Andrew I. Schoenholtz

Georgetown Law

(202) 662-9929 (tel.), (202) 662-9680 (fax)


Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude

Brown University, Ph.D., Comparative Literature

Hamilton College, B.A. with Honors, French Literature and Language

Positions Held

1998 - Present Professor from Practice, Georgetown Law

Director, Human Rights Institute

Co-Director, Center for Applied Legal Studies

Deputy Director, Institute for the Study of International Migration

May 2009 Visiting Professor, Portuguese Catholic University Law School

December 2008 Visiting Professor, Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law, Zvi Meitar Center of Advanced Legal Studies

1994 - 1997 Deputy Director, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

1986 - 1994 Associate, Covington & Burling, Washington, DC


Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Philip G. Schrag & Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Lives in the Balance: Asylum Adjudication by the Department of Homeland Security (New York: NYU Press 2014).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Philip G. Schrag & Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication and Proposals for Reform (New York: NYU Press 2009).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Susan F. Martin, Patricia Weiss Fagen, Kari M. Jorgensen & Lydia Mann-Bondat, The Uprooted: Improving Humanitarian Responses to Forced Migration (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 2005).

Contributions to Law Reviews and Other Scholarly Journals

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, The New Refugees and the Old Treaty: Persecutors and Persecuted in the Twenty-First Century, 16 Chi. J. Intl. L. 81 (2015).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Developing the Substantive Best Interests of Child Migrants: A Call for Action, 46 Val. U. L. Rev. 991-1018 (2012).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Ryan T. Mrazik, Protecting and Promoting the Human Right to Respect for Family Life: Treaty-Based Reform and Domestic Advocacy, 24 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 651-684 (2010).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Philip G. Schrag, Jaya Ramji-Nogales & James P. Dombach, Rejecting Refugees: Homeland Security's Administration of the One-Year Bar to Asylum, 52 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 651-804 (2010).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Hamutal Bernstein, Improving Immigration Adjudications Through Competent Counsel, 21 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 55-60 (2008).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Philip G. Schrag & Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication, 60 Stan. L. Rev. 295-412 (2007).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Refugee Protection in the United States Post-September 11, 36 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 323-364 (2005).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Transatlantic Dialogue on Terrorism and International Migration, 41 Int'l Migration 173-192 (2003).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Jonathan Jacobs, The State of Asylum Representation: Ideas for Change, 16 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 739-764 (2002).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Susan F. Martin, Asylum in Practice: Successes, Failures, and the Challenges Ahead, 14 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 589-617 (2000).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Beyond the Supreme Court: A Modest Plea to Improve Our Asylum System, 14 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 541-544 (2000).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Randall Hansen, Susan Martin & Patrick Weil, Report on the Workshop on Refugee and Asylum Policy in Practice in Europe and North America, 14 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 801- 814 (2000).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Susan Martin & Deborah Waller Meyers, Temporary Protection: Towards a New Regional and Domestic Framework, 12 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 543-547 (1998).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Aiding and Abetting Persecutors: The Seizure and Return of Haitian Refugees in Violation of the U.N. Refugee Convention and Protocol, 7 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 67-85 (1993).

Book Chapters and Collected Works

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Anti-Terrorism Laws and the Legal Framework for International Migration, in International Migration Law: Developing Paradigms and Key Challenges 3-27 (Ryszard Cholewinski, Richard Perruchoud & Euan MacDonald eds., The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2007).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Susan Martin, Promoting the Human Rights of Forced Migrants, in Human Rights and Conflict: Exploring the Links Between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding 405-429 (Julie Mertus & Jeffrey W. Helsing eds., Wash., D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press 2006).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Homeownership and the Integration of Immigrants in the United States, in International Migration and Security: Opportunities and Challenges 191-216 (Elspeth Guild & Joanne van Selm eds., New York: Routledge 2005).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Susan Martin & David Fisher, The Impact of Asylum on Receiving Countries, in Poverty, International Migration and Asylum 99-120 (George J. Borjas & Jeff Crisp eds., New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2005).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Newcomers in Rural America: Hispanic Immigrants in Rogers, Arkansas, in Beyond the Gateway: Immigrants in a Changing America 213-238 (Elzbieta M. Gozdziak & Susan F. Martin eds., Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 2005).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Susan Martin & David Fisher, Migration and Security in International Migration, in migration and International Legal Norms (T. Alexander Aleinikoff & Vincent Chetail, eds., Asser Press, 2003).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Susan Martin, Temporary Protection: U.S. and European Responses to Mass Migration, in Immigration Control and Human Rights (Kay Hailbronner and Eckart Klein eds., Heidelberg: C.F. Muller Verlag: 1998).

