Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/2017 Student Nurse: …………….………………………………… Cohort: ……..………….....….
YEAR 3 (Mental Health)
Mentor Signature Verification Sheet
All mentors must complete this sheet to ensure a verified signature has been recorded for every assessor that contributes to this Ongoing Achievement Record. / 162
Year 3 Student Placement Profile
To be completed by the student. / 163
Readiness for Practice Assessment
To be completed by the academic tutor during a pre-practice meeting with the student. / 164
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
To be completed by the student prior to the commencement of a placement. / 165
Year 3 Placement Six Orientation Checklist
Must be completed within the first day of starting the placement. / 166
Year 3 Placement Six Preliminary Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student in the first week of placement. / 167
Year 3 Placement Six Mid-Placement Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student at the mid-point of the placement. / 169
Year 3 Placement Six Final Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student at the end of the placement. / 171
Year 3 Final Management Placement Orientation Checklist
Must be completed within the first week of starting the placement. / 172
Year 3 Final Management Placement Preliminary Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student in the first week of placement. / 173
Year 3 Final Management Placement Mid-Placement Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student at the mid-point of the placement. / 175
Year 3 Final Management Placement Final Interview Record
To be completed by a mentor during a meeting with the student at the end of the placement. / 177
Year 3 Competency Domains and assessment sheets for pre-registration Mental Health Field NursingEducation in Practice / 178
Sign Off Mentor Information for the Final Management Placement / 196
Record of Feedback Sessions for use throughout the Final Management Placement / 197
Sign Off Mentor Final assessment and Statement of Achievement / 202
Progression Point Number Three Checklist and Final Sign Off for Year 3 End of Programme
To be completed by the Academic Tutor. / 205
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Pre-Registration Nursing, School of Health and Social Care, University of Lincoln
Ongoing Achievement Record Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/17
Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/2017 Student Nurse: …………….………………………………… Cohort: ……..………….....….
All mentors must complete this sheet to ensure a verified signature has been recorded for every assessor that contributes to this OAR.
Name of Mentor (Print) / Signature / Date / Date of last Mentor Update / Designation / Placement / Workplace address ande-mail address / Contact Telephone Number
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Pre-Registration Nursing, School of Health and Social Care, University of Lincoln
Ongoing Achievement Record Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/17
Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/2017 Student Nurse: …………….………………………………… Cohort: ……..………….....….
YEAR 3 STUDENT PLACEMENT PROFILE(to be completed by the student)
Please complete the form below by detailing the specific placements that you have accessed as part of year 3 of your nurse education.
Placement Name / Speciality / Workplace Address / Name/s of Mentor / DatesBSc (Hons) Mental Health Pre-Registration Nursing, School of Health and Social Care, University of Lincoln
Ongoing Achievement Record Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/17
Year 3 (Mental Health) 0914 – 2016/2017 Student Nurse: …………….………………………………… Cohort: ……..………….....….
Student Nurse:Academic Tutor:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Questions:
Are there any changes to the student’s personal circumstances that may affect the course of the planned placement allocation? / Yes / NONotes:
Is the student aware of the University of Lincoln Wellbeing Service () and that they are encouraged to divulge their disability to their primary mentor at the commencement of each placement if they think they may need extra support from the practice learning team? / Yes / NO
Has the student signed to say they have read and agreed the University of Lincoln code of conduct form? (Now on PEMS) / Yes / NO
Does the student understand the dress code for placement and the importance of knowing how to access policies and procedures in each placement to be able to practise safely and effectively? / Yes / NO
Does the student understand the importance of time keeping and communication about absence or lateness for placement with both the placement and the University of Lincoln? / Yes / NO
Does the student know the location and contact details of their placement? / Yes / NO
Has the student made contact with their placement and is there a plan for a pre-placement visit / meeting? / Yes / NO
Has the student received/accessed a placement welcome pack? / Yes / NO
Has the student considered their learning needs for the forthcoming placement and their priority (competencies and ESC’s)? / Yes / NO
Additional Comments:
Student Signature: / Name of Academic Tutor:
Please consider your personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to your forthcoming placement. Then, try to gauge the possible opportunities and threats that may exist in your forthcoming placement.
Write a statement about how you would like to use your placement experience to improve your skills and knowledge as a student nurse.
