Last Revised: June 20, 2017

Rachel A. Goff-Albritton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP


university address: Office of the Vice President for Research

2022 Westcott North Annex

Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL. 32306-1330

university email:

university website:

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Doctor of Philosophy, Communication Sciences and Disorders, December 2013

University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Dissertation, “Examining the Effectiveness of Intensive Language Action Therapy in Individuals with Nonfluent Aphasia”

Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences, May 2008

University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill, NC.

Master’s Thesis, “Life Interests and Values: Agreements and Disagreements between Adults with Aphasia and Family Members and Friends.”

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Disorders and Sciences, April 2006

FloridaStateUniversity, Tallahassee, Fl.

Honor’s Thesis, “The Effects of Cafeteria Noise Distraction on Semantic Generative Naming in Bilingual Spanish and English Speakers.”


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Certificate of Clinical Competence—#12118826

State of FloridaLicensed Speech-Language Pathologist—#SA 10602


Research Development & Training Specialist, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida (January 2017- present)

Founder and Director, the Aphasia Learning Group, Tallahassee, Florida (anticipated opening June 12th, 2017)

Speech-Language Pathologist, Per Diem, Capital Regional Medical Center, Hospital, Tallahassee, Florida (August 2015-present)

Speech-Language Pathologist per diem, Signature Healthcare, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Graceville, Chipley, and Marianna, Florida (February 2015-present)



Instructor or Graduate Assistant, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (2008-2012)

University Clinic Supervisor, Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (2011)


Speech-Language Pathologist part-time/per diem, Genesis Rehabilitation Services, Assisted Living Facilities and Skilled Nursing Facilities,Tampa, Florida; Wilmington, North Carolina (2011-2014)

Speech-Language Pathologist per diem, Saber Healthcare and Autumn Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Wilmington, North Carolina (2012-2014)

Speech-Language Pathologist per diem, Functional Pathways, Skilled Nursing Facility, Dunedin, Florida (2011-2012)

Speech-Language Pathologist part-time/per diem, Select Rehabilitation, Skilled Nursing Facility,

Clearwater, Florida, Mentor: Pete Johnson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (2009-2012)

Speech-Language Pathologist part-time/per diem, The Aphasia Center, Private Practice, St. Petersburg, Florida, Mentor: Bartels-Tobin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP(2008-2012)



Spring 2011SPA6505: Practicum: Clinic II SLP, Clinical DX (3 Masters-level students)

Spring 2010SPA4970: Honors Thesis Seminar(2 students)

Summer 2010SPA4930: Neuroanatomy for Speech, Language, & Hearing (~30 students)

Fall 2009SPA4930: Neuroanatomy for Speech, Language, & Hearing (~90 students)

New Course Development, Instructor

Spring 2012SPA4257: Intro Adult Communication Disorders (118 undergraduate students)

Spring 2011SPA4930: Intro to Adult Communication Disorders (91 undergraduate students)

Graduate Assistant

Fall 2011SPA6505: Practicum: Clinic 1 SLP, Cog-Comm. Group Tx (6 students)

Fall 2011SPA 4104: Neuroanatomy for Speech, Language, & Hearing (~90 students)

Spring 2010SPA4930: Clinical Methods (~90 students)

Spring 2009SPA6410: Aphasia and Related Disorders (~30 students)

Fall 2008SPA4930: Neuroanatomy for Speech, Language, & Hearing (~90 students)

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Chair

Spring 2010Brittany Wingo. Undergraduate Honors thesis. Examining the Components of

Group Aphasia Therapy.

Spring 2010Christina Consolo. Undergraduate Honors thesis. Examining the Components of

Group Aphasia Therapy.


2016-presentCapital Regional Medical Center, Hospital Institutional Review Board

2013-2014Journal of Effective Teaching, University of North Carolina Wilmington


Goff, Rachel A., "Examining the Effectiveness of Intensive Language Action Therapy in Individuals with Nonfluent Aphasia" (2013).Graduate Theses and Dissertations.

Haley, K., Womack, J., Helms-Estabrooks, N., Lovette, B., & Goff, R. (2013). Supporting

Autonomy for People with Aphasia: Use of the Life Interests and Values (LIV) Cards. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation.

Hinckley, J., Douglas, N., Goff, R., & Nakano, E. (2013). Communication Partner/Facilitator Training. In Simmons-Mackie, N., King, J., & Beukelman, D. (Eds.) Supporting Communication for Adults with Acute and Chronic Aphasia. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, Co.

Goff, Rachel A., “Life interests and values: agreements and disagreements between adults with aphasia and family members and friends” (2008). Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection.

