Specification 203 Occupational Safety and Health – 04/10094-02 Issued 03/02/2016


Occupational Safety And Health

Copyright MAIN ROADS Western Australia

Number / Description of Revision / Authorised
By / Date /
Whole Document / Reformatted to corporate branding guidelines and numerous typographical and grammatical corrections / MPS / 03/02/2016
203.02.1 & 203.06.1 / Website reference updated
203.03.7 / Serious Incidents added
203.16.4 / Added reference to Division 1 of Part 3 of OSH Regulations
203.33.6 / Updated references to reporting forms and registers
203.36.7 / Flashing beacons added
203.37.4 / References to Heavy Vehicle Services and Traffic Operations Centre updated
203.41 / Monthly reporting requirements changed
203.42 / Incident reporting and investigation requirements changed
203.51.2 / OSH Management Plan review requirements changed
Annexure 203A / Tilt-up construction added
Annexure 203B / Risk classification and rating tables changed
Annexure 203D / References and names changed and Serious Incidents added
203.19(3) & / Approval of OSH Management Plan / CMPM / 5/5/2012
203.33(6) / Incident Register Form
203.02 / AS/NZS 4360 was superseded by AS/NZS ISO 31000 / A/MPCMP / 13/4/2011
203.17(d), 203.18, Annexure 203B / AS updated
203.41.6(b) / reword
203.41.3 / Required reporting time changed
Table 203B.2 / amended


