Еxpansion of ergonomics function in medical robotics1

Еxpansion of ergonomics function in medical robotics

V. Golovin 1, M. Arkhipov 1, S. Legotin1, L. Kocherevskaya 2

1Moscow State Industrial University, Russia


2Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia


By definition the ergonomics establishes the conformity of work of the human to his physiological and mental possibilities, provides the most effective work, which does not pose a threat to human health and is carried out at the minimum expenses of biological resources. The basic object of research in ergonomics as a science is the system "human-machine-environment". In traditional technical tasks the environment, with which machine interacts, as a rule is inactive and not biological one (Yushchenko 2013). For example, it is mobile robot inspecting and repairing pipelines of the water drain. The ergatic control system of this robot can operate in command, tracking, interactive modes, observing moving. The physiology and mentality of the human-operator, his special features that the designer considers in human-machine systems, are presented by components “bio”.

The account of psychophysiological patient’s state, efficiency of medical procedure, its progress is quite a new approach. In traditional technical ergotic system the psychophysiological features of the human-operator have been considered and the problem consists in their optimization at raising system efficiency. At the present, it is necessary to regard psychophysiological features of the patient also.

If physiological parameters of the patient’s state are measured then there is a possibility to control them rationally, for example, supporting them in a normal range. The present restorative medicine apparatus carry out the assigned mechanical influences on the patient (a massage, movements of extremities in joints, a post-isometric relaxation, a mobilization), but they do not estimate objectively therapeutic effect. Nevertheless, during a series of sessions or during one session of restorative medicine it is possible to observe changes of some physiological patients’ parameters to estimate efficiency of therapy and to change the plan of procedures, i.e. to control restorative medicine procedure. The muscular tone and electroskin resistance are the most informative physiological parameters of the patient’ state (Golovin et al. 2011).

The possible connections between components and modes are the following: 1 – command control signals from physician for change of modes and procedure parameters, including training mode; 2 – use by physician of the data, received in the previous sessions and knowledge base replenishment (system Medsoft); 3 – psychological influence of physician on the patient; 4 – manual execution of procedure by the physician (solo or with a robot); 5 – signals of subjective patient’s state transmitted to physician; 6 – assigned values of forces, movements, velocities for position/force and nominal date for biotechnical control; 7 – signals of real state of soft tissues for position/force control; 8 – signals of real state of soft tissues for biotechnical control; 9 – signals of individual robot control from patient,10 – robot action on patient.

The indicated on the scheme influences, signals and modes form several control counters: automatic position/force control (6+7+10), automatic biotechnical control (6+8+10), command control (1+2+10), manual performing of procedure (4+5), mutual performance of procedure by physician and robot (4+10), individual robot control from patient (9).

Some of indicated counters are open loop (3, 6) and others are closed loop (1, 2, 4, 5). On this scheme a lot of relationships with patient are shown. These relationships form the modes which are usually not considered in ergonomics.

Fig. 1 Scheme of interaction between components of system physician- operator, robot, patient

Accounting of psychophysiological features of the third component of ergatic system is required for the design of robots intended for individual use, for clinics and fitness centers. Primarily it is assumed that the development of the robots for fortifying, then for sport and treatment (Golovin et al. 2012).

Main purpose of robotic system for restorative medicine consists in approaching to assigned physiological patient’s state in general by means of mechanical robot actions.

The position/force control and biotechnical control systems are ones from sub systems of robotic system. The biotechnical control counter covers the position/force control one (Fig.2). In the contour of position/force control the patient’s biological soft tissue is a control object. In the contour of biotechnical control the converter of mechanical influence variables to variables of a psycho-physiological state is a control object.

Fig. 2Block diagram of position/force and biotechnical control systems

The sub goal of position/force control system is given as follows.

XX0 and FF0.

The biotechnical control system task can be formulated as terminal control task of final state: to synthesis of such input mechanotherapeutic influences on the patient which during θ= t1 – t0 provides transfer from an initial person’s state B in normal state B0.

The investigations of new approach to robotics in restorative medicine are supported by Russian presidential grant № MK-2511.2014.8.


Journal article

Golovin, V., Arhipov, M., and Zhuravlev, V.: Ergatic and biotechnical control in medical robotics. Journal "Mechatronics, Automation, Control", 18, p. 54-56 (2011).

Yushchenko, A.: Man and robot - compatibility and interoperability. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium "Extreme Robotics", 7-th IARP RISE-ER'2013 St. Petersburg, RTC, , p. 40-46 (2013).


Golovin, V., Zhuravlev, V., and Arkhipov, M.: Robotics in restorative medicine. Robots for mechanotherapy, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, p. 280 (2012).