Version 12.10.17 edited version September 17

Appendix I

Terms of Reference

Project: Establish a Digital Data Platform to support Workflow Management and ME[1] Systems in the DYNAMIC Program

Project Location: Kampala and Lira, Uganda

Dates: November 2017 - June 2020

Background of Program to support:

Driving Youth-led New Agribusiness and Microenterprise (DYNAMIC) is a five-year program (August 2015-July 2020) implemented in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) focused on improving the employment, self-employment, income and resilience of more than 125,000 out-of-school youth aged 15-24 engaging in agriculture and animal industry in the Agago, Gulu, Kaabong, Kitgum, Lamwo, Lira, Omoro and Pader Districts of Northern Uganda. GOAL leads a consortium of partners implementing the program, including Mercy Corps, Restless Development and VSO, and is the technical lead for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL).

After extensive research undertaken in Year 1 that informed the program’s strategic approaches and work plans, M4Y program activities are being implemented in Year 2. DYNAMIC is utilizing a staff-driven Concept Note (CN) system to plan, vet, organize and monitor shared value propositions and partnerships with private and public sector actors. The DYNAMIC ME Plan was also completed and rolled out in Year 2 to monitor progress and contribute to program learning across The MasterCard Foundation’s Youth Forward initiative, of which DYNAMIC is a part. The program is now urgently working to develop and operationalize data platforms to manage and link the CN and MEL systems, facilitate program learning and track expenditures by district and partner in line with the overall program budget and work plans.

Purpose / Project Description:

DYNAMIC requires dedicated support for the development, configuration and management of, and technical support for a web-based platform component of its workflow management and M&E systems. This digital data platform must be rapidly set-up, configured, and successfully rolled out to support both the DYNAMIC CN and ME systems. As such, GOAL is seeking a dedicated team to undertake the following key activities:


Setup and deployment

●  Set up a web-based data platform for multi-organizational use across a single email domain (e.g. Google account) Refer to Annex 1 for a list of preferred functions for development and/or configuration.

●  Deploy the data platform on cloud server and ensure its upkeep

●  Complete a manual that clearly documents both user and administrator functions

●  System must align easily with that of DYNAMIC Consortium partner Mercy Corps, which utilizes open source TolaData and GOAL’s Power BI

Platform enhancement requests

●  Complete configuration of the DYNAMIC program’s CN template, including to register and track reviews, approvals and activities and targets by district.

●  Enable multi-level data input; setting program and district indicator targets (both forecasted and planned targets), and the ability to follow up on indicators per district

Training, dedicated technical support, and data migration/platform configuration

●  Work with staff to set up and manage a dashboard on the data platform with selected data sets that can be shared, for example, with The MasterCard Foundation, Consortium partners or stakeholders.

●  Advise the DYNAMIC team on how to organize DYNAMIC databases for analysis within the data platform.

●  Advise on how to integrate the digital data collection system used by DYNAMIC into the data platform.

●  Work with the DYNAMIC team to migrate data that have already been collected by the DYNAMIC team onto the data platform.

●  Train and support the creation of atomized tabulations, graphs that can feed into DYNAMIC reporting process.

●  Train key DYNAMIC staff on how to manage and use the data platform.

●  Advise on how to monitor / manage project-level budget vs. actuals.

●  Provide ongoing training and on-call support remotely to troubleshoot.

Deliverables and timeline:

Phases / Deliverable
1.5 months / ·  Initial setup, deployment, and hosting of the data platform[2]
·  Platform Configuration to DYNAMIC program management and M&E specifications
·  Draft User Manual
1.5 - 3 months / ·  Training of key program staff, including focal points and internal trainer and IT staff – called the core User Team
·  Continuous dedicated technical support to core User Team
·  Completed data migration and platform configuration[3]
·  Platform – test version - live
3 – 12 months / ·  Platform enhancement requests or fixes beyond the purview of the agreed upon setup and configuration;
·  Maintenance and upkeep of the platform
·  Bi-monthly core User Team interaction
·  Hosting and support costs of the cloud servers
12 – 32 months / ·  Maintenance and upkeep of the platform
·  Bi-annual review with core User Team
·  Hosting and support costs of the cloud servers

Timeframe / Schedule:

The timeline for this engagement is for 32 months (November 2017-June 2020)

Engagement Process:

This section lays out the process to be followed by the technical team when preparing for, during, and after an engagement with the DYNAMIC / GOAL team.