Clause Page No


203.01 Scope 5

203.02 References 5

203.03 Definitions 6

203.04 – 203.05 NOT USED 6

osh policy 7

203.06 Contractor’s OSH Policy 7

203.07 OSH Commitment Statement 7

203.08 – 203.15 NOT USED 7


203.16 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control 7

203.17 Legal and Other Requirements 8

203.18 Objectives and Targets 9

203.19 OSH Management Plans 9

203.20 – 203.30 NOT USED 10


203.31 Structure and Responsibility 10

203.32 Training and Competency 11

203.33 Consultation and Communication 12

203.34 Documentation 13

203.35 Document and Data Control 13

203.36 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Controls 13

203.37 Emergency Preparedness and Response 15

203.38 – 203.40 NOT USED 16

Measurement and Evaluation 16

203.41 Monitoring and Measurement 16

203.42 Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventative Action 17

203.43 Records and Records Management 18

203.44 OSH Surveillance and Audit 18

203.45 – 203.50 NOT USED 18

Management Review 19

203.51 Review 19

203.52 – 203.80 NOT USED 19

AS BUILT AND HANDOVER requirements 19

203.81 – 203.90 NOT USED 19


203.91 – 203.99 NOT USED 19


Principal Identified Hazards 20


Occupational Health and Safety Risk Classification 21

Annexure 203C 24

OSH Risk Context 24

Annexure 203D 25

Contractors OSH Management Plan Cross Reference Key 25

Document No: Dxx#xxxxx Page 32 of 32
Contract No: xxxx/xx Contract Name
Specification 203 Occupational Safety and Health – 04/10094-02 Issued 03/02/2016
203.01 Scope
1. The work under this specification consists of the management of the Contractor’s OSH obligations and standards under AS/NZS4801, and the establishment and implementation of an OSH Management Plan.
203.02 References
1. Australian Standards, MAIN ROADS Western Australia Standards and MAIN ROADS Western Australia Test Methods are referred to in abbreviated form (e.g. AS1234, MRS67-08-43 or WA123). For convenience, the full titles are given below:
Acts and Regulations
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996
Environmental Protection Act 1986
Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulation 1997
Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act 1961
Dangerous Goods Regulation1992
Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994
Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995
Road Traffic Code 2000
Australian Standards
AS 1742.3 Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads
Australian/New Zealand Standards
AS/NZS ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management system auditing
AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management – Principles and guidelines
AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, specification with guidance for use
MAIN ROADS Standards
Code of Practice Traffic Management for Works on Roads (internet address: http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au - go to the web page Our Roads / Temporary Traffic Management / Workzones on Roads)
Main Roads Specifications
Specification 201 QUALITY SYSTEMS
Specification 202 TRAFFIC
Specification 204 ENVIRONMENT
203.03 Definitions
1. The meaning of terms and definitions in this Specification shall be as defined in AS4801.
The following particular definitions will apply:
2. OSH means Occupational Safety and Health or Occupational Health and Safety. / OSH
3. The OSH Management Plan shall be the documented plan established by the Contractor, detailing the Contract OSH objectives and targets, and specifying the necessary operational processes and procedures, and the related resources to achieve the specific requirements of the Contract. / OSH Management Plan
4. OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be the document that contains the Contractor’s identified Contract specific OSH hazards, hazards identified by the Principal, the assessment of the risks associated with the identified hazards and details of the control measures that shall be put in place to manage the hazards. / Risks
5. OSH Management Representative (OSHMR) shall be the person the Contractor has nominated as having primary responsibility for ensuring that the approved OSH Management Plan is implemented and managed over the term of the Contract. / OSH MR
6. Incident means any unplanned event resulting in, or having the potential for injury, ill health, damage or other loss. / Incident
7. Serious Incident means any Incident with an actual consequence of minor or above, or any Incident with a potential outcome of high or very high. / Serious Incident
8. Personnel shall include all employees of the Contractor and all persons deemed to be employees of the Contractor under the OSH Act (1984). / Personnel
9. Surveillance shall mean conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging. / Surveillance
203.04 – 203.05 NOT USED
osh policy
203.06 Contractor’s OSH Policy
1. The Contactor shall have an OSH Policy in accordance with AS/NZS4801 and include a copy of the Policy in the OSH Management Plan. The Contactor’s OSH Policy must support Main Roads’ Safety, Health and Wellbeing Policy Statement located on the Main Roads web site (internet address: http://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au - go to the web page Building Roads / Contracting to Main Roads / Occupational Safety & Health). / OSH Policy
2. The Contractor shall prominently display a copy of the Company’s OSH Policy on the OSH Notice Board for the duration of the Contract and include it in information provided to persons at the Contract induction. A copy of the Policy shall also be supplied to each subcontractor. / Communication
203.07 OSH Commitment Statement
1. The Contractor shall develop a Contract specific OSH Management Commitment Statement based on the Company’s OSH Policy. / Contract Specific
2. The Contractor’s Representative and the OSH MR shall sign the Commitment Statement and prominently display a copy on the OSH Notice Board for the duration of the Contract. A copy of the Commitment Statement shall be included in information provided to persons at the Contract induction and a copy shall also be supplied to each subcontractor. / Communication
203.08 – 203.15 NOT USED
203.16 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control
1. The Contractor shall prepare an OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register in accordance with Annexure 203B for OSH hazards associated with the Contract. / Assessment and Register
2. The OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be prepared using competent occupational safety and health persons. The OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall be authorized by the Contractor’s Representative and the OSH MR. / Assessment Team
3. The completed OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall form part of the OSH Management Plan.
