Advanced Drawing and Painting Mrs. Killmore
Design and Personalize a Pair of Jeans
This project entails;
· Learning various fabric techniques and applying them.
· Utilize design principles to create a theme and cohesiveness in the transformation from a pair of jeans to a work of art.
· Create a pair of jeans that reflect your personality using found and scrap materials
1. Find a pair of jeans that you would be willing to alter. Bring them in, you will not be allowed to start project till those jeans are here at school.
2. Experiment with techniques listed under altered book and collage techniques. Spend at least two weeks trying and playing with at least 8 techniques that will possibly be used on your jeans. Remember techniques will need to be adapted for wearable art. All samples must be kept and handed in when you are finished.
Some Ideas;
· Cutting / · Sewing· Ripping / · Beading
· Pulled threads / · Mono printing
· Sanding / · Appliqué
· Image transfer / · Trapunto
· Painting and texture with paint / · Quilting
· Bleaching / · Macramé
You may need to research some of these techniques on the web or use my art library behind my desk.
3. Once you have experimented start some sketches for how you envision your techniques will be applied to your jeans. Remember to apply elements and principles of design in your work. How will you use line, shape, space, texture, value, color, direction in your work?
4. Students who are inventive will be given higher points than students who just settle on their first design. Work should have a theme and cohesiveness.
5. When you are sure proceed and have fun. If you make a mistake how can you incorporate and make it work with your vision.
Due date: most of you will need 4 weeks. I reserve the right to change the date based on your work habits. IE. you work hard I will extend the date if necessary, you slack off I may shorten the due time It’s up to you!
How to Do Something New With Your Jeans
How to Rip Your Own Jeans
1. Buy a pair of comfortable loose pants, or use a pair that you already have.
2. Prepare to cut them either while wearing them or with them off. It's easier if they are on you, but be extra careful to avoid cutting yourself.
3. Find the way the lines are going and rub the blade of the knife against the lines. For example, if the lines are horizontal, do it vertically (and vice versa).
4. When you have created a slit, take the pointy end of the knife and rub it against the edges until you see the white strings going in the opposite direction. Keep doing this until you have the desired hole size. Repeat this until you have a good number of holes in the pants.
5. To cut a knee hole, cut the knee in the desired location as far as you want the hole to extend, then rub the edges with the knife so that they get fuzzy and messy.
6. When the jeans are finished, throw them in the water with a little bit of bleach to age them a bit. Then dry them. The washing will also fray the cuts and make them look better.
7. Voila! You have just created your own unique ripped jeans - take that, name brands!
· Most jean companies seem to place the rips in spots on the jeans where they normally wouldn't get ripped by day to day activities.
· Newly created holes should be reinforced with fabric and iron on adhesive. Turn the jeans inside out and cut the fabric to the appropriate shape and line it with adhesive. Press straight down on the fabric with the iron for several seconds before moving the iron around to let the adhesives set.
· Try not to make too many holes. That just looks tacky. Around 3-7 is a good number (depending on the size).
· Use pumice stone, too. It's mainly used to get dead skin off ur feet, but you can use it on your jeans, too! Also, bleach pens create the bleach spots on the new jeans this season.
· If you are wearing the jeans, try not to cut yourself.
· Designer jeans are made to stay the way they look forever. Your own rips will likely continue to grown and fray and eventually the jeans will become too destroyed to wear.
Things You'll Need
· A sharp knife with a pointy tip
· A pair of jeans
How to Bleach Jeans
1. Take a plastic bucket, large enough to hold your jeans folded up.
2. Fill it about 3/4 of the way with water.
3. Add the bleach according to how much you want. (warning: no more than maybe a 1/4 cup (Edit - 1/4 of a cup is only enough to clean the jeans, to get rid of some of the dye, use between 1 and 2 cups) of bleach, we aren't trying to make the ozone hole bigger)
4. Put on some rubber gloves and get going. Bleach a little at a time, and don't let it just sit, or you'll get some seriously white jeans.
5. After you're finished, take the jeans out and mashine wash them, alone. Ta-Da bleached jeans.
· If you just want some bleached parts, or splatters, cover a table with plastic, and use a paint brush; again don't forget those rubber gloves.
· You can also twist each leg of the jeans (maybe get someone to help) and then tie them together in a knot and then place in the bucket of bleach and water but keep a close eye on it. This will give you a lovely effect.
· You can also hang your jeans from a clothes line and use an old paintbrush to spatter the jeans in spots with the bleach solution, but make sure the dog and cat are out of the way first!
· Bleach burns and whitens everything, so be very careful.
· Those gloves are really important so don't forget.