Selected Contributions to Other Publications

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Jacob L. Goodman, The Immigration Control of Terrorism and the Prevention of Torture (Institute for the Study of International Migration, Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration, Policy Brief No. 7, 2009).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Jennifer Hojaiban, International Migration and Anti-Terrorism Laws and Policies: Balancing Security and Refugee Protection (Institute for the Study of International Migration, Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration, Policy Brief No. 4, 2008).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Steven Hansch, Justin Brown, Alisa Beyninson & Don Krumm, Genetically Modified Food Aid in the Southern African Food Crisis of 2002-2003 (2004).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz , The Newest Americans, Financial Institutions, and Homeownership, in Assets: A Quarterly Update for Innovators (2003).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Kristin Stanton & Natasha Shulman, Reaching the Immigrant Market and Creating Homeownership Opportunities for New Americans: A Strategic Business Planning Workbook (Fannie Mae Foundation and Georgetown University, 2003).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Kristin Stanton, Reaching Emerging and Undeserved Home Ownership Markets, A Best Practices and Lessons Learned (paper for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation Spring 2002).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Kristin Stanton, Reaching the Immigrant Market: Creating Homeownership Opportunities for New Americans (Fannie Mae Foundation and Georgetown University, February 2001).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Asylum Representation: Outcomes and Systemic Deficiencies (Georgetown University, May 2000).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Thomas F. Muther, The 1998 Year-In-Review: Immigration and Nationality, The International Lawyer (Summer 1999).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz, Supreme Court Orders Ninth Circuit to Defer to BIA in Refugee Case (Bender’s Immigration Bulletin, V. 4 No. 12, June 1999).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Susan Martin, Proceedings: Best Practices Roundtable on Financial Institutions and Immigrant Homeownership (Fannie Mae Foundation, November 1998).

Andrew I. Schoenholtz & Susan Martin, Fixing Temporary Protection in the United States, World Refugee Survey 1998 (U.S. Committee for Refugees).

Selected Symposia, Conferences, Lectures and Testimony

Commentator, “Population Displacement, Integration, and the Global Asylum System 200 Years after the Congress of Vienna,” Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership, New York (June 2015).

Speaker, “Lives in the Balance: Asylum Adjudication By the Department of Homeland Security,” United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Regional Asylum Offices in Newark, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco, Arlington, Houston, New York, and Chicago (September 2012 – May 2013); U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Immigration Litigation (May 2013); New York Law School (September 2013); Georgetown Law Book Event (February 2014); College of Law, Loyola University (February 2014); Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Seattle (June 2014); Temple Law School (September 2014).

Panelist, Roundtable on “Temporary Protection,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, International Institute of Humanitarian Law (July 2013).

Panelist, “Access to Asylum in the United States and France,” Immigration Policy Center, American Immigration Council, Rayburn House Office Building (April 2013).

Panelist, “Refugee Protection in the United States: Gaps and Opportunities for Legislative Solutions,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Dirksen Senate Office Building (March 2013).

Panelist, “A Legislative Preview: What Will Congress Do After the Election? Immigration Reform,” Georgetown Law Center for Congressional Studies (November 2012).

Speaker, “Asylum Adjudications by the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice: Ideas for Reform,” Migration Policy Institute (May 2012).

Panelist, “Existing Refugee Law Frameworks and Protection Gaps,” Still Waiting for Tomorrow: The Law and Politics of Unresolved Refugee Crises, Boston University School of Law (April 2012).

Keynote Speaker, “Developing the Substantive Best Interests of Child Migrants: A Call for Action,” Children & Immigration: A Lost Generation?, Valparaiso University Law (February 2012).

Panelist and Organizer, “Reaffirming Protection: Strengthening Asylum in the U.S.,” Georgetown Law Human Rights Institute and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (October 2011).

Speaker, “Forced Migration in Africa and Beyond: Causes and Remedies,” African Refugees and Immigrants 60 Years after the Refugee Convention: Challenges and Opportunities, 17th National Conference of the Ethiopian Community Development Council (May 2011).

Panelist, “Protracted Refugee Situations,” Looking Forward: The Refugee Convention at 60, American University Washington College of Law, American Society of International Law, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (April 2011).

Faculty, “International Refugee Law,” Aspen Institute Judicial Conference on International Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws: Their Application in National Jurisprudence (June 2010).

Speaker, “Rejecting Refugees: Homeland Security’s Administration of the One-Year Bar to Asylum,” Immigration Law Professors Conference, DePaul University Law School (April 2010).

