National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation with strands in Culverts and Drainage Systems, Earthworks, Road Construction, and Road Maintenance
Level / 3Credits / 88-98
This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2018.
Version 3 of this qualification was republished in April 2016 to extend the last date of enrolment into programmes leading to this qualification from 31 December 2015 to 31 December 2016.
Transition Arrangements
This qualification has been reviewed and replaced bythe New Zealand Certificate in Civil Works (Level 4) with strands in Earthworks, Road Construction, Concrete (non-structural), and Road Maintenance [Ref: 2688].
The last date for entry into training programmes for the replaced qualification is 31 December 2016. The last date of assessment for the replaced qualification is 31 December 2018.
People currently working towards achievement of this qualification may either complete the requirements for that qualification or transfer their results to the replacement. However, there are substantial differences between the new and the replaced qualifications, and it is recommended that candidates complete the qualification in which they are enrolled.
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from6458 / 17309
6459 / 17310
6460 / 17311, 17312, 17313
6461 / 17314
6462 / 17315
6463 / 17316
6481 / 17501
11314 / 22288, 22291
11318 / 22286, 22287
17500 / 22290
For the purpose of version 3 of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the replacement standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the expiring standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from26551, 26552 / 6400, 6401, 6402
Standards 22276, 22278, and 22280 have expired and have not been replaced. For the purposes of achieving version 3 of this qualification, there remain sufficient alterative standards and credits for the qualification to be achieved.
Any person who feels disadvantaged by these transition arrangements should contact Infrastructure ITO at the address below.
NZQF National Qualification Registration Information
/Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / October 2007 / December 2011Revision / 2 / November 2009 / December 2018
Review / 3 / February 2015 / December 2018
Republication / 3 / April 2016 / December 2018
Standard Setting Body
Infrastructure ITO
PO Box 2759
Wellington 6140
Telephone0800 486 626
National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation with strands in Culverts and Drainage Systems, Earthworks, Road Construction, and Road Maintenance
/ 3Credits
/ 88-98Purpose
This national certificate recognises the knowledge and skills required by people operating plant and equipment in the civil construction industry. While the operation of the plant and equipment is vitally important, so is the context in which it is operated. This qualification is designed to recognise both facets through the core requirements and sector-specific strands.
People awarded this qualification will be able to inspect civil construction plant and equipment; locate and identify services; communicate on civil construction sites; and demonstrate knowledge of quality assurance requirements on civil construction works.
The Core Elective section contains a choice of standards relating to health, safety and environment, temporary traffic control, and first aid. Companies and individuals are encouraged to choose the most appropriate set of skills and knowledge to meet their requirements under Health and Safety in Employment legislation.
This qualification also includes four strands specialising in Culverts and Drainage Systems, Earthworks, Road Construction, and Road Maintenance. Each strand includes a compulsory set of skills and knowledge complemented by an elective section allowing people to choose competencies that meet their work requirements.
Individuals completing this qualification may also wish to continue on to achieve the National Certificate in Civil Construction Supervision (Level 4) [Ref: 1324], or complement this qualification through achievement of the National Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 3) [Ref: 0743].
Replacement Information
This qualification replaced the National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation with strands in Skilled, and Multi-Skilled [Ref: 0774].
Core Compulsory / Core ElectiveLevel 1 credits / - / 0-13
Level 2 credits / 3 / 0-13
Level 3 credits / 7 / 5-18
Level 4 or above credits / 5 / 5-18
Minimum totals / 15 / 18
Culverts and Drainage Strand
/Earthworks Strand
Elective 1 / Elective 2 / Compulsory / ElectiveLevel 2 credits / - / - / 5 / -
Level 3 credits / 40 / 20 / 5 / 55
Level 4 or above credits / - / - / - / -
Minimum totals / 40 / 20 / 10 / 55
Strand total / 60 / 65
Qualification total with strand / 93 / 98
Road Construction Strand
/Road Maintenance Strand
Compulsory / Elective / Elective 1 / Elective 2Level 2 credits / - / - / 0-10 / 0-5
Level 3 credits / - / 45 / 0-10 / 50-55
Level 4 or above credits / 10 / - / - / -
Minimum totals / 10 / 45 / 10 / 55
Strand total / 55 / 65
Qualification total with strand / 88 / 98
Requirements for Award of Qualification
Award of NQF QualificationsCredit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.