Koen, B., Bakan, M., Kobylarz, F., Morgan, L., Goff, R., Kahn, S., & Bakan, M. (2008). Personhood Consciousness: A Child-Ability-Centered Approach to Sociomusical Healing and Autism Spectrum “Disorder.” In B.D. Koen (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Medical Ethnomusicology. (pp. 461-481). New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Koen, B., Bakan, M., Kobylarz, F., Morgan, L., Goff, R., Kahn, S., & Bakan, M. (2008). Following Frank: Response-Ability and the Co-Creation of Culture in a MedicalEthnomusicology Program for Children on the Autism Spectrum. Ethnomusicology, 52, 2,163-202.

LaPointe, L.L., Stierwalt, A.G., Hancock, A.B., Heald, G.R., & Goff, R.A. (2006) Semantic distraction

effects on picture identification in aphasia. Abstracts/Brain and Language, 99, 122-123.


Invited Presentations

Goff, R.A., Hinckley, J.J., & Douglas, N. (2012, May). Systematic Evaluation of the Evidence
on Aphasia Group Treatments.Poster presentation presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference,Tahoe, CA.

Goff, R.A., Hinckley, J.J., & Wingo, B.E. (2011, May). Examining Treatment Components: Interviews about Group Aphasia Therapy. Poster presentation presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Conference Presentations

  1. Karidas, S., Goff, R., Hinckley, J. & Wiggins, K. (2012, November). Systematic Review of the Complexity Effect in Semantic Category Training.Poster session at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
  2. Hinckley, J., Douglas, N., Goff, R., & Nakano, E. (2012, November). Tools and Techniques for Partner Training in Aphasia. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
  3. Goff, R., Douglas, N., & Hinckley, J. (2011, November). A Systematic Review of Group Aphasia Treatments. Poster presentation presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  4. Wingo, B.E., Consolo, C.J., Goff, R.A., Hinckley, J.J. (2010, November).Examining the Components of Group Aphasia Therapy. Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  5. Hinckley, J.J., Douglas, N., Nakano, E.V., Goff, R. (2010, November). Evidence, expertise and client values intertwined: Aphasia Examples. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.
  6. Goff, R., Douglas, N. & Hinckley, J. (2009, November). A meta-analysis of aphasia group therapy. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. New Orleans, LA.
  7. Douglas, N., Goff, R., & Hinckley, J. (2009, November). A meta-analysis of partner communication training in aphasia. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. New Orleans, LA.
  8. Goff, R.A., LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J., & Heald G. (2007) The effects of cafeteria noise distraction on semantic generative naming in bilingual speakers.Poster session presented at the annual conference of the North Carolina Speech, Hearing, and Language Associaiton, Raleigh, NC.
  9. LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J., Hancock, A., Heald, G., Goff, R., & Maitland, C. (2006, November). Semantic distraction effects on picture identification in aphasia.Poster session presented at theAmerican Speech-Language Hearing Convention, Miami, FL.
  10. Goff, R.A., Kahn, S., Morgan, L., Bakan, M., Koen, B., Koyblarz, F., & Bakan, M. (2006, November). A hands-on world music applied research program for children with ASD and their families. Poster session presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, Miami, FL.
  11. Goff, R.A., Hancock, A.B., LaPointe, L.L., Stierwalt, J.A., Heald, G.R., & Snowden, S.B. (2006, November). Quality and intensity of cognitive distraction: Cafeteria & babble in younger vs. older adults. Poster presentation at American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, Miami, FL.
  12. Goff, R.A., LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J., & Heald G. The effects of cafeteria noise distraction on semantic generative naming in bilingual speakers.(2006, November). Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, Miami, FL.
  13. LaPointe, L. L., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Hancock, A.B., Goff, R. & Heald, G.R. (2006, October). Reaction time effects of related and unrelated visual and auditory ambient semantic distraction on picture identification in younger and older adults. Presented at the Academy of Aphasia, Victoria, British Columbia Canada.
  14. LaPointe, L. L., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Hancock, A.B., Goff, R. & Heald, G.R. (2006, June). Reaction time effects of related and unrelated visual and auditory ambient semantic distraction on picture identification in younger and older adults. Presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
  15. Bakan, M., Koen, B., Kobylarz, F., Morgan, L. Kahn, S., Goff, R., & Bakan, M. (2006, February)."Together!": World music play, response-ability, and the co-creation of culture in a medical ethnomusicology program for children with autism spectrum disorders.Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology Southeast/Caribbean Chapter, Boone, NC.
  16. Goff, R.A., LaPointe, L., Stierwalt, J, & Heald, G. (2006, April). The effects of cafeteria noise distraction on semantic generative naming in bilingual speakers. Poster session presented at the Honors in the Major Symposium at Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL.
  17. Scott, L.A., Brimo, D., Fountain, S., Gibbons, M., Goff, R.A., Herring, K., Riley, L., Wiggins, K. (2005, November). The senior’s honor’s thesis: A model for undergraduate research experiences. Oral presentation at the annual convention of theAmerican Speech-Language Hearing Convention, San Diego, CA.
  18. LaPointe, L.L., Hancock, A.B., Stierwalt, Goff, R.A., J.A., Heald, G.R. (2005, November). Effects of ambient semantic distraction on picture identification. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, San Diego, CA.
  19. Goff, R.A., Hancock, A.B., LaPointe, L.L., Stierwalt, J.A., Heald, G.R., & Snowden, S.B. (2005, November). Quality and intensity of cognitive distraction: Cafeteria & babble. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language Hearing Convention, San Diego, CA.
  20. LaPointe, L.L., Hancock, A.B., Stierwalt, Goff, R.A., J.A., Heald, G.R. (2005, May). Effects of ambient semantic distraction on picture identification.Presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Santa Belle, FL.