Panelist, “Immigrant Children’s Right to Family Life under International Human Rights Law,” Symposium on the Draft International Migrants Bill of Rights, Georgetown Immigration Law Journal (March 2010).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication and Proposals for Reform,” (October 2008 – December 2009)

·  Boston, hosted by the Boston Bar Association;

·  Chicago, hosted by the Chicago Bar Foundation;

·  London, hosted by the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies;

·  Los Angeles, hosted by the Los Angeles County Bar;

·  Miami, hosted by the Dade County Bar Association;

·  New York, hosted by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

Speaker, “Applying International Human Rights in U.S. Immigration Removal Proceedings” and “The International Right to Family Life as a form of Relief to Removal,” Human Rights Promoters Webinars, Catholic Legal Immigration Network (July 2009).

Panelist, “Immigration and the Courts,” The Brookings Institution (February 2009).

Faculty, “International Refugee Law,” Aspen Institute Judicial Conference on International Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws: Their Application in National Jurisprudence (January 2009).

Speaker, “Trends in International Migration,” Delegation of Senior Immigration Officials, Republic of Korea, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security (October 2008).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication in the United States and Great Britain,” Lecture in Transnational Justice, Center for Transnational Legal Studies, London (October 2008).

Speaker, “Applying International Human Rights in U.S. Immigration Removal Proceedings,” Human Rights Promoters Training, 2008 National Migration Conference, Catholic Legal Immigration Network (July 2008).

Panelist, “Contemporary and Expanded Notions of the Refugee,” International Law Students Association Spring Conference (April 2008).

Panelist, “Reforming the Refugee System,” American University (November 2007).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication,” Stanford Law Review Colloquium (October 2007).

Organizer, Commenter and Moderator, “Immigrant Rights and International Human Rights,” Georgetown Law (October 2007).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication,” Supervisory Asylum Officer Workshop Training, Washington DC (August 2007).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication,” Annual Immigration Judges Conference, Washington DC (August 2007).

Speaker, “Refugee Roulette: Disparities in Asylum Adjudication,” Institute for Public and International Law, University of Oslo (March 2007).

Panelist, “State Sovereignty, Security and International Migration,” American University International Law Review Symposium (February 2007).

Speaker, “Patterns and Causes of Haitian Migration within the Caribbean Region,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Washington DC (December 2006).

Panelist, “Undocumented Migration and Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” Georgetown Law Federalist Society (November 2006).

Speaker, “Disparities in Asylum Decision Making in the U.S.,” Asylum Office Directors Conference, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (November 2006).

Speaker, “Refugee Protection in the United States Post-September 11th,” Board of Immigration Appeals Annual Conference, Executive Office for Immigration Review, U.S. Department of Justice (November 2006).

Faculty, “Seminar on Immigration Law and Policy,” Federal Judicial Center and Georgetown Law (October 2006).

Presenter, “Refugee Protection and National Security,” Bellagio Dialogue on Migration, German Marshall Fund of the United States and Rockefeller Foundation (June 2006).

Presenter, “Anti-Terrorism Laws and the Legal Framework for International Migration,” International Organization for Migration (November 2005).

Speaker, “Refugee Protection in the United States since September 11th,” 2nd Annual Immigration Law and Policy Conference, Migration Policy Institute, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Georgetown Law (May 2005).

Speaker, “Immigration and Its Impact on the Real Estate Industry,” National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, 2004 Hispanic Marketing Convention (October 2004).

Presenter, “Improving Legal Frameworks in the International Humanitarian Regime,” National Academy of Sciences, Workshop on Forced Migration Typologies (September 2004).

Speaker, “Financial Literacy and Hispanic Homeownership” and “Challenges for the Housing Industry in Serving Immigrant Homebuyers,” Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, National Housing Initiative Best Practices Conference (May 2004).

Speaker, “Housing and Homeownership,” Financial Access for Immigrants, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and The Brookings Institution (April 2004).

Panelist, “Immigration and the Real Estate Industry,” National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals 5th Annual Legislative Conference (April 2004).

Testimony on the Naturalization Oath, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims, Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives (April 1, 2004).

Panelist, “U.S. Implementation of the Refugee Convention,” Migration and Refuge in the Twenty-First Century: A Symposium in Memory of Arthur Helton, Columbia Law School (February 2004).

Speaker, “Forced Migration Curriculum Development at Georgetown University,” Workshop on Forced Migration Curriculum Development, Centre for Refugee Studies, Moi University (November 2004).

Panelist, “Security and Immigration after September 11th,” How to Regulate Migration Flows: Comparing Experiences in Europe and the U.S., Aspen Institute Italia, in cooperation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (October 2003).