As part of the preliminary interview with your mentor, show them your SWOT analysis to use as an object for discussion and placement planning.
My Strengths are:
My Weaknesses are:
I think the placement Opportunities will be:
I think the Threat to a successful placement will be:
My placement goals are:
(This form MUST be completed within the first week of starting the placement.)
Placement Name & Location
Dates of placement: From...... To ......
Indicate that all aspects have been discussed / demonstrated to the student during orientation
/ Yes (Initial/Date) / No- Fire regulations, emergency procedure.
- CPR: location of equipment, emergency telephone number, student’s role in CPR.
- Issues surrounding confidentiality discussed.
- Health and Safety policies.
- Informed of Mentor/Assessor’s name.
- Uniform policy discussed (where relevant).
- Details of orientation programme/portfolio.
- Placement philosophy discussed.
- Introduced to staff and environment.
- Student to inform mentor/assessor of Academic Tutor’s name and contact details.
- Informed of Clinical Liaison Tutor’s name and contact details.
- Sickness and absence procedures discussed.
- Evidence of student attending Moving and Handling training/update.
Please confirm completion using a signature / Mentor/Assessor signature:Date:
Student signature:Date:
To be completed by the end of week one
Placement set up: (Mentor & Student please initial to confirm the below has been addressed successfully – If more space is required please use an additional carbon sheet found at the back of the OAR)
- The student and mentor are familiar with the learning needs for the student in this placement using the SWOT analysis on page 163 of this OAR. This must include a discussion about the requirement for ESC assessment and exposure to the other fields of nursing (child, adult and learning disability); please refer to the handbook for practice for further details.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- Off duty has been arranged and both mentor and student know the requirement for 100% attendance at 37.5hours per week (pro rata) unless otherwise informed by letter from the University or through sickness. The mentor & student are aware of the sickness reporting system.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor and student agree each shift will be completed fully in accordance with the requirements of the NMC and this will be indicated by the completion of the student’s green attendance record
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
4.The mentor and student are aware of the action that should be taken in the event of a problem that cannot be resolved in practice. A problem resolution chart is available in the practice handbook.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
For Placement preliminary interview recording please turn over
Preliminary Interview (cont.) To be completed by the end of the introductory week
Student aims and expectations of placement: identify your learning needs for this placement, writing them in the space below. Please consult your academic tutor for assistance if required. It may be useful to use your SWOT analysis to help you with this piece of work?
Mentor's comments: discuss the needs of the student and the resources and opportunities you and your placement can offer.
Initial Plan for Learning:
Date _____ Mentor Name ______Signature ______
This is a very importantinterview as it gives the student an indication of their progress and highlights the areas in practice that they should work on to improve their performance.
Mid - Placement: (Mentor & Student please initial to confirm the below has been addressed successfully – If more space is required please use an additional carbon sheet found at the back of the OAR)
- We agree the needs of the student and an action plan has been revised to reflect those needs for the remainder of the placement.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor has provided a Bondy grade for the mid placement stage on the competency pages of this document.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor and student have discussed whether any major problems exist and have discussed whether they need to inform the University of Lincoln nursing team to help resolve the issues.
Both mentor and student are aware of the action that should be taken in the event of a problem that cannot be resolved in practice. A problem resolution chart is available in the practice handbook, and the team can be contacted on .
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
For Placement intermediate interview recording please turn over
Mid Placement (Intermediate) Interview This is the most important interview as it gives the student an indicator of their progress and areas they should work on to improve their performance
Student self-assessment of progress at mid placement: consider the learning you have enjoyed during the first half of the placement and write how you would like to develop further in the second half of the placement
Mentor's comments: discuss the progress of the student and comment upon their needs for the remainder of the placement including a revised action plan.
Revised Action Plan:
Date _____ Mentor Name ______Signature ______
To be completed at the end of the placement
Student self-assessment of learning evaluate your performance during your placement and describe in brief the learning outcomes you have achieved and the objectives you intend to set for your next placement
Mentor's comments: evaluate and assess the progress of the student during the placement and write an action plan for the student’s learning in preparation for next placement.