Summary of Requirements
Core Compulsory standards
Core Elective – A minimum of 18 credits as specified
One of the following strands is required
Culverts and Drainage Systems Strand
Earthworks Strand
Road Construction Strand
Road Maintenance Strand
Detailed Requirements
Core Compulsory
The following standards are required
Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Management
ID / Title / Level / Credit6436 / Inspect civil construction plant and equipment / 4 / 5
Engineering and Technology > Civil Works and Services > Civil Construction Works
ID / Title / Level / Credit6479 / Locate and identify services on civil construction sites / 3 / 4
17327 / Communicate on civil construction sites / 2 / 3
22290 / Demonstrate knowledge of quality assurance requirements on civil construction works / 3 / 3
Core Elective
A minimum of 18 credits
Of which a minimum of 5 credits at Level 3 or above
Engineering and Technology > Civil Works and Services > Civil Infrastructure Health, Safety, and Environment
ID / Title / Level / Credit20877 / Demonstrate knowledge of working safely at sites under temporary traffic management / 2 / 1
Engineering and Technology > Highway Construction and Maintenance > Temporary Traffic Management
ID / Title / Level / Credit5627 / Operate as a Traffic Controller (TC) for low volume and Level 1 roads / 3 / 4
20878 / Assist with temporary traffic management for low volume and Level 1 roads / 2 / 1
Health > Health Studies > Core Health
ID / Title / Level / Credit6400 / Manage first aid in emergency situations / 3 / 2
6401 / Provide first aid / 2 / 1
6402 / Provide resuscitation level 2 / 1 / 1
Field / Subfield / Domain
Engineering and Technology / Civil Works and Services / Civil Infrastructure Health, Safety, and Environment
Health / Occupational Health and Safety / Occupational Health and Safety Practice
Culverts and Drainage Systems Strand
Meet the requirements of all of the following sets
Culverts and Drainage Systems Elective 1
Culverts and Drainage Systems Elective 2
Culverts and Drainage Systems Elective 1
A minimum of 40 credits
Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Operation
ID / Title / Level / Credit6466 / Convey civil construction plant by transporter / 3 / 20
6468 / Operate a mechanical rockbreaker / 3 / 10
8560 / Deliver, stockpile, and spread aggregates with truck and trailer / 3 / 12
17309 / Operate a wheeled loader on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17310 / Operate a hydraulic excavator on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17315 / Operate a self-propelled roller on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
Culverts and Drainage Systems Elective 2
A minimum of 20 credits
Engineering and Technology > Highway Construction and Maintenance > Road Construction
ID / Title / Level / Credit6483 / Install pipe culverts and structures on road construction works / 3 / 15
17330 / Demonstrate knowledge of the set-out and maintenance of road drainage systems / 3 / 5
Engineering and Technology > Highway Construction and Maintenance > Roading Maintenance
ID / Title / Level / Credit11309 / Maintain road by manually cleaning and repairing open drainage system / 3 / 7
11310 / Maintain road subsoil drainage systems / 3 / 3
11311 / Maintain road drainage structures / 3 / 7
11312 / Maintain piped stormwater drainage systems in road reserve / 3 / 5
Earthworks Strand
Meet the requirements of all of the following sets
Earthworks Compulsory
Earthworks Elective
Earthworks Compulsory
The following standards are required
Engineering and Technology > Civil Works and Services > Civil Construction Works
ID / Title / Level / Credit17328 / Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of earthworks / 2 / 5
17501 / Demonstrate knowledge of foundation and subgrade on civil construction works / 3 / 5
Earthworks Elective
A minimum of 55 credits
Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Operation
ID / Title / Level / Credit6466 / Convey civil construction plant by transporter / 3 / 20
6468 / Operate a mechanical rockbreaker / 3 / 10
17309 / Operate a wheeled loader on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17310 / Operate a hydraulic excavator on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17311 / Operate a motor grader for earthworks / 3 / 20
17314 / Operate a motor scraper on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17315 / Operate a self-propelled roller on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17316 / Operate a bulldozer on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17317 / Operate an articulated dump truck on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
20628 / Operate a water cart in civil construction / 3 / 10
22281 / Operate an excavator for facing and benching / 3 / 5
22282 / Operate an excavator for rock placement / 3 / 5
Road Construction Strand
Meet the requirements of all of the following sets
Road Construction Compulsory
Road Construction Elective
Road Construction Compulsory
The following standard is required
Engineering and Technology > Highway Construction and Maintenance > Road Construction
ID / Title / Level / Credit12570 / Demonstrate knowledge of the materials used in road formation / 4 / 10
Road Construction Elective
A minimum of 45 credits
Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Operation
ID / Title / Level / Credit6465 / Operate a power-driven rotary broom / 3 / 6
6466 / Convey civil construction plant by transporter / 3 / 20
6468 / Operate a mechanical rockbreaker / 3 / 10
8560 / Deliver, stockpile, and spread aggregates with truck and trailer / 3 / 12
17309 / Operate a wheeled loader on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17310 / Operate a hydraulic excavator on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17313 / Operate a motor grader for road construction / 3 / 30
17314 / Operate a motor scraper on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17315 / Operate a self-propelled roller on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17316 / Operate a bulldozer on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
20628 / Operate a water cart in civil construction / 3 / 10
22275 / Operate a roadsweeper in civil construction / 3 / 10
22277 / Operate a road mill in civil construction / 3 / 20
22278 / Operate a reclaimer stabiliser in civil construction / 3 / 20
