Induction year programme planner

(Timeline based on a full-time NQT starting in September) / Date / Evidence / Opportunities / Support
Term 1
Meeting with the Induction Tutor (IT) to go through a personal and professional induction checklist for the NQT, and to review the NQT’s development needs keeping a professional portfolio* to record their CPD needs and evidence of how they have been met.
(ii) CPD opportunities to be identified.
(iii) Observation of NQT to be completed by the end of week 4.
(iv) Review meeting between NQT and IT to take place by the end of term with main focus on meeting the standards. Support plan (if required) and professional portfolio to be reviewed and new objectives agreed. CPD opportunities to be reviewed and identified.
Term 2
Induction quality assurance visit may take place this term or in terms 3 and 4. See guidance on czone page.
(i) Review meeting between NQT and IT with main focus of continuing to meet the standards. Support plan (if required) and professional portfolio to be reviewed and new targets identified. CPD opportunities to be reviewed and identified.
(ii) Observation of NQT by IT/headteacher (HT).
(iii) Formal assessment meeting between NQT and IT/HT in which progress, professional portfolio and CPD will be reviewed and areas for development and support identified. First assessment form completed to arrive at the Standards and Learning Effectiveness Service by submission deadline in Term 2 (see dates on czone page).
Term 3(i) Observation of NQT by IT to take place before the end of term.
(ii) Review meeting between NQT and IT to take place at the end of term with main focus on meeting the standards. Support plan (if required), professional portfolio and CPD to be reviewed and new objectives and opportunities agreed.
Term 4
(i) Review meeting to take place between NQT and IT with main focus on meeting the standards. Support plan (if required), professional portfolio and CPD to be reviewed and new objectives and opportunities agreed.
(ii) Observation of NQT by IT/ HT.
(iii) Formal assessment meeting between NQT and IT/HT in which progress, professional portfolio and CPD will be reviewed and areas for development and support identified. Second assessment form completed to arrive at the Standards and Learning Effectiveness Service by submission deadline in Term 4 (see dates on czone page).
Term 5
(i) Observation of NQT by IT.
(ii) Review meeting to take place between NQT and IT with main focus on meeting the standards. Support plan (if required), professional portfolio and CPD to be reviewed and new objectives and opportunities agreed.
Term 6
(ii) Review meeting to take place between NQT and IT with main focus on whether NQT has met the standards. Support plan(if required)with targets met and CPD to be reviewed and new objectives and opportunities agreed to be carried forward into the second year of teaching, forming part of performance review cycle. Professional portfolio for NQT year completed.
(iii) Observation of NQT by IT/HT.
(iv) Formal assessment meeting between NQT and IT/HT in which progress will be reviewed and a recommendation will be made for the successful completion of the induction year. Final assessment form completed to arrive at the Standards and Learning Effectiveness Service by submission deadline in Term 6 (see dates on czone page).

*It is recommended that you use the East Sussex Development Profile for this purpose.