Tripoli Community High School

209 Eighth Avenue, SW

Tripoli, Iowa 50676-9662


Student Handbook 2013-2014

School Phone Numbers:

Superintendent’s Office (319) 882-4201

Principal’s Office (319) 882-4202

Elementary Office (319) 882-4203

School Information Line (319) 882-4277


Troy Heller Superintendent/MS/HS Principal

Sarah Figanbaum PK-5 Principal/School Improvement Coordinator

Karen Neuendorf Special Needs Director/Assistant MS/HS Principal

Rich Gilbert Activities Director

Middle/Senior High School Faculty and Staff

Mrs. Tracy Anderson, MS/HS Special Needs Teacher / Mrs. Janet Ladage, HS Secretary/Associate
Mrs. Cassidy Benschoter, MS/HS Vocal / Ms. Denise Lawrence, Instrumental Music
Mrs. Jamee Benson, Associate / Mr. Justin Liddle, Spanish/JV Girls Basketball
Mr. Will Baumann, Physical Education / Mr. Ed Marvets, Sound Technician
Mrs. Kim Block, HS Secretary / Mrs. Kara Marsh, School Counselor
Mr. Tom Blume, Health/Associate / Mr. Craig Milius, Science
Mrs. Megan Bruns, Superintendent Secretary / Mrs. Marcy Moeller, Library Associate
Mrs. Linda Buchholz, 6th/7th Grade Teacher / Mrs. Shawntelle Moore, MS/HS Lunch Supervisor
Mr. Kenneth Buhrow, Bus Driver / Mrs. Elizabeth Mugan, Math
Mrs. Carol Buls, Bus Driver / Mrs. Mary Jean Murch, School Nurse
Mrs. Paula Carlson, Science / Mr. Tom Nuss, Industrial Technology
Mr. Ray Carlson, Social Studies / Mrs. Amy Ramker, Special Needs Teacher
Mrs. Jennifer Dillon, Agriculture / Mr. Stan Savage, Head Maintenance
Ms. Nanette Droste, English / Mr. Hans Schult, Study Hall Associate
Mrs. Nancy Foelske, Paraprofessional / Mrs. Kristie Schult, Art
Mr. Rich Gilbert, Physical Education/Activities Director / Mr. Tony Sneiderman, Business
Mrs. Kallie Greenwald, ESL, TAG / Mrs. Karen Stumme, Associate
Mr. Ty Halverson, 6th Grade, 2nd CR, At-Risk Coord. / Mr. John Tiedt, Bus Driver
Mrs. Linda Heinemann, MS/HS Lunch Worker / Mrs. Tracey Toenjes, English/Spring Play
Mrs. Mary Hertel, Custodian / Ms. Tami Tomkins, Integrationist/Library (K-12)
Mr. Addam Holub, Custodian / Mr. Joe Urbanek, MS/HS Math
Mr. Matt Hoodjer, Social Studies / Mr. David Wente, Technology Director
Mrs. Marcia Judisch, Head Cook / Ms. Erin Vandersee, HS Special Needs Teacher
Mr. Tom Judisch, Drivers Education / Mr. Norm Zobel, Custodian

Board Members

Max Ambrose Jamie Dettmer, Vice President

Laurie Buhrow Ron Orf

Scott Danner, President Brittany McNeil, Business Manager



Tripoli Community School District Calendar for 2013-2014 6



Activity Bus 8

Assemblies 8

Dances 8

Field Trips 8

Panther Pals 9

Student Activity Tickets 9

Student Council 9

Student Funds and Fund Raising 9

Student Organizations 9

Student Pictures 10

Yearbook 10


Attendance Philosophy 10

Attendance - Student 10

Compulsory Attendance 13

Emergency Form 14

Emergency School Dismissal 14

Leaving the Building/Entering the Building 14

Senior Release 14


Asbestos Notification 15

Emergency Drills 15

Illegal Items Found in School or in Students’ Possession 15

School Day 16

Sexual Abuse and Harassment of Students by Employees 16

Student Health/Insurance Information 16

Tobacco-Free Policy 18



Care of School Property 19

Cheating 19

Classroom Books 19

Disciplinary Code for Tripoli Middle/Senior High School 20

Due-Process Procedures/Minor Violations/Detention 22

Driving and Parking at School 23

Dual-Enrollment Students 23

Electronic Devices/Interference in School (8:10 a.m.-3:05 p.m.) 24

Equal Educational Opportunity Policy 25

Internet Guidelines 25

Interrogation by Outside Agency 25

Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies 25

Lockers and Desks 26

Observing Family Members at School Performances During School Day 26

Payment of Fees 26

Physical Restraint 26

Posting of Information 27

Protection of Pupil’s Rights in Federal Application Surveys 27

Student Appearance and Dress 27

Student Complaints and Grievances 28

Student Publications 28

Student Searches 29

Student-To-Student Bullying and Harassment 30

Threats of Violence 32

Weapons 33


AP Courses 34

Academic Eligibility Requirements for High School and Middle School Students Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities 35

