September 20, 2014 10AM - 3PM

San Bernardino Valley College 701 S. Mt. Vernon Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92410

Administration Building, Room 207


Phil an Jose City College

Randy outhwestern College

Susanna olano College

Stephanie eedley College

Danny antiago Canyon College

Biju alo Verde College

Michael mperial Valley College

John an Bernardino Valley College

Absent: Biju Raman, Stephanie Gunther

I Welcome and Introductions

II Update from the Executive Committee

The committee was updated about the last ASCCC Executive Committee meeting

pertinent to accreditation issues.

III Review of Tasks

  1. Accreditation Institute February 20-21, 2015

Review draft program and revise as needed

Revisions and possible speakers assigned. See attached.

  1. ASCCC Paper on Best Practices in Accreditation (Resolution 2.01 S12)

Can we get an outline of this? At least brainstorming?

Ask Exec. to clarify

Divide paper into milestones in the Six-Year Cycle

I Opening Section

Justification for the Paper

History of Peer-Review

Faculty Involvement

Include committee on campus

Campus-Wide Dialog

Continuous Process

II Integrate Accreditation in everyday operations

Developing a culture of evidence by documenting college processes

III Mid-year and Follow-Up Reports

IV Preparing Self-Evaluation Report

  1. General Best Practices
  2. Sending People on Teams
  3. Using ACCJC Guides
  4. Answer the Questions
  5. Don’t Lie
  6. Standard 1
  7. Standard 2
  8. Standard 3
  9. Standard 4

Include Multi-Campus Districts

V Preparing for Site-Visit

VI Responding to Recommendations/Sanctions

VII Closing Thoughts and Recommendations

Appendix of Diagrams of Successful College Processes

Or option #2:

I Opening Section

Justification for the Paper

History of Peer-Review

II Best Practices for College Processes

Faculty Involvement

Include committee on campus

Campus-Wide Dialog

Continuous Process

Sending People on Teams

Using ACCJC Guides

Answer the Questions

Don’t Lie

Developing a culture of evidence by documenting college processes

Preparing for Site Visit

III Standards and Reporting to the Commission

A. Reports (mid-term, follow-up, special, and self evaluation)

B. Standard 1

C. Standard 2

D. Standard 3

  1. Standard 4

IV Closing

  1. Fall Plenary Session Breakouts – Scheduled

Assign Presenters

Thursday, November 13, 10AM: Equity and Accreditation - Using SSSP,

Equity Plans, Enrollment Management Plans in the

Accreditation Process (we can partner with EDAC)

Danny Martino, Stephanie Curry, James Todd

Friday, November 14, 8:30AM: New Standards

Randy Beach, Michael Heumann

Friday, November 14, 2:30PM: Thriving Through Sanctions aka “Thank

you, sir may I have another?”

Susanna Gunther, Phil Crawford

IV In-person meetings and workflow

Breakout Descriptions for Fall Plenary Session due October 10

All Fall Plenary Session materials and presentations are due October 24

Breakout Descriptions for Accreditation Institute are due December 12