CAPP11 – Career Planing01

– Types of Work

Types of Work

Work can be grouped into four different groups or headings. Read the following headings and fill in the boxes on the next page.

You will be marked out of 12 for your ability to fill in each box and for your ability to provide accurate and thoughtful responses.

Unpaid Work is any type of work that is performed for non-monetary reasons. This is best described as volunteer work or any type of work that you do around your home. Unpaid work is different from Paid Work in that paid work is paid is any kind of work done for a monetary return. Paid work can be full-time or part-time and is usually work that is handed out or paid for by someone else (either a business, corporation, or individual). With the current trends in corporate downsizing, part-time employment is becoming more common and individuals are being forced to hold down two or three part-time jobs in order to make ends meet.

Self-employment is a reliance on your own initiative and skill to generate an income. People who are self-employed do not rely on anybody else to provided them with a paycheck. They usually own and operate their own small business and not only provided for themselves, but they also provide paid work for their employees. As we move into the information age, more and more people are becoming self-employed as it is becomes easier and easier to work at home, doing freelance or contract work.

Some people that are self-employed are also Entrepreneurs. To be an entrepreneur, a person must not only start their own business, but must also continue to be innovative, create new products or provide new services. Entrepreneurs are usually highly motivated and are often quick to see an opportunity to make money. High-end entrepreneurs are “idea-people” who often recognize an opportunity to make money, and then make use of paid employees to put that idea into a working business. Jimmy Patterson is perhaps B.C.’s most famous entrepreneur. He started off owning a used car business and has now expanded his empire to include everything from grocery stores (Overwaitea/Save-On Foods) to billboard advertising.

Mr. Patterson’s billboard advertising business is a perfect example of how a successful entrepreneur works. Mr. Patterson was being driven down a highway one day and realized as he was looking out the window that there was no single company that operated billboard advertising. Most billboards were just rented out by whoever owned some highway property. Mr. Patterson created his own billboard company and then he went to property owners and said that he would look after all the problems of maintenance, billing, taxes and looking for new clients. The property owners would now receive a regular (although less) rental fee without all the headaches associated with doing it themselves. In return, Mr. Patterson created a money-making company that now operates the majority of billboards throughout the province!

Directions: Provide a definition for the four different types of work and identify the pros and cons related to each type of work. Be sure to include an example of a particular job that would fit into each of the four types.

You will be marked out of 12 for filling in all the boxes

and the quality of your responses.

Pros / Cons / Examples
Unpaid Work
Paid Work
Self Employment