Alternative Measures of Proficiency 36

Academic Letters and Certificates 36

Academic Load 36

Changing of Schedules 37

Class Loads 37

College Visits 37

Credit Outside of the Classroom 37

Credit Requirement/Graduation Requirements 37

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) 38

Diploma 39

Driver’s Education 39

Early Graduation 39

Enrollment in Classes When Class Size is Limited (Class Sizes) (Including PSEO, NICC, PLTW, and Tripoli Classes) 39

Grade Level 39

Grade Reports (Report Cards, Mid-term Reports, Conferences) 39

Grades 40

Grading Scale 40

Graduation 40

Homeroom 41

Homework 41

Honor Roll 41

Human Growth and Development 41

Iowa Communication Network (ICN) Classes 41

Open Enrollment 41

Opportunity Friday/PD Wednesdays 42

Physical Education 42

Post-Secondary Enrollment Option 42

Prerequisites 43

Registration 44

Required Course—Opt-Out Requirements 44

Semester Tests 44

Standardized Tests 45

Study Hall 45

Transfers In/Out of the District 46


Announcements 46

Cafeteria 46

Citizenship 47

Family Night 47

Guidance 47

Homework Room 47

Inspection of Educational Records 47

Legal Status of Student 47

Library/Media Center 48

Lost and Found 48

Open-Gym During Non-School Hours 48

Safety Issues for Students 48

Passes/Planner 48

School Bus Transportation/Extra-Curricular Transportation 49

Telephone Use 50

Visitors 50



Welcome to the 2013-14 school year at Tripoli Middle/Senior High School! The staff and administration hope your time spent here at Tripoli Middle/Senior High School will be a rewarding experience. Tripoli Middle/Senior High School is your school. Its success in providing you with a quality education depends largely on your effort and attitude.

The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint you with the policies and procedures under which this school operates. This parent/student handbook should help you become familiar with the policies necessary to the smooth functioning of our school. If you have questions or concerns about the contents, please feel free to call the Building Principal (882-4202) or stop by the MS/HS office. The contents of this handbook have been presented and approved by the Tripoli Board of Directors as part of its administrative policy.

The school reserves and retains the right to modify, eliminate, or establish school district policies, rules, regulations, and student handbook provisions as circumstances warrant, including those contained in the handbook. Students are expected to know the contents of the handbook and comply with it. Students or parents with questions or concerns may contact the high school office for information about the current enforcement of the policies, rules, regulations, or student handbook of the district.

Being a citizen of the United States of America, the State of Iowa, and of the school district community entitles students to special privileges and protections, as well as requiring the students to assume civic, economic, and social responsibilities and to participate in their country, state, and school district community in a manner that entitles them to keep these rights and privileges.

As part of the education program, students have an opportunity to learn about their rights, privileges, and responsibilities as citizens of this country, state, and school district community. As part of this learning opportunity, students are instructed in the elements of good citizenship and the role quality citizens play in their country, state, and school district community.

The Tripoli Community School District is an equal opportunity institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, age, creed, color, national origin, religion, sex, disabilities, sexual orientation, and marital status in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Superintendent of Schools, Tripoli Community School District, Tripoli, IA 50676, phone (319)8824201.

Parents of students through the age of 17, students 18 years of age, and parents of students 18 years of age and older, who claim those students as dependents on the parents’ income tax returns, have the right to see cumulative records at any time. Sixth- through twelfth-grade records are kept in the high school office. Kindergarten through fifth-grade records are kept in the elementary office. Permission for access to records can be obtained from the Superintendent or the School Counselor.

Students, parents of students, or employees of the Tripoli Community School District shall have the right to file a formal complaint alleging non-compliance with regulations outlined in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Superintendent is Tripoli Community School District’s Affirmative Action Coordinator. The school district’s Level I investigator is Kara Marsh, the School Counselor, with the Superintendent being the alternate. The Level II investigator for the District is the Bremer County Sheriff. Students are educated in programs that foster knowledge of, and respect and appreciation for, the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups, as well as men and women, to society. Students who feel they have been discriminated against are encouraged to report it to the school district’s Affirmative Action Coordinator. Inquiries may also be directed in writing to the Directors of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037, Kansas City, MO 64114, (816) 268-0550, or the Iowa Department of Education, Grimes State Office Building, Des Moines, IA 50319-0146, (515) 281-5294.

Information on human growth and development curriculum, child abuse investigation procedures, resolving homeless children situations, and postsecondary enrollment options for high school students is available in the superintendent’s office.

