TEXAS HISTORY Mrs. Hiller’s Class


I am excited to have your child in my class. It is my goal to bring the Texas past to life and to connect History to the present and the future, in order for your child to learn about our fascinating state. Please review this syllabus for class information.


  1. Natural Texas and its People 7. Civil War & Reconstruction
  1. Exploration & Spanish Colonization8. Cattle, Cotton & Railroads
  2. Unrest & Mexican Nationalism9. Industrial Revolution
  1. Texas Revolution10. Age of Oil - WWI
  1. Texas Republic11. Texas in the Great Depression & WWII
  1. Texas Government & Statehood12.Texas in the Modern World

The material presented in this class correlates to the TEKS. A detailed list of definition of the areas of study can be found on my website. Students will be measured in areas such as writing, presentation of material, classroom activities, projects, and primary source studies.


We have high expectations for the students here at Creekside Park Junior High. We strive for students’ academic achievement to their fullest potential and contribute in a positive manner to our classroom.


It is important that students familiarize themselves with their Tomball ISD google account and its features such as email, documents, spreadsheets and online classrooms. Students can access the account from school as well as home (internet ready devices). Throughout the year students will be expected to complete and turn in some assignments electronically, individually as well as in groups. In the event of “technical difficulties” outside of school, students are urged to use the school library. Assignments turned in late will be dealt with on an individual basis, baring the circumstances.


It is essential for students to be able to think, comprehend, organize and synthesize their cohesive thoughts and research on a given topic in order to show true mastery of the subject.

Students are required to write expository essays showing their understanding of the content. Essays are in-class assignments and are NOT to be completed at home.

Essays brought to class may be confiscated and may not count toward the student’s grade.

Final essays are major grades. They may stand alone or be combined with another assignment.

GRADING TOOLS - Following the TISD grading policy…

-Major Grades: 60% (unit tests, projects, notebook checks), at least 3 per nine weeks

-Daily Grades: 40%, (homework, daily work, quizzes), at least 7 per nine weeks.


It is important to stay current! If you fall behind, please talk to Mrs. Hiller about getting caught up. Please also utilize Advisory (Paw Period) to get caught up. The district guidelines are below.

Major grades that are…Daily grades that are…

1 day late = 15 point grade reduction1 day late = 30 point grade reduction

2 days late = 30 point grade reduction2 days late = 50 point grade reduction

3 days late = Zero3 days late = Zero


For each nine-week marking period students will receive progress reports after 3 weeks and a report card at the end of the 9 weeks. Both progress reports and report cards will be sent home with your child. Please check our school website for exact dates.


I like to send periodic updates and reminders via Remind, a text notification service that parents and students may sign up for to stay current with upcoming tests, project due dates, etc. You may find the sign up codes for your child’s class on my website.


∗Keep up with assignments, projects and especially grades.

∗Sign up for Remind Notifications

∗Contact Mrs. Hiller if there are any questions


Email is one of the best and most efficient ways to communicate with me. I make every effort to respond as promptly as possible. However, please allow 24-48 hours for a response. If the need arises I will be glad to schedule a phone or in-person conference.

Email: hone:281-357-3282

Conference:9:41 - 10:29Website:

At the Junior High Level we DO NOT send home weekly folders/reports. Students as well as parents will have online access to current grades and attendance. We urge parents and students to check these regularly (I recommend weekly) to avoid any surprises. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!