April 2016
Action Cancer-Healthy Heroes Workshops
In order to build the children’s awareness of their health and wellbeing and to support Action Cancer, we will be hosting two Action Cancer-Healthy Hero workshops on 4 & 12 April 2016. There is a £1 charge per child for this programme, which will be donated directly to Action Cancer. Please send your child(ren)’s £1 into the school office with the reply slip over leaf.
School Sports
Our pupils will participate in a netball blitz at Dungannon Leisure Centre on 20 April 2016, a netball and football tournament in Fivemiletown College on 21 April and a mini soccer fun day in Cookstown on 28 April 2016. Please return reply slips.
PTA-Your School Needs You!
There will be a meeting of the PTA on Wednesday 13 April at 7:30pm. The central aim of this meeting is to consider the organisation of a ‘Family Fun Night’ towards the end of June. If you feel that this is something that you would be interested in supporting, please come along. We really do appreciate any level of support that can be given.
Fitness for Fun Week
In order to fully involve our pupils in our build up to the Belfast Marathon, we are going to be hosting a ‘Fitness for Fun’ week at Carntall from 25-28 April. This will involve the children and staff, starting each day off with a fun session of fitness/sporting activities. Whilst the day to day activities will vary, the week of fun will peak with a whole school trip to Knockmany Forest Park on Wednesday 27 April 2016.
Children will need to be dropped off at the forest park in the morning between 8:30 and 8:50am as opposed to coming to school. Those taking breakfast club will be taken to the forest park by staff. Children will return to school by bus, in time for their lunch. Please complete the consent form for this forest park trip.
Belfast Marathon
Thank-you to all of those who have volunteered to participate in the Belfast Marathon on behalf of our school and Action Cancer NI (our chosen charity). Half of all monies raised will be given to Cancer Research UK. All donations and sponsorship will be gratefully received by the school office up until Friday 13 May 2016. Each family will receive a sponsorship form this week.
P5/6 Tesco Enniskillen
A trip has been organised for P5/6 to visit Tesco, Enniskillen on Wednesday 13 April 2016 (9.30 am-12 noon). The topic will be Fair Trade and costs £3.50 per pupil. Children will return to school in time for dinner. Please return consent slip.
P6/7 Swimming
We have been able to avail of swimming lessons/sports coaching for 8 weeks commencing on Monday 25 April 2016 for P6/7. This will take place at Fivemiletown Youth Annexe and costs £3 per session (total £24). Please return the consent form to the school office.
P6/7 Residential
Just a reminder, that the final instalment of £80 is due for the P6/7 residential trip. Please send your money in an envelope along with the reply slip below (before the end of April 2016).
Cycling Proficiency
The school’s cycling proficiency programme will commence on Tuesday 5 April from 2:40-3:45pm for P7 children. If you wish for your child to participate in this training, please return the reply slip overleaf.
Term 3 Extra-Curricular Activities
1.30 pm – 2.40 pm / 2.45 pm – 3.45 pmP1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P5/P6 / P7
TUES / Sports Club / Healthy Hearts Club / P6-Literacy/Numeracy Challenge Club
P7-Cycling Proficiency
THURS / Activity Club / ICT Coding Club / Sports Club
5 & 12 April: Action Cancer Healthy Heroes Workshops
6 April: Tots’ Time (10:00-11:30am)
13 April: P5/6 Tesco Enniskillen (9.30 – 12 noon back for school meal)
13 April: PTA Meeting (7:30pm in school)
20 April: Netball Blitz-Dungannon Leisure Centre (9:30-2:00pm-packed lunch required)
21 April: Football/Netball Tournament-Fivemiletown College (10:00-12:15pm back for school meal)
25 April: P6/7 Swimming / Coaching Fivemiletown Youth Annexe
27 April: Whole School – Knockmany Forest 8.50am
28 April: Mini Soccer Fun Day-Mid Ulster Arena-Cookstown (10:00-2:00pm-packed lunch required)
28 April: PTA’s ‘Coffee Stop’ (9:30-11:00 am)
29 April: Staff Development Day – No Pupils
2 May: Bank Holiday
Reply Slips – April 2016
P6/7 Residential Trip- Final Instalment
I enclose the final instalment of £80 for my child’s participation in the P6/7 residential trip.
Child/Children’s name(s)
Cycling Proficiency
I consent to my child (print name) participating in the school’s cycling proficiency programme on Tuesday afternoons from 2:40-3:45pm.
Due to the rural location of our school, it is important to choose one of the following options;
I will deliver and collect my child’s bicycle to and from the school each Tuesday
I wish for my child to cycle to and from school each Tuesday
Child/Children’s name(s)
Action Cancer-Healthy Heroes
I enclose £1 for (print name(s) participation in the Action Cancer-Healthy Heroes Workshops.
Netball Blitz Dungannon Leisure Centre – Wednesday 20 April 2016
I consent to my child (name) ______participating in the netball blitz.
Signed (parent) ______
Football / Netball Tournament – Thursday 21 April 2016
I consent to my child (name) ______participating in the football / netball tournament.
Signed (parent) ______
Fitness for Fun Forest Park Trip – Wednesday 27 April 2016
I consent to my child(ren) attending the trip to Knockmany Forest Park on Wednesday 27 April 2016 and will drop them off (if applicable) between 8:30 & 8:50am.
Child(ren)’s Name(s______
Signed: ______
Mini Soccer Fun Day – Thursday 28 April 2016
I consent to my child (name) ______participating in the football / netball tournament.
Signed (parent) ______
Swimming P6/7 commences Monday 25 April
I consent to my child (name) ______participating in swimming/coaching (8 weeks).
Signed (parent) ______