The school district, in its educational program, has a process to assist students experiencing behavior and learning difficulties. The school principal is responsible for this process. Representatives from the Area Education Agency may also assist the school district in this process. Parents wanting access to this process should contact the Building Principal at


Notice that students from low-income families are eligible to have their student fees reduced or waived.

In this handbook, the word “parent” also means “guardian” unless otherwise stated.

Troy Heller

Supt./MS/HS Principal






Tripoli Community School District Calendar for 2013-2014

August 9 New Staff Workday

August 12 & 13 Staff In-service/Workdays

August 14 First Day of School

September 2 Labor Day – No School

September 4 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

September 16 TQC Teacher In-Service – No School

September 25 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

October 2 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

October 16 End of First Quarter

October 16 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

November 6 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

November 11 Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 15 No School - Teacher Comp Day

November 18 Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 20 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

November 27 Early Dismissal – 2:05/2:10

November 28-29 No School - Thanksgiving Vacation

December 20 End of Second Quarter

December 20 End of First Semester

December 20 Early Dismissal 2:05/2:10

December 21-January 2 No School - Winter Vacation for Teachers

December 21-January 5 No School - Winter Vacation for Students

January 3 TQC Teacher In-Service

January 6 School Resumes

January 6 Third Quarter Begins

February 5 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

February 17 No School - President’s Day

February 24 Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 5 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

March 7 No School – Teacher Comp Day

March 10 End of Third Quarter

March 19 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

April 2 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

April 17-21 No School – Spring Break

April 30 Teacher In-Service – 12:45/12:50

May 9 Senior’s Last Day

May 16 End of Fourth Quarter

May 16 End of Second Semester

May 18 Graduation

Make-up Days: 1st Day—May 19, 2nd Day—May 20, May 21, May 22, May 23, April 17, April 21 2014, May27, and May 28, and appropriate days following as required.


Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Wednesday

HR 8:10-8:25 Period 1 8:10-8:54

Period 1 8:28-9:11 Period 2 8:57-9:40

Period 2 9:14-9:57 Period 3 9:43-10:26

Period 3 10:00-10:44 Period 4 10:29-11:12

Period 4 10:47-11:31 HR 11:15-11:30

Period 5 MS Lunch 11:31-11:58 Band/Chorus Lunch 11:15-11:30

MS Class 12:01-12:45 Period 5 MS Lunch 11:31-11:58

HS Class 11:34-12:17 MS Class 12:01-12:45

HS Lunch 12:17-12:45 HS Class 11:34-12:17

Period 6 12:48-1:31 HS Lunch 12:17-12:45

Period 7 1:34-2:18 Period 6 12:48-1:31

Period 8 2:21-3:05 Period 7 1:34-2:18

Period 8 2:21-3:05


Monday 8:10-8:25 a.m. Reading

Tuesday 8:10-8:25 a.m. Reading

Wednesday 11:15-11:30 a.m. Reading

Thursday 8:10-8:25 a.m. Character Education Lessons

Friday (OP) No Homeroom


Two Hour Late Start (No HR) 2:05 Dismissal/Opportunity Friday (No HR)

Period 1 10:10-10:35 Period 1 8:10-8:48

Period 2 10:38-11:03 Period 2 8:51-9:29

Period 3 11:06-11:34 Period 3 9:32-10:10

Period 5 MS Lunch 11:34-12:00 Period 4 10:13-10:51

MS Class 12:03-12:45 Period 6 10:54-11:34

HS Class 11:37-12:20 Period 5 MS Lunch 11:34-12:00

HS Lunch 12:20-12:45 MS Class 12:03-12:45

Period 4 12:48-1:21 HS Class 11:37-12:20

Period 6 1:24-1:56 HS Lunch 12:20-12:45

Period 7 1:59-2:31 Period 7 12:48-1:25

Period 8 2:34-3:05 Period 8 1:28-2:05

**“OF” 2:05-3:05

12:45 Early Dismissal (No HR)

Period 1 8:10-8:37

Period 2 8:40-9:07

Period 3 9:10-9:37

Period 4 9:40-10:07

Period 6 10:10-10:37

Period 7 10:40-11:07

Period 8 11:10-11:34

Period 5 MS Lunch 11:34-12:00

MS Class 12:03-12:45

HS Class 11:37-12:20

HS Lunch 12:20-12:45

**Please see page #42 for Opportunity Friday Rules


Activity Bus

The school district may sponsor an activity bus to transport students to school activities. A fee may be charged to students riding the activity bus. Riding on the activity bus is a privilege that can be taken away.

Students who ride an activity bus must ride to and from the event on the bus. Students are required to ride home on the bus unless prior arrangements have been made with the principal, or the student’s parents personally appear and request to transport the student home.