Member of Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences

Member of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Member of ASHA Special Interest Groups for Geriatrics and Neurological Comm. Dis.

Member of Florida Aphasia Network

Member of National Organization for Research Development Professionals

Affiliate of FSU Institute for Successful Longevity


2008-2012Tuition and stipend: University of South Florida

2010Invited into Pi Gamma Mu National Honors Society

2008One of two students (out of 30) to complete Master’s Thesis

2008Research assistantship at UNC (approx. three students chosen per semester)

2007Traineeship at the Durham Veteran Affairs Medical Center

2006Visiting student, Motor Speech ResearchUnit, Univ. of Queensland, Australia

2006Honors in the Major at Florida State University (GPA > 3.5, defended thesis)

2005Certificate in Developmental Disabilities through FSU

2003Study Abroad program, FSU in Valencia, Spain

2001-2006Florida Bright Futures Scholarship


USF Student Travel Grants, covering total cost for annual ASHA conferences (2008-2010). ($)

Funding from FSU to assist visit to the University of Queensland in Brisbane Australia, Centre for

Neurogenic Communication Disorders Research (2008). ($)

National Bess Ward Fellowship Research Grant- “The Effects of Cafeteria Noise Distraction on

Semantic Generative Naming in Bilingual Spanish and English Speakers,” Florida State University.

(2005-2006). ($)



CEU: McNeil Dysphagia Treatment Program Course, Understanding the Gut Brain Course/Lecture, Voices of Hope Annual Workshop, Aphasia Stress & Depression at Valdosta State University


MOOC extracurricular learning through; courses: University of California San Diego

Learning How to Learn;Stanford University Child Nutrition and Cooking

CEU: Ethics and Boundaries in Healthcare, Creating and Maintaining a Nurturing Workplace, Affirmative Action, Dysphagia Management in Home Healthcare, Brain Injury Treatment: A Neuropsychological Approach, What Makes for an Appropriate Vestibular Referral?, The HIPPA Privacy Rule: Patient Services and Marketing, Medical Errors Prevention for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists


CEU: Brain Injury: Practice Guidelines, Dysphagia Beyond the Basics, Functional Therapy for

Geriatric Care for SLP


Attended seminar, Delivering Powerful Lectures, Center of Teaching Excellence

Training on the Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool

Attended the First Annual USF Comm. Sci. & Dis. Research Symposium

CEU: ASHA NOMS training and certification, Dysphagia Management in Adults,

ASHA training for Cog-Comm. Disorders and Management in Dementia


Informal meetings: Bi-weekly to monthly lab meetings for the USF Aphasia Research Community

Implementation Science Meetings

Observer/Trained inTampa at James Haley VA in aphasia clinic

Library resources informative meetings for the Library Advisory Committee

Conference: Clinical Aphasiology Conference, CAC Mentoring Luncheon, in Lake Tahoe, California

Reel to Real: Science, culture, and arts, panel presentation on brain injury, Diving Bell and Butterfly

CEU: Application of Passy Muir Swallowing and Speaking Valves, Swallowing Management of Adult Tracheotomy Adult Case-Presentation, The Passy Muir FAQ Challenge


Informal meetings: Bi-weekly to monthly lab meetings for the USF Aphasia Research Community;

Implementation Science Meetings

Library resources informative meetings for the Library Advisory Committee

Conference: Clinical Aphasiology Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Reel to Real: Science, culture, and arts, panel presentation on brain injury, Regarding Henry

Attended weekly doctoral research seminars at USF


Informal meetings: Bi-weekly to monthly lab meetings for the USF Aphasia Research Community;

webinar on group aphasia treatment

Implementation Science Meetings

Library resources informative meetings for the Library Advisory Committee

University colloqui: 21st century teaching seminars at USF on searching databases, dissertations

