18th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are planning to take Year 3 on an educational visit to the Wide Horizons in Eltham on Monday 14th November.

The purpose of the visit is to learn more about rocks and soil formation. The children will leave school at 9.20am and return at 3:20pm. We will travel by train from Blackheath to Eltham train station and then walk to and from the Wide Horizons centre in Eltham.

The children will be taking part in both indoor and outdoor workshops at the centre, working closely with different types of rocks and soils.

The adult responsible for the visit is Mrs Budden

Your child will need a packed lunch. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles. If you are a free school meal parent and require a school pack lunch please indicate on the slip below.

The full cost of the visit will be £8.50. This must be paid in full before the date of the visit. (By law we are not allowed to charge for visits which take place during the school day. However, we do ask for a contribution from each child. If we do not collect the required amount the visit cannot take place).

The children are not allowed to bring spending money.

Please complete and sign this slip and return it to the school by Friday 4th November


The Year 3 Team

Mrs Budden/ Ms West


Name of trip: Year 3 Rocks and Soils Trip, Wide Horizons, Eltham Date: 14th November

I / we give permission for (child’s name)...... in class ……..…..

I have read the list of activities in which my child will take part and agree to my child taking part.

I enclose £...... towards the cost of the visit.

signed...... dated......

I am able to volunteer My contact number is………………………….

I am on Free School Meals and require a school pack lunch