Placement completion: Mentor & Student please initial to confirm the below has been addressed successfully – If more space is required please use an additional carbon sheet found at the back of the OAR.
- The mentor has made an assessment of the student in this placement based upon the evidence presented by the student and a grade using the Bondy rating scale has been given for each competency and all available Essential Skills Assessments have been completed.
Date _____ Mentor Name ______Signature ______
(This form MUST be completed within the first week of starting the placement.)
Placement Name & Location
Dates of placement: From...... To ......
Indicate that all aspects have been discussed / demonstrated to the student during orientation
/ Yes (Initial/Date) / No- Fire regulations, emergency procedure.
- CPR: location of equipment, emergency telephone number, student’s role in CPR.
- Issues surrounding confidentiality discussed.
- Health and Safety policies.
- Informed of Mentor/Assessor’s name.
- Uniform policy discussed (where relevant).
- Details of orientation programme/portfolio.
- Placement philosophy discussed.
- Introduced to staff and environment.
- Student to inform mentor/assessor of Academic Tutor’s name and contact details.
- Informed of Clinical Liaison Tutor’s name and contact details.
- Sickness and absence procedures discussed.
- Evidence of student attending Moving and Handling training/update.
Please confirm completion using a signature / Mentor/Assessor signature:Date:
Student signature:Date:
To be completed by the end of week one
Placement set up: (Mentor & Student please initial to confirm the below has been addressed successfully – If more space is required please use an additional carbon sheet found at the back of the OAR)
- A registered and active Sign Off Mentor has been allocated to the student for the duration of the placement and their name and designation are:
Name of Sign – Off Mentor ______
Designation ______
If a sign off mentor has not been allocated to you or you have not met your sign off mentor by the end of week 1 you are required to immediately inform the most senior manager in your placement and the University of Lincoln Placements Administrator on 01522 886322
- The student and mentor are familiar with the learning needs for the student in this placement including action plans and mentor comments from the previous placement. This should also include discussion about ESC assessment and exposure to the other fields of nursing (child, mental health and learning disability); please refer to the handbook for practice for further details.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- Off duty has been arranged and both mentor and student know the requirement for 100% attendance at 37.5hours per week (pro rata) unless otherwise informed by letter from the University or through sickness. The mentor and student are aware of the sickness reporting system.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor and student agree each shift will be completed fully in accordance with the requirements of the NMC and this will be indicated by the completion of the student’s green attendance record.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
4.The mentor and student are aware of the action that should be taken in the event of a problem that cannot be resolved in practice. A problem resolution chart is available in the practice handbook.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
For Final Management Placement preliminary interview recording please turn over
Preliminary Interview (cont) To be completed by the end of the introductory week
Student aims and expectations of placement: identify your learning needs for this placement writing them in the space below. Please consult your academic tutor for assistance if required. It may be useful to use your SWOT analysis and the mentor comments from your previous placement to help you with this piece of work?
Mentor's comments: discuss the needs of the student and the resources and opportunities you and your placement can offer.
Initial Plan for Learning:
Date _____ Mentor Name ______Signature ______
This is a very importantinterview as it gives the student an indication of their progress and highlights the areas in practice that they should work on to improve their performance.
Mid - Placement: (Mentor & Student please initial to confirm the below has been addressed successfully – If more space is required please use an additional carbon sheet found at the back of the OAR)
- We agree the needs of the student and an action plan has been revised to reflect those needs for the remainder of the placement.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor has provided a Bondy grade for the mid placement stage on the competency pages of this document.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
- The mentor and student have discussed whether any major problems exist and have discussed whether they need to inform the University of Lincoln nursing team to help resolve the issues.
Both mentor and student are aware of the action that should be taken in the event of a problem that cannot be resolved in practice. A problem resolution chart is available in the practice handbook.
Mentor Initial ______Student Initial ______Date ______
For Final Management Placement intermediate interview recording please turn over
Mid Placement (Intermediate) Interview This is the most important interview as it gives the student an indicator of their progress and areas they should work on to improve their performance
Student self assessment of progress at mid placement: consider the learning you have enjoyed during the first half of the placement and write how you would like to develop further in the second half of the placement
Mentor's comments: discuss the progress of the student and comment upon their needs for the remainder of the placement including a revised action plan.