What’s due by that day
MON/TUE- INTRO SIM Pay close attention!
If you have question please see me during tutorial!
SIMULATION ROLES AND COSTS LINKS PAGE- The place with all of the info!
Mon. 1st day of campaigning CR – download your info from the Simulation Links page
Research on the 3 highlighted topics on your CR sheet (Stem Cell
research, Civil Rights (gay marriages, affirmative action) and War in Iraq.
Candidate’s stance on issues (should be written down. Check these sites site 1 site 2 site
3 site 4)
Downlaod info sheet from Sim. Links Page
prep speeches (you’ll be making to the states) also
Candidate Strategist- Download info from Sim. Links Page. Work on
agenda, help candidate with stances
Comm. Dir.- Download info sheet from Sim. Links page.examine types of
ads for candidate- you’ll talk to group on Wed.
Spin *- help w/candidate with the issues paper (see above for links).
Download your info sheet from Sim. Links Page
Fin. Mng- Downlaod info sheet from Sim. Links pagelook at budget
sheets; due at the end of the day: daily financial
FEC journal/report- read over sheet
Media- work on intro report on candidates. Download info sheet from
Simulation Links page
527- read over sheet that you downloaded from Sim. Links page
Tues(after break).- CR- journals (includes: polls and at least ½ page of reason why polls
2nd day of campaigning changed(for this one you can just put “initial polls”). Get to know your state’s hot topics go here and hit the link under your state description. Have a State Placard ready – your state’s name, and flag or symbol or state outline) Don’t forget to email me your Journal. Remember, the Journal should include: The date the journal reflects, the name of your state, the modified poll % (probably none for today) , the reasons for the change (1/2 page except for today’s since there was little or no campaigning), the PAC you have and the amount of $ it has (list if there has been a change) , and a list of polls you gave out to the candidates.
Candidates/VP- (stances if not turned in already ), speeches (that you
are planning on making to the states) , dress appropriately!
Candidate Strat.- agenda, minutes
Com. Dir.- ad
Spin *- spin-offs
Fin. mgr. – daily budget; keep your ongoing budget sheet going
FEC – journal/report
Media- (intro report)
527- ad (video or radio) record how much you spent and how much you
received (from PACs)
FRI. – Campaign Day
CR- journals (includes: polls and at least ½ page of reasons why polls
changed (at least 3 reasons why), PAC info, polling info- **note**-
when candidates come and “pay” for a poll do not add that money to
your PAC sum. Just record it in your journal.) please email me your
each night ()
Candidates- speeches, notecards ready for debate*, dress
Candidate Strat.- agenda, minutes (for yesterday’s agenda)
Com. Dir.- ad
Spin *- spin-offs (also you will be interviewed at the end of the debate)
Fin. mgr. – daily budget (and continue to maintain ongoing budget)
FEC – journal/report
Media (daily report- if debate day then media is charge of moderating)
527- ad (video or radio) record how much you spent
and how much you received (from PACs)
MON- Presidential Debate
CR- journals please email me your
each night (); have debate questions
prepared (written down) for debate
Candidates- speeches, dress, speech notecards*
Candidate Strat.- agenda, minutes help with notecards*
Spin *- spin-offs (write-up analysis from debate); You will be interviewed
by the mass media after the debate- provide your analysis of who
won the debate
Fin. mgr. – daily budget
FEC – journal/report
Media (report)- moderate debate (have questions and format prepared;
setup room,
527- ad (video or radio) record how much you spent
and how much you received (from PACs)
TUE- Last Campaign Day CR- journals (includes: polls and at least ½ page of reasons why polls
changed (at least 3 reasons why), PAC info, polling info- **note**-
when candidates come and “pay” for a poll do not add that money to
your PAC sum. Just record it in your journal.) please email me your
each night ()
Candidates- speeches, dress
Candidate Strat.- agenda, minutes (for yesterday’s agenda)
Com. Dir.- ad
Spin *- spin-offs (write-up analysis from debate);
Fin. mgr. – daily budget (and continue to maintain ongoing budget)
FEC – journal/report
Media- daily update (should include coverage of yesterday’s debate)
527- ad (video or radio) record how much you spent and how much you
received (from PACs)
WED.- Election Day! CR JOURNAL
FM- budget
FEC Report
Media/Candidates (candidates may also be asked to do a speech in class
We will have a reflection paper due in class.