Town of Somerset

Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Call to Order & Roll Call: Town Chairman Schachtnercalled the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. A quorum was established with the following members present: Bill Lawson, Larry Jean Hoffman, Sherrill Schottler, Joe Jahnke and Jeri Koester. Absent: Larry Rauch. Resigned: Russ Hultman.

Public Input: None

Approval of March 30th Meeting Minutes: Motion by Hoffman, seconded by Schottler to approve the March 30thPlanning Commission meeting minutes. Motion carried.

Regular Planning Commission Meeting Session-

1. Old Business

  • Town & County Zoning Violations Updates No update

2. New Business

  • Discussion of the Surveyor Subdivision Checklist: Discussion on whether a singlelot

needs to have concept, preliminary or final review. Consensus single lots have only

preliminary/final approval. Single lots should have a separate worksheet. No recorded deed

needed. Verification of zoning from county not necessary; Town can do that on the zoning map. Town of Troy adjacent landowner notification form was reviewed and everyone present

felt that a similar form should be made up and included in the packet. Adjacent landowner

notification would not need to be mailed certified/return receipt, rather regular mail with a receipt from the post office proving mailing and/or applicant can personally hand out adjacent

landowner notification letters and have proof by signature with date received or a combination

of both. Much discussion and work will continue.

  • Russ Hultman’s resignation & replacement: Motion by Schottler, seconded by Lawson to officially accept Russ Hultman’s resignation from the Planning Commission. Motion carried.

David Mandel and Wally Neumann have submitted written interest. Discussion on appointment according to WSS 60.62.

  • Adjacent landowner notification process – form from Town of Troy: Town will adopt.

Land Divisions/Rezoning/Special Exception Permits: None.

Motion by Lawson, seconded byJahnketo adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:15p.m.

Jeri Koester,Clerk