4. The OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register shall address all Contract hazards including the hazards listed in Annexure 203A Principal Identified Hazards. If the Superintendent directs that additional hazards be considered then the Contractor shall incorporate these additional hazards into the OSH Risk Assessment and Treatment Register.
The Contractor must also comply with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 1996, Division 1 of Part 3, Section 3.1 – Identification of hazards, and Division 12 of Part 3 – Construction industry – consultation on hazards and safety management. The Contractor must include the hazards reported in the Design Report in their OSH Management Plan. / Principal identified Hazards
203.17 Legal and Other Requirements
1. The Contractor shall at least maintain current published editions of the following documents at the Contractor’s site office for the period of the Contract: / Mandatory Documents
a) Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and Regulations 1996
b) Codes of Practice – Manual Handling, Prevention of Falls at Workplaces, Excavation, Managing Noise at Workplaces, First Aid, Workplace Amenities, Working in the Vicinity of Overhead Power Lines, The Safety and Health of Children and Young People in Workplaces and Personal Protective Equipment
c) Guidance Notes – General Duty of Care in Western Australian Workplaces, Plant in the Workplace, Electricity (Residual Current Devices), Safe Movement of Vehicles in the Workplace
d) Standards – AS/NZS4801 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, specification with guidance for use, AS/NZSISO31000 – Risk Management – Principles and guidelines
2. Application of the Contract requirements, Standards and Codes of Practice in no way relieves the Contractor from undertaking any activity, function, process or procedure necessary to meet its duty of care obligations as prescribed in the OSH Act 1984 or other relevant legislation or standards.
3. The Contractor shall detail and implement procedures for the engagement of subcontractors which ensures all subcontractors that are engaged to carryout work under the Contract are competent to carry out the work safely. / Sub-contractors
4. The OSH Management Plan shall detail the procedure for resolving OSH issues raised by personnel during the Contract. The procedure shall be included in the Site Induction process and be prominently displayed on the OSH Notice Board. / OSH Issue Resolution
203.18 Objectives and Targets
1. The Contractor shall determine the Contract Occupational Safety and Health objectives and targets for the Contract in accordance with AS/NZSISO31000 and clearly detail these Contract objectives and targets in the OSH Management Plan.
2. The Contractor shall detail the procedure that ensures the Contractor’s Representative and OSHMR regularly reviews the Contract OSH performance, including subcontractor performance, against the prescribed OSH objectives and targets.
203.19 OSH Management Plan
1. The OSH Management Plan shall address all the work under the Contract and shall detail all procedures, processes, work practices and information required by the Contract.
2. The Contractor shall complete the information requested in Annexure 203C and include it as part of the OSH Management Plan. / Risk Content
3. If not submitted and explicitly approved in writing during the Tendering process, the Contractor shall submit a suitable fully documented OSH Management Plan to the Superintendent for approval prior to commencement of work under the Contract. / Hold Point
4. Any person engaged to undertake any work under the Contract, including subcontractors, shall be required to comply with the approved OSH Management Plan while undertaking the work. / Application of the OSH Management Plan
5. Subcontractor OSH Management plans established under other than the Contractor’s certified OSH Management System shall not be permitted to form part of the approved OSH Management Plan.
6. Once the Superintendent has approved the OSH Management Plan it shall not be amended without the approval of the Superintendent. Any proposed amendments to the approved OSH Management Plan shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval. / Amendments
7. Where any of the following events occur the Contractor shall review its approved OSH Management Plan and submit suitable amendments to the Superintendent for approval within one (1) week, or other timeframe directed by the Superintendent, whichever is the lesser: / Mandatory Changes
a) a non-conformance;
b) the Contractor’s practice no longer reflecting the approved OSH Management Plan; or
c) an incident occurring.
8. Where the Contractor fails to submit suitable amendments to the Superintendent for approval within the specified timeframe the Superintendent may direct the Contractor as to what amendments are necessary. Amendments directed by the Superintendent shall be implemented forthwith at the Contractor’s cost. / Failure to Amend OSH Management Plan
9. The Contractor shall promptly provide the Superintendent with a controlled copy of the approved OSH Management Plan. The Superintendent’s copy of the OSH Management Plan shall be controlled under the Contractor’s Quality System for the duration of the Contract.
203.20 – 203.30 NOT USED
203.31 Structure and Responsibility
1. The Contractor shall appoint in the OSH Management Plan a competent OSHMR in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS4801for the duration of the Contract. The OSHMR shall be on Site at all times activities relating to the execution of the work under the Contract are taking place and have the necessary authority and resources to meet his/her responsibilities. / OSH MR
2. The Contractor shall clearly define, document and communicate the OSH responsibilities and accountabilities of all Contract management personnel, employees and subcontractors. The Contractor shall detail the OSH reporting hierarchy for the Contract in the OSH Management Plan. / Responsibilities
3. The Contractor shall ensure that the legislative duties of employers and employees as outlined in Section 19(1), 20(1) and (3) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 are detailed and communicated to personnel as part of the Site induction process. / Legislative Duties
4. The Contractor shall be directly responsible for the OSH management and control of all activities relating to the execution of the work under the Contract including work under the Contract undertaken by subcontractors. / Contractor
5. The OSH Management Plan shall detail the procedures and processes that the Contractor shall implement to ensure subcontractors at all times comply with the requirements of the approved OSH Management Plan. / Sub-contractors
6. The Contractor shall provide each subcontractor with all relevant Contract information and the parts of the approved OSH Management Plan that are relevant to the work to be undertaken by the subcontractor. / Relevant Information
7. The Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors who will be undertaking work under the Contract have documented safe systems of work in place prior to commencing work. / Safe Systems of Work