Saviour Pirotta and Nilesh Mistry
Book Description
- A young boy learns the value of helping and caring about something.
Academic Objective
- ELA2R4:The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level texts:
- reads a variety of texts for information and pleasure.
- generates questions before, during, and after reading.
- recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts.
- makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences
l.recognizes plot, setting, and character within text
Brilliant Star Objectives
- Perceiving: Students will be aware of their surrounding and the effects they can have on a person’s feeling and reactions.
- Perceiving:Students will be able to discuss and accept differences in others’ thinking and opinions.
- Moral Character:Given a story or situation in which a choice must be made between acceptable or appropriate behavior and unacceptable or inappropriate behavior, the students will be able to discern the moral dilemma, make a choice, and provide a rational for that choice.
- Physical:Students will be able to identify animal adaptations in regard to nature during seasons of the year.
Readability Level: 3.6
Vocabulary:turtle, secrets, eggs, flippers, patient, eager, sea
Introduction:Ask the following questions for background knowledge purposes:
- Have you ever been to the sea or ocean?
- Where have you seen turtles?
During Reading:
During reading the teacher allow the students to make connections to the book.The teacher and students will discuss the questions that were asked during the introduction.The teacher may want to list the questions on a piece of chart paper. The vocabulary words will be discussed before reading and during reading. The teacher will use the words in context as they appear in the text and then review the definitions that were given for each word before the book was read. After reading the book or even a page, have the students help to answer the questions.This will help build a knowledge base for the students as they learn this concept.
Follow-Up Activities:
- Teacher and students will complete a story map of the book with character, setting, and plot.Use web online source: for story mapping online forms.
- Teacher and students will write an informational piece (whole group) about sea turtles.
- In-class library filled with books about turtles, sea turtles, the ocean/sea, and other materials can be made available to the students for further reading interest.
- Connect to a science lesson.
Additional Teacher Resources:
- Sea Turtles:The Kids’ Times
- Tracking Sea Turtles:
- Sea Turtles:Survival Challenge:
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