BOP Opotiki rodeo assn inc.

KOTAHITANGAopotiki rodeo2017

Stall registration agreement

Contact Person:
Business Name:
Postal Address:
Phone & Fax Number:
Email Address:
Number of people expected to man stall(s):
Product(s) to be sold or
service to be provided:
Stall Site Category:
(please circle preference) / Prime $100 Standard $50
Any other relevant information:

On Site Stalls

The club offers organisations, clubs and individuals the opportunity to operate on-site stalls for the purposes of entertainment, sales of goods, provision of food etc. Please contact the Site Manager (JANE KEEF Ph 021 151 7553) before filling in the form and sending payment as we do try to ensure a wide mix of stalls.

Stall sites will be positioned by the Rodeo committee to reflect the best interest of the Rodeo and the stallholders. There is a set price for sites which fall into two categories: Prime (forward, nearest the arena) & Standard. Exceptions to these site categories are those requiring a large area (e.g. activities, side shows), where the price will be negotiated with the Site Manager. The club will endeavour to minimize similar stall holders being at the event but does not guarantee anyone to have exclusive rights (unless a premium rate is negotiated in writing by the 30th October with the committee).

A written application must be submitted along with payment of the application fee in full by 2 December 2017, before a site will be confirmed as secured. Payments will NOT be taken on the day. In the interest of fairness, registrations will not be guaranteed over the telephonebut will be confirmed once payment received either directly into the Opotiki Rodeo Bank Account (Opotiki Rodeo Association 01 0387 0044744 00), or by cheque made out to BOP Opotiki Rodeo Association Inc, PO Box 329, Opotiki. (Please include your name/company name as reference).

All stallholders will be sent passes and a club representative will be on hand to show you your site on the morning of the event unless otherwise arranged. Anyone turning up on the day without passes or full registration for their stall will be turned away, or charged entry without exception. Please ensure your site is set-up before gates open at 9.30am.

We look forward to working with you towards another greatly successful day for all. To ensure everything runs smoothly, please read the attached terms and conditions. See you on the 28th of December!

NO written application NO payment NO site

Terms and Conditions

  1. All registrations to be paid for at time of registering.
  2. The BOP Opotiki Rodeo Assn reserves the right to accept or decline any application.
  3. Cancellation Policy: Before 2 December 2017: Full Refund

After 2 December 2017:No Refunds

  1. If any equipment with potential risk is being demonstrated, stallholders must ensure that there is a barrier and sufficient space between that equipment and the public.
  2. Stallholders must provide their own safety equipment (eg fire extinguishers) if and as required.
  3. Any insurance cover for loss or damage to Stallholders goods and property on site is the full responsibility of the stallholder.
  4. The Stallholder will be liable to replace, repair, or otherwise assume all expense for any defacement or injury of the premises caused by their stall or exhibit, or caused by representatives thereof.
  5. Stallholders may only sell goods and display promotional material on their own allocated sites.
  6. All FOOD sites must hold a current Food Safety Certificate, a copy of which must accompany initial registration.
  7. Pedestrian areas must be kept free and clear for pedestrian use only.
  8. Stallholders must be considerate of each other. Any stallholder that is deemed by the BOP Opotiki Rodeo Assn Committee to be objectionable or unruly will be escorted off the grounds.
  9. Please observe and respect any barriers and/or signs erected by the committee.
  10. Please observe and obey all instructions of the club’s Site Manager or her representative.
  11. All stallholders/exhibitors are required to comply with the requirements of the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 and its amendments, and with the terms and conditions of the Bay of Plenty Opotiki Rodeo Association Inc.
  12. All stallholders/exhibitors are responsible for their own health and safety including any visitors to their site.
  13. The committee reserves the right to remove any objectionable or unsafe material, equipment or service including personnel, that it deems in its sole discretion to be inappropriate to the rodeo or its committee or the New Zealand Rodeo Cowboys Association.


I hereby acknowledge that I have read and accept the above Terms and Conditions for theKotahitangaOpotiki Rodeo 2017


Name (please Print): ______

Date: ______/______/2017