Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU)*


The Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU)has about 4000 students and is one of the largest art and culture-orienteduniversities of professional education in Europe. The school has five faculties.Four faculties are located in Utrecht, primarily in the older part of the city.The Faculty of Art, Media andTechnology is located in Hilversum, a city 20 kilometers outside ofUtrecht. It has an excellent reputation. As with most creative artsinstitutions, admission is by portfolio or cd. Admission is veryrestricted and there are very few courses taught in English. There areapproximately 65 incoming and 55 outgoing exchange students eachyear.
The city of Utrecht is characterized by itspretty canals that lend the city a specialfeeling. In the summer, the terraces of themany cafés and restaurants along the canalsform a social hotspot. The old centre of thecity is very attractive with many differentstyles of architecture. As in most of Holland,in Utrecht the bicycle rules! Although thebike is the main means of transportation within the city, an impressive extensivenetwork of buses, light rail service and trains connects Utrecht to all of the Netherlandsand Europe. The city is easily accessible fromAmsterdam by train (about 30 mins.).In general public transportation is reasonably priced and efficient. Costof living in Utrecht is quite reasonable. The population is over 260,000, which makes Utrecht the fourth largest city in the Netherlands. Thecity has many museums, art galleries, cinemas etc and the year. Dutch Film Festival is held here.
There is always a lot going on in Utrecht. Besides a multitude of pubs and restaurants, Utrecht has various museums, a city theatre (Stadshouwburg), several smaller theatres and seven cinemas and cinema clubs.
Foreign films are usually shown in their original language with Dutch subtitles. A good source of information is the ‘Uitloper’, a long folded brochure which lists everything that is happening downtown, such as live music, theatre performances, movies and art exhibitions. A number of bars, clubs, and pubs are listed as well. The Uitloper can be picked up for free at most pubs and cinemas.

LOCATION / Utrecht, The Netherlands
STUDIES / The Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) offers a wide variety of bachelor courses in fine art, design, music, theatre, media, games and interaction, arts education and arts management. Within these courses specific modules are open to exchange students. As an exchange student you will take part in the courses offered in the second or third year of the full-time bachelor programs. Please look here for more course information[new window].
To apply for an international exchange to the Utrecht School of the Arts you follow an on-line procedure. This procedure is outlined for you in four steps.
1. Nomination via e-mail
The exchange coordinator at your home institution must first confirm your nomination to the Utrecht School of the Arts via e-mail. Applications from students who are not confirmed will not be processed.
2. On-line exchange application
Go to Osiris International Office Application and create an account.
Complete and submit your application. After submitting your application you need to confirm your account. You will be notified of this via e-mail.
After we receive your application it will be checked for completeness. You will be notified via e-mail if there is anything missing.
3. Selection procedure
When your application is complete it will be forwarded for selection to the department. About six weeks after the application deadline your and your exchange coordinator will be notified by e-mail whether you are accepted
or not.
4. After acceptance
Once you are accepted as exchange student, you need to return to Osiris International Office Application and complete your travel and contact information.
Digital attachmentsThe following documents are required as digital attachments to your application. All documents should be uploaded as pdf-files.
• Letter of motivation
• Curriculum Vitae
• Letter of recommendation
• Transcript of records with grades and credit information from current school of higher education
• Learning agreement (if applicable)
• Scanned copy of your passport or European i.d. card
• A passport size photograph (jpg or jpeg, file size: 3x4 cm, min. 200 pixels, max. 50 kb size)
• Portfolio of your work and academic standing
(for more information, see Preparing a portfolio).
DEADLINES / Fall Semester: February 15 Spring Semester: September 15
The campus system doesn't exist in the Netherlands. Students find rooms all over the city in student houses or as tenants. Most students live in a radius of about 20 minutes (by bike) from school. Rents vary between € 400 to € 700 per month.
Student housing is scarce in Utrecht. Therefore the Utrecht School of the Arts has made arrangements with the SSH, a student housing agency in Utrecht.
At the Kruisstraat in Utrecht there are a certain number of rooms reserved especially for exchange students.
ProcedureRead more about the SSH application procedure.
Finding accommodation yourselfFor more information on finding a room by yourself, please consult the pages on finding student housing.
INSURANCE / Exchange students must carry insurance with sufficient coverage for medical costs in the Netherlands and third party liability. Utrecht School of the Arts cannot accept any liability.Read more on Dutch insurance for international students.
An exchange student from abroad will need a minimum of € 900 per month to cover the costs of living and studying, including study material. Please note that the amount for study costs depends on the course you are attending during your exchange period at Utrecht School of the Arts. Average living expense are as follows:
Tuition Fee...... (Paid at the home institution)
Other study expenses..... € 100
Accommodation...... € 400 - 450
Living expenses...... € 350 – 400
You will also need to purchase a bicycle (approx. €100 for a second-hand one) for local transportation. Read more on transportation.

INFO / Entrance visa & residence permit
It is important to arrange is your entrance visa and/or residence permit timely. You will find all you need to know about this process under Visa.
Telefoon: 030-2349440
Fax: 030- 2349484
Lange Viestraat 2, Utrecht
Postadres: Postbus 1520, 3500 BM Utrecht

* Information subject to change