Self-addressed, stamped envelope to send paperwork back to the PSA Secretary. / □
Make it Easy / Do everything you can ahead of time. Get an expandable file folder to keep all your papers organized. Encourage people to fill out the entry/membership/scorebook paperwork ahead of time and bring them already filled out. / □
2 Weeks before Trial Date Follow-up / Have your trophies arrived? Do you have the above paperwork from the PSA Secretary? / □
Ready, Set, Go /
  • Get your forms in an easy to access place.
  • Plenty of Ink pens.
  • Change for competitors who pay cash.
  • Clipboard and several pencils with erasers for the judge.
  • Clipboards for competitors to fill out paperwork.
  • A plan for who to make checks payable to. You can have them made out to PSA but you don’t want the checks made out to PSA to exceed the amount you will owe PSA for the trial (as a general rule, you should require cash for trial registration fees; however, checks for PSA membership/renewals and scorebooks can be made out to PSA).

Entries / As people come to enter:
  1. Have them fill out Entry Form.
  2. Check Membership Status - fill out membership form and collect payment if necessary.
  3. Fill out a Score Sheet for their level, with their info.
  4. Collect their scorebook or have them fill out a scorebook application and start a new scorebook for them.
  5. Enter their info on the Trial Log
  6. Add entrants to the order of competitors list (First to enter, last to go)

Starting the Trial / Give the order of competitors list to the judge for the handlers meeting.
Have your rulebook / surprise scenario list ready for the judge in case they need it.
Have all of the score sheets in order of dog/handler teams, READY to go for the judge.
During OB / After each critique, the judge will give you back their score sheet
  • Double check the score with a calculator
  • Enter Score into the Trial Log
  • Enter score on their scorebook
  • Figure OB percentage and make note of it on trial log for figuring High OB award
  • For Level 1: (Obedience Score ÷ 100) * 100 = Obedience %
  • For Level 2: (Obedience Score ÷ 100) * 100 = Obedience %
  • For Level 3: (Obedience Score ÷ 100) * 100 = Obedience %
As OB score sheets are being turned in, put them in order from lowest score to highest in preparation for Protection.
As you are able, fill out scorebooks with date, trial location, your signature and the judge’s name.
Make a protection order of competitors list for the judge. (Lowest OB Scores go first)
During Break / Keep filling out Scorebooks so they are ready to just enter the protection score and get signed by the judge afterwards.
Get order of go list ready for the judge.
Get score sheets ready and in order of go.
During Protection / As critiques are finished and score sheets are handed back to you:
Double Check score with a calculator
Enter scores on trial log
Figure and make note of Protection percentage for High Protection Award
  • For Level 1: (Protection Score ÷ 220) * 100 = Protection %
  • For Level 2: (Protection Score ÷ 240) * 100 = Protection %
  • For Level 3: (Protection Score ÷ 200) * 100 = Protection %
Calculate total percentage for High Trial Awards and make note on trial log.
  • For Level 1: [(Obedience score + Protection score) ÷ 320] * 100 = Overall %
  • For Level 2: [(Obedience score + Protection score) ÷ 340] * 100 = Overall %
  • For Level 3: [(Obedience score + Protection score) ÷ 300] * 100 = Overall %
Enter Score on Scorebook and set aside for judge to sign afterwards.
For those who pass the in the PDC-SD, PDC, Level 1, and only the second leg for the Level 2 and 3, prepare their Certificate by filling out name, score and date and set aside for judge to sign afterwards. People who earned their first leg in the Level 2 or 3 do not get a trial certificate.
After the Trial / 1. Judge needs to approve and sign:
Completed Trial Log
Completed Scorebooks
Title Certificates
2. Have 1st - 3rd awards, High in trial, High Club, High in Prot, High in OB figured and written down for judge to present awards.
People who have titled take precedence for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, for each level. In other words, if someone who did not pass has a higher percentage than someone who did pass, then the person who passed, would get 1st place.
The weekend awards (High in trial, High Owner Trained, High Club, High in Protection, High in OB) can only be considered for people who passed. If no one passed at a trial, then no one gets these awards.
High Owner Trained, and High Owner Trained Club: make sure that the person who earns these awards owns a dog that has not been titled by someone else in another sport. In other words, a person who bought a dog titled in KNPV by someone else cannot be eligible for these awards (the person could, however, earn High in Trial).
3. Give scorebooks back to competitors.
4. Enter scores/info into excel trial log and email to the PSA Secretary right away (if you are unable to do this because you don’t have excel, we do understand).
5. Use the self-addressed, stamped envelope to return the following to the PSA Secretary:
Trial Entry Forms
Membership Applications/Renewals
Fees collected for memberships and scorebooks
Trial Log Hard Copy (keep one for yourself as well)
PSA portion of entry fees, $10/dog
6. Mail the above materials within 2 weeks of the trial date (remember that a $50 penalty will be added to your club’s membership dues for the following year if you fail to return the package to the PSA Secretary in the allotted time).
7. Start planning your next trial! :)

If at any point, you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the PSA Secretary, Katrina Kardiasmenos, at or (240)475.3637.