IB World History! Mrs. Snyder Email:

Welcome to a new school year and to Central Academy International Baccalaureate! I am very excited and happy your child will be with me this year in IB World History. I look forward to working together in your child’s success. A description of the class is provided below, along with expectations and the homework policy. Please read over the information with your student.

Course Description:

History is more than the study of the past. It is the process of recording, reconstructing and interpreting the past through the investigation of a variety of sources. It is a discipline that gives people an understanding of themselves and others in relation to the world, both past and present. IB World History covers 3 major historical topics: authoritarian states of the 20th century, evolution and development of democratic states, and the Cold War. *****Within each section political, economic, and social issues are considered and, when relevant, cultural aspects are included. The countries of the Americas form a region of great diversity but close historical links.

Materials: 3-ring binder (1.5-2”), loose leaf paper, blue/black pens, pencils, 4 tabbed dividers (recommended)


1.  Internal Assessment (IA)-a required project in the course which will be addressed year-long

2.  Primary and secondary source readings (often online!)

3.  Presentations

4.  Top events quiz for each of the 5 developments we study

5.  Essay Exams-questions typically given 1 week before the test

Grades are updated in Infinite Campus. The grade is weighted for this course. I don’t “round up.” This is not an SRG course.

87.5-100% A Classwork/Homework/Participation: 10%

79.5-87.4% B Assessments: 40%

69.5-79.4% C Historical Analysis & Interpretation: 30%

59.5-69.4% D Internal Assessment: 14%

59.4% and below F Semester Finals: 6%

Absences: We all get sick at one time or another, so please have your student email me for makeup work as soon as possible. Students have one week from the date of absence to make up any missed absent work. If your student knows ahead of time that they will be absent, please have them email me as soon as possible and I will attempt to do my best to get them work before they are absent. All projects are due on the due date regardless of illness, so make sure your student has a way to get the project to school.

Late Work: I expect work to be turned in on time. The class builds on previous skills learned; however, things happen so please see me personally/email me for extenuating circumstances. Make sure you have and use a planner! January 6, 2017 is the VERY last day I will accept any work and that is only if the student has spoken with me about circumstances.

Classroom Website: www.historylearner.com You can find the syllabus, course information, readings, updates, announcements on this website! Bookmark it!

Remind: Remind is a free web-based application that allows teachers to text reminders to students. Parents can also be included on the reminders if you wish. In order for you or your student to participate, you can:

1.  Go to https://www.remind.com/join/76fga

2.  or send a text message to 81010 and include the class code in your message line: @76fga

Contact Information: --email is the best route to contact me with any questions!