Theme 1 Vocabulary 4th Grade


Page 30

Rugged: having a rough, uneven surface

Page 33

Musher: the driver of a dogsled team

Page 34

Vowed: promised

Page 37

Checkpoint: a place along a route where a check or count is made

Page 39

Volunteer: someone who helps free of charge

Blizzard: a long, heavy snowstorm with strong winds

Whiteout: heavy clouds over snow, leading to completely white conditions that make it impossible to see

Refuge: a safe or covered place out of bad weather

Burrowed: dug a hole like small animal

Page 40

Experienced: having the knowledge or skill from having done a particular thing in the past

Page 44

Layover: a brief stop on a trip

Page 46

Squinted: looked with eyes partly open

Page 50

Courageous: having or showing courage, brave

Go Team GO

Page 55

Remote: distant, far from towns or cities

Pages 56-57

Momentum: the force and speed of a moving object

Purebred: animals coming from many generations of the same breed or kind

Trailhead: a place where a trail begins

Grandfather’s Journey

Pages 64-65

Reminded: made someone remember

Bewildered: greatly puzzled, confused

Marveled: filled with surprise or wonder

Longed: wished for, wanted very much

Page 68

Surrounded: put all around

Homeland: country where one was born or lived a long time

Page 71

Warblers: small gray or brown songbirds

Silvereyes: small greenish birds with a ring of white feathers around the eyes

Page 74

Still: to make quiet

Homesick: missing one’s home to the point of pain or sickness

Finding the Titanic

Pages 83 and 85

Shipwrecks: wrecked or ruined ships

Unsinkable: impossible to sink

Voyage: long journey to a distant place

Hull: the main frame or body of a ship

Bow: the front of a ship

Steward: an assistant on a ship or an airplane

Pages 86 and 87

Third-Class: having food and shelter on board of the least quality and price

Second-Class: having food and shelter on board at a quality just below the highest of first class

Iceberg: a huge floating piece of ice broken off from a glacier

Page 90

Distress: needing immediate help

Stern: the rear of a ship

Page 92-93

Survivors: people who have stayed alive

Drenched: soaked

Page 95

Wreckage: the remains of something that has been destroyed

Funnels: smokestacks

Page 96

Loomed: came out from mist or darkness

Portholes: small, round windows in a ship

Page 99

Crow’s nest: a small lookout structure at the top of a ship

Plaques: flat markers that are engraved with words in honor of an event

Page 100

Monument: a structure in memory of people who have died

Iceberg Right Ahead

Pages 104-105

Electrify: excite

Frigid: freezing cold

Patrol: a lookout or protective force

Page 106

Current: a flow of water or wind moving in a specific direction

Conveyor Belt: a mechanical, moving strip that transports items from one place to another

Buoys: floating markers

By the Shores of the Silver Lake

Pages 111 and 112

Satchels: small bags used for carrying books and other small items

Platform: a raised floor or surface

Delaine: a light fabric used for women’s dresses

Calico: a rough, brightly printed cloth

Craned: stretched the neck in order to see better

Pages 118 and 119

Jolting: moving in a jerky, bumpy way

Depot: a train or bus station

Conductor: a person in charge of a train or subway

Page 121

Stubble: the short, stiff stalks of grain or hay left on a field after harvesting

Pages 122-123

Callused: having patches of thick skin; tough

Bristly: covered with stiff hairs

Bobs: moves up and down

Page 124

Lurching: moving unsteadily from side to side

Suspected: guessed

Page 126

Shanties: shacks; poorly built houses

Finding Her Way

Pages 130-131

Texture: the feel or look of an object’s surface

Layout: an arrangement or plan

The Case of the Earthenware Pig

Pages 140-141

Chattering: talking quickly

Detectors: things that tell you when something is happening

Earthenware: pottery made out of clay that has been baked and made hard

Page 143

Slick: well-done; clever

Alibi: an account of a person’s whereabouts during a crime

The Sticks of Truth

Pages 144-145

Innkeeper: a person who runs an inn or hotel

Confessed: told the truth or admitted to a crime