Institutional review board policies and ethics online course

Conferences: ASHA and ANCDS

Attended weekly doctoral research seminars at USF


University colloquia: 21st century teaching seminars at USF on Elluminate, Blackboard, Endnote,

searching databases; new teacher orientation at USF; Seminar by creator of an aphasia research online

database: AphasiaBank; Seminars in Philosophy (Extended Mind) and Communications (Oral History)

Institutional review board policies and ethics online course

Conferences: ASHA and ANCDS, USF Research Symposium

Informal meetings: Bi-weekly to monthly lab meetings for the USF Aphasia Research Community;

webinar on group aphasia treatment; Doctoral student research/collaborative meetings

Attended Dissertation defense of Dr. Maria-Brea Spahn

Attended weekly doctoral research seminars at USF



Guest lecturer, What is Aphasia, the Senior Center Lunch & Learn, June 7

Guest lecturer, What is Aphasia, the TMH Stroke Support Group, June 20

Reviewer for hospital, Capital Regional Medical Center, Institutional Review Board


Reviewer for hospital, Capital Regional Medical Center, Institutional Review Board


Volunteer leader for journal club on acute care literature, Capital Regional Medical Center SLPs


Reviewer for the Journal of Effective Teaching at UNCW

Volunteer Mentor in an ALF for an UNCW psychology undergraduate


Assisting UNCW professors find grant opportunities in the UNCW Office of Research

Volunteering/Gardening at the Ability Garden, a community garden for people with disabilities

Guest Lecturer for Honors Thesis Preparation Course at USF


Member of the University Library Advisory Committee


Member of the University Library Advisory Committee,

Guest lecturer for Aphasia and Related Disorders at USF

Attended luncheons for visiting faculty and potential doctoral student


Member of the University Library Advisory Committee, critiquing programs

Organizing USF Aphasia Research Community Lab meetings

Taught about ATLAS.ti software program at lab meeting

Member of the Implementation Science Committee, created survey for group

Member of search committee for new faculty

Presentation to undergraduate research students about starting a research career

Volunteered to host the USF CSD program table at the ASHA convention


Doctoral Student Social Chair

Volunteered to participate in doctoral student research project


August 2008- July 2010

Steps Forward, Inc.(Private Practice/Intensive Aphasia Program) Clinical Fellow Tampa, Fl.

  • Conducted assessment batteries for adults with aphasia
  • Developed client-centered treatment goals
  • Implemented evidence based practice during an intensive aphasia program
  • Lead individual, group, and computer sessions
  • Developed home programs
  • Provided communication partners with education and training
  • Under the direction of Dr. Bartels-Tobin, PhD., CCC-SLP

February 2009-May 2010

Glen Oaks Healthcare (SNF) Clinical Fellow Clearwater, Fl.

  • Provided speech, language, cognitive-communication, and dysphagia rehabilitation to individuals with low to middle socioeconomic status
  • Developed compensatory strategies for individuals living in a memory care unit
  • Provided short-term and long-term care
  • Under the direction of Dr. Pete Johnson, PhD., CCC-SLP

August 2007-July 2008

Aphasia Project (TAP) (Private Practice) SLP InternRaleigh, NC

  • Provided group treatment through innovative life participation approaches that maximize communicative potential and reduce barriers to social reengagement
  • Facilitated an “Aphasia Day” with up to 16 individuals with aphasia, including small breakout sessions, community service projects, and the formulation of an aphasia advocacy group
  • Lead a Primary Progressive Aphasia Group and another smaller aphasia treatment group
  • Provided resources and support to not only the individual with aphasia but also to those surrounding them in their environment, including the caregivers, family members, or friends
  • Under the supervision of Maura Silverman, M.S., CCC-SLP, the founder of TAP

January 2008-May 2008

WakeMed Outpatient Rehabilitation HospitalSLP InternRaleigh, NC

  • Provided speech/language and cognitive treatment and evaluations to a diverse caseload of adults with aphasia, cognitive-communication deficits, and children with speech and language impairments
  • Worked as part of an interdisciplinary team, including PT, OT, and physicians, attending and contributing at team meetings
  • Under the supervision of Vanessa Rakaczky, M.S., CCC-SLP

May 2007-July 2007

Durham Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center Trainee Durham, NC.

  • Administered speech/language and cognitive evaluations
  • Lead and collected data on aphasia group sessions
  • Performed clinical bedside swallow evaluations
  • Performed dysphagia treatment, reviewed patient charts, followed-up on patients daily via computer or in-person
  • Wrote notes and/or reports and made/checked-out appointments for each patient
  • Performed Passy-Muir speaking valve follow-up
  • Received a total of 350 work hours
  • Under the supervision of Lisa Markley, M.S., CCC-SLP