22279 / Operate a skid steer in civil construction / 3 / 10
22280 / Operate a stabilising spreader in civil construction / 3 / 10
22281 / Operate an excavator for facing and benching / 3 / 5
22282 / Operate an excavator for rock placement / 3 / 5
Road Maintenance Strand
Meet the requirements of all of the following sets
Road Maintenance Elective 1
Road Maintenance Elective 2
Road Maintenance Elective 1
A minimum of 10 credits
Engineering and Technology > Highway Construction and Maintenance > Roading Maintenance
ID / Title / Level / Credit11303 / Maintain road by repairing unbound pavement layers / 2 / 5
11304 / Maintain road by repairing chipsealed surfaces / 2 / 3
11305 / Adjust the height of surface boxes for roading maintenance / 2 / 3
11316 / Maintain road by installing and refurbishing traffic signs and delineators / 3 / 8
22286 / Maintain roading kerb lines and channels / 3 / 5
22287 / Maintain roading median strips, berms and traffic islands / 2 / 2
22288 / Maintain road clear of ice / 3 / 5
22291 / Maintain road clear of snow / 3 / 5
Road Maintenance Elective 2
A minimum of 55 credits
Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Operation
ID / Title / Level / Credit6465 / Operate a power-driven rotary broom / 3 / 6
6466 / Convey civil construction plant by transporter / 3 / 20
6468 / Operate a mechanical rockbreaker / 3 / 10
8560 / Deliver, stockpile, and spread aggregates with truck and trailer / 3 / 12
17309 / Operate a wheeled loader on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17310 / Operate a hydraulic excavator on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
17312 / Operate a motor grader for road maintenance / 3 / 30
17315 / Operate a self-propelled roller on civil construction sites / 3 / 20
20628 / Operate a water cart in civil construction / 3 / 10
22275 / Operate a roadsweeper in civil construction / 3 / 10
22276 / Operate a suction cleaning vehicle in civil construction / 3 / 6
22277 / Operate a road mill in civil construction / 3 / 20
22278 / Operate a reclaimer stabiliser in civil construction / 3 / 20
22279 / Operate a skid steer in civil construction / 3 / 10
22280 / Operate a stabilising spreader in civil construction / 3 / 10
22281 / Operate an excavator for facing and benching / 3 / 5
22282 / Operate an excavator for rock placement / 3 / 5
Engineering and Technology > Pavement Surfacing > Bitumen Surfacing
ID / Title / Level / Credit20455 / Demonstrate basic knowledge of safety relating to bituminous materials / 2 / 5
Engineering and Technology > Pavement Surfacing > Chipseal Surfacing
ID / Title / Level / Credit13520 / Operate a truck-mounted roller-spreader on chipsealing works / 3 / 10
Transition Arrangements
Version 2
Version 2 was reissued to remove unit standard 12569 that created a barrier to achieving the Road Construction strand.
Changes to structure and content
- Standard 12569was removed from the Road Construction strand and strand credit table was updated.
- Reference to a related qualification Ref: 0743 in the purpose statement was updated.
- The credit total for the qualification decreased from 93-103 to 88-98.
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
Previous versions of the qualification
Version 1 was issued toreplace the National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation with stands in Skilled, and Multi-Skilled [Ref: 0774] as part of a review of Civil Plant Operations and Management, and Civil Works and Services standards and associated qualifications.
Summary of differences between qualifications
The prerequisite qualifications have been removed. Standards 6400-6402 have been included in the Core Elective. In the Core Compulsory section, standard 5267 was moved to the new Core Elective, standard 12565 was removed from the qualification, standard 17500 was replaced by 22290, and standard 17327 was added. The credit total was reduced from 27 to 15.
The new Core Elective section requires a minimum of 18 credits, of which 5 are at level 3 or above. The Skilled, and Multi-Skilled, strands in [Ref: 0774] were replaced by the Culverts and Drainage Systems; Earthworks; Road Construction; and Road Maintenance strands, with most of the elective standards from previous strands moved to one or more of the new strands. Standards 1736, 1755, 1759, 1760, 1766, 1768, 12565, 15158, 16701, 16702, 16703, and 17318 have been removed from the qualification. The minimum total credit value has increased from 75-131 credits to 93-103 credits.
People currently working towards the replaced qualification may either complete the requirements for that qualification or transfer their results to this one. As barriers to completion may be present in the replaced qualification, and the new qualification has been designed to consider recent and possible future industry requirements and trends, individuals currently enrolled in the replaced qualification should check the degree to which the standards they have achieved will satisfy the requirements of the new qualification, and consider transferring to it. Aspects of the new qualification design include improved flexibility, a greater emphasis on health, safety and environment, and four new strands that allow candidates to demonstrate specialist skills. If transferring, candidates will need to gain credit for the additional standards required.
The civil infrastructure sector will continue to recognise the previously registered qualification.
Planned Review
Not applicable
Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification
The certificate will display the logos of NZQA and InfraTrain New Zealandand the accredited organisation.
This qualification is classified according to the NQF classification system and the NewZealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.
DAS Classification / NZSCEDCode / Description / Code / Description
1096 / Engineering and Technology > Civil Plant Operation and Management > Civil Plant Operation / 030999 / Engineering and Related Technologies > Civil Engineering > Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified
Quality Management Systems
Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) for each standard.
Qualification Relationship Diagram
Unit Standard Prerequisite Diagram
Infrastructure ITOSSB Code 101813
MoE Code 8136 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018