“Penn”guins of the Dale
Early Childhood Education Center
The assignment: You are about to interview for a teaching job at the prestigious Pennguins of the Dale Early Childhood Education Center. For the interview, you are expected to bring in a portfolio. This portfolio should include:
- a unit of study that covers ONE appropriate preschool theme, and has:
- a gross motor activity or game,
- an art or craft,
- two more lessons from an approved list,
- and a self-written children’s book.
Topic Brainstorm—
Most preschools have a thematic unit of study that lasts about a week to a month. During that time the students will participate in a variety of activities to help the child develop physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. Throughout this unit you need to select a theme and create various activities and materials that support your theme.
Please brain storm a list of YOUR themes:
NOTES: All children are different and develop at different speeds. Although each child is unique there are specific characteristics of each age group. Please fill in the chart below.
Type of Development / Characteristics of PreschoolersPhysical Development / Gross Motor
/ Fine Motor
Intellectual Development / Intellectual development is also called ______development.
Emotional Development
Social Development
It’s all about the Play!
Fill in the blank:
An adult’s job is to ______.
A teenager’s job is to ______.
A child’s job is to ______.
Play enhances development by:
Step 2: Plan, Research and Describe.
Other lesson plans may include:
- math
- science
- letter of the week
- health
- social skills
- drama
- sign language
- Etc…
Planning for Preschool
Directions Your class will be walking to the Malvern School to participate in teaching small groups of preschool students. You will have approximately three groups of 3-6 children, and you will do about 15-30 minutes of teaching with each group. You are to provide ALL supplies for the students to use, and you must make a sample craft (if doing a craft). Make sure your lesson aligns to your group’s theme and book.
Preschool Teachers are always prepared!
The Importance of Reading to Children
Oral Language:
Opens New Worlds:
Kindergarten Readiness:
Reading to children is an essential skill to build a love of learning and books. In class and at home we will be working on writing our very own children’s book. Plan a book that supports your thematic unit. To prepare for this exciting project you will need to …
Preschool Unit: Grading Sheet
Guide to Grading
5= Lesson is clearly written, specific, includes all materials, is relevant to the preschool unit and is developmentally relevant and practical for a preschool class. You are ready to teach right now!
4= Almost has all of the above. Make a few changes and you are on your way!
3= Several changes need to be made. This cannot be followed through as written. The kids are napping.
2= Many changes need to be made. This is confusing and not well planned. Watch out for spit balls.
1= Preschool teachers do not ‘wing it’. There was no effort shown in your lessons. Pursue another career.
Story for a Young Child ---100 Points
Title of Story: ______Recommended Age: ______Theme: ______
_____Overall neatness (10 pts.) (colorful, legible, bound pages, and creative)
_____Age appropriate (5 pts.)(age must appear on front or back cover)
_____Positive theme (10 pts.)
_____Title (5 pts.)(title must appear on the front cover)
_____Author’s name (5 pts.) (name must appear on the front cover)
_____Cover (10 pts.)(interesting, colorful, and reflects the theme of the story)
_____Minimum of 5 pages with text and pictures (5 pts.)
_____Minimum of 15 sentences per book ((15 pts.) (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar)
_____Text (5 pts.) (teacher approved method)
_____An illustration per page (15 pts.)(colorful, background detail, reflects theme of story)
_____Presentation (15 pts.)(reader shows book, adjusts voice volume and pitch, makes eye contact with audience and has fun!)
Over All Score
Extra credit:
Plan another lesson!
____/5 lesson____/5 Directions for lesson
____/5 Materials needed for lesson
____/5 Relates to thematic unit
____/20 Total