I.  Prior to engagement

A.  Kickoff call(s) with DYNAMIC technical focal point and other relevant program team members: core User Team

B.  Revise and adjust SOW as necessary

II.  During engagement

A.  Ensure dedicated technical support is available with responses within the same working day

B.  Enhancement requests and bug fixes will be submitted and tracked through a digital tracking system, with progress support through telephone and Skype calls

C.  At least bi-monthly check-in calls with technical team to ensure all deliverables are being met during first three months

III.  Following in-person visit (if applicable)

A.  Trip report to DYNAMIC focal point for visit regarding accomplishments and deliverable updates, any setbacks, and any plan for next steps

B.  Expense report detailing accomplishments/deliverables and days spent on each activity, with associated costs

IV.  End of engagement

A.  Ensure data stored on the digital data platform can be made accessible and exported to a machine-readable data format for archiving purposes or migrating to another platform, as needed.

B.  Technical handover notes on how to manage data or advice on archiving solutions.


1 / Ability to capture and transform paper documents to the electronic format
2 / Ability to initiate document writing from established templates
3 / Ability to capture incoming e-mails when required
4 / Auto-tag documents
5 / E-registry Manager as the document handling user interface
6 / Document Libraries structured consistently
7 / Workflow to move documents
8 / Design information architecture for document repositories
9 / Define in consultation with business counterpart initial document management scope and define prescribed document types as the foundation for the record management system
10 / Create a library structure that will contain them and that can be rolled-out initially to pilot sites with scalability to all DYNAMIC offices
11 / Establish maintenance mechanisms of the library structure to ensure consistency across the organization.
12 / Assess third party auto tagging applications to be incorporated to the final solutions
13 / Execute associated tasks to bring cohesiveness to overall information architecture and impacted components
14 / Gather templates of prescribed documents in DYNAMIC’s policy documents to be loaded to libraries
15 / Gather prescribed documents across DYNAMIC’s Program and Operations Policies and Procedure in consultation with business counterpart
16 / Create a catalog and classification based on taxonomy defined in the libraries and set prescribed document types
17 / Load the templates to the defined document library
18 / Design of document workflow from the source to target record library
19 / Workflow from the source (scanner, e-mail, and template library) to the temporary document library to gather all incoming documents.
20 / Workflow from temporary document library to final record library
21 / Workflow for document follow up
Design e-registry manager as the primary user interface to route, number and classify documents to be used by the end users. The e-registry should provide:
22 / Ability to view all incoming documents
23 / Ability to route follow up actions for documents
24 / Ability to classify and send the corporate records to the final records library
25 / Ability to capture outgoing documents
26 / Ability to overview of document status, including follow up actions
27 / Ability to search documents
28 / Ensure communication / integration of DYNAMIC (survey) data sets with proposed data platform
29 / Design and program the creation of automized tables and graphs through or on the data platform
30 / Enable the planning and monitoring of project level activities and indicators per year, district and total
31 / Enable the planning and monitoring of project level budget and actuals per district and total
32 / Link / integrate the digital tools (MWater) with the proposed data platform
33 / Solution must integrate well with reporting tools currently in use by GOAL eg Power BI
34 / Solution must be capable of exporting data as required
35 / Data required to be stored in a compliant manner (hosted by hosting provider/internally). Associated documentation should be stored/archived on the GOAL platform (SharePoint/Onedrive)
36 / Ability to apply retention/expiration policies on data.
37 / Solution must provide an audit trail of all data lifecycle
37 / Ensure compatibility of solution with current in-house GOAL platforms eg. Office 365/ SharePoint Online (integration using API)
38 / Integration with Active Directory is preferential


Administration of Activities Requested Under Retainer

Any requests outside of the initial three-month scope of work for this engagement will be administered by retainer. GOAL DYNAMIC will make requests, the level of which will be determined as follows by agreement with the provider.


I.  The provider will review enhancement ‘tickets’ from GOAL.

II.  GOAL will then be able to monitor the acceptance and progress of the ticket through an online tracking system and via voice communication.

III.  Once the enhancement has been deployed, the provider will notify GOAL DYNAMIC via email for review and approval.

Ticket Levels for additional input after the successful launch (> 3 months year 1)

Ticket Level / Description / Amount per day
Level 1 / Estimated effort of less than 1 day of development plus[4]
Level 2 / Estimated effort of more than 1 day and less than 3 days of development plus*
Level 3 / Estimated effort of more than 3 days and less than 10 days of development plus*
Level 4 / Estimated effort of more than 10 days (2 weeks) of development time
Level 5 / TBD - Negotiated rate for estimated effort over 2 weeks

Bugs associated with the original ticket will be fixed as part of the initial estimated level of effort. The bug-free repair guarantee shall extend through the life of the agreement or 3 months, whichever is longer, after initial acceptance of the enhancement.

[1] M&E system: monitoring, evaluation and learning systems

[2] Setup and deployment will consist of building a stand-alone web server that contains all required system software, open source and proprietary to run the data platform.

[3] If in-person support is required, additional costs may apply, including the cost of travel, accommodation, and per diem during the visit.

[4]Development “plus” includes any time needed after the delivery of the agreed product. This window is valid after successful launching of the BETA version of the Platform with its operational features.