We bring attention to our parishioners that it is most inappropriate to enter the Sanctuary during:
· Reading of the Lections until the Creed is recited
· During Confession and Communion
· During the Sermon
Please, wait in the vestibule until such time when it is proper to enter the Sanctuary.
Welcome to Parishioners and Friends
As we gather to continue celebrating our Lord’s resurrection, we rejoice in the presence of all who have come to worship the Lord. In a spirit of love and friendship, we welcome you and hope you will be with us each and every Sunday. .
Krisdos Haryav ee Merrelotz! Orhyal eh Harootiunn Krisdosee!
Christ is Risen from the dead! Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ!
If you are here for the first time, we are pleased with your presence and hope that you will experience the love of God and enjoy warm Christian fellowship. Please, be sure to fill out the “Welcome” card placed in the pew racks.
Hokehankisd – Page 56 of the Divine Liturgy Book
Requiem Service (Hokehankisd) will be offered this morning for the repose of souls of:
· The Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide
· Mary Demirjian – 1st Year Anniversary ) requested by J. Gerald Demirjian
· Charles & Nevart Demirjian ) & Family
· Sultan Jingozian )
Fellowship Hour
Following church services, all are invited to join the Fellowship Hour hosted by the Demirjian Family in memory of their loved ones. Also, “Madagh” that has been prepared by Levon Demerdjian and assisted by members of the Women’s Guild, will be served in memory of the 1.5 million Armenian Martyrs who perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.
Prayers For The Sick (Der Voghormia) – Page 45 of the Divine Liturgy Book
Let us remember and ask God’s Blessings for our parishioners who are ill at home, in a hospital or nursing home. Let us continue with our prayers for:
Carlos Bedrossian Sherman Horowitz Virginia Nazlaian
Jim Bottala Rev. Fr. Nersess Jebejian Mary Najarian Poulsen
Susan Byrnes George Kazarian Alyce Schaffer
Linda Levy Chalkagian Mary Kerridan Lisa Schaffer
Ashley Davis Grace Klujian Jim Sharoian
Jacob Hagopian Murat Manasee & Mariam T. Sam Sommese
Marty Hamparzomian Benjamin Manoyan Julia Tarpinian
Rev. Fr. Vahram Hazarian Josh Najarian Mendell, CA Azniv Ipek Vankliyan
Prayer Request
For those wishing to enter a loved one’s name on the prayer list, please call the church office by Thursday of that week.
Get Well Wishes
· Mary Sommese, who underwent surgery recently and is resting at home.
· Glenna Cholakian, who is resting at home following surgery.
We wish Mary and Glenna a speedy and complete recovery.
Altar Flowers
The flowers adorning the altar today are presented in loving memory of Mary Demirjian,
Charles & Nevart Demirjian and Sultan Jingozian by J. Gerald Demirjian & Family.
We extend our condolences to the family of Denise Abezetian who died on Saturday, April 26, 2008. Visitation will be on Monday, April 28th at Ryan Parke Funeral Home, 120 South Northwestern Highway, Park Ridge, IL. Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday, April 29 at St. Paul at the Cross Church, 320 S. Washington Ave., Park Ridge, IL at 10:00 a.m.
May God Almighty rest the soul of Denise in His heavenly kingdom and comfort those who mourn the loss of their loved one.
Nicene Creed
Together, we shall recite the Nicene Creed (The Profession of Our Faith) on pages 18-19 of the Divine Liturgy Book found in the pews.
Kiss of Peace – Pages 26-27 of the Divine Liturgy Book
The person giving the greeting says: The person receiving the greeting responds:
Krisdos ee mech mer haydnetzav. Orhynal eh haydnootiunn Krisdosee.
(Christ is revealed among us.) (Blessed is the revelation of Christ.
Confession and Communion
For those who wish to receive Holy Communion, we ask that they remain in their pews and together read “Confession and Absolution” on pages 48-49 of the Divine Liturgy Book. When taking communion, make the sign of the cross and say:
I have sinned against God – Ø»Õ³Û ²ëïáõÍáÛ (Megha Asdoodzo)
Ladies must have a head covering when approaching the Holy Altar.
Care, Maintenance and Cost of the “Light of St. Gregory”
Our thanks to Raelene Ohanesian who is taking the responsibility of the cost of keeping the “Light of St. Gregory “ illuminated for the month of April.
Bible Study Classes
Bible Study Classes, led by Fr. Dajad, will continue on Monday, May 5th, 7:30-9 p.m. New participants are most welcome to attend these informative classes.
Armenian Classes
Want to learn the language and the basics of speaking and writing in Armenian??
Well, here is your chance to join and learn our mother tongue that has been handed to us by our ancestors but neglected through the years. It is our sacred duty to bring the Armenian language to the forefront and keep it alive in America.
Hayr Dajad is looking forward to seeing everyone at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays.
However, there will be no classes on Saturday, May 3rd.
Women’s Guild
The Guild’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 8th as a combined dinner/business meeting. Dinner will start at 6:00 p.m. -- meeting at 7:30 p.m. All women of the church are encouraged to become a member of the Women’s Guild.
34th Annual Armenian Fest
The first meeting was very productive for this year’s chairpersons, Dorothy Koresian and Pauline Nahabedian. The dates for this year’s fest have officially been changed to August 16-17. Many hands are needed for our festival, so please pitch in by helping out in some small way. Please attend the next meeting on Tuesday, May 20th.
Summer Camps
Hye Camp (Midwest): August 3-10 – St. Vartan Camp (NY) Session A: June 22-July 5; Session B July 6-19; Session C July 20-August 2. Staff members are needed.
Visit website at: www.armenianchurch.net/families/program/hyecamp.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Holy Etchmiadzin
September 19/20 to October 3/4 for the Blessing of Holy Muron (Oil) -- Airfare and accommodations $2,950. To make a reservation or to learn more contact SIMA Tours: 610-359-7521 or .
Journey to Armenia
A 10-Day tour with approximate travel dates September 9/18 sponsored by St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church. Airfare with British Airways, accommodations at Armenian Marriott Hotel, Round Trip Transfers and Visa Applications, $2,799. Please contact Craig Koresian at 773-631-4786.
“Year of Church and Home – One in Spirit”
One of the major goals of this year’s Diocesan theme “Church and Home: One in Spirit” is to encourage every Armenian family to have their home blessed. Hopefully, this will strengthen the ties between our home and Church. Those who wish to have their homes blessed during Eastertide may call Fr. Dajad to schedule a visit.
When the Need Arises - Get in Touch With the Church Office
Before making any preparations, in choosing date and time for Weddings and Baptisms, please be sure to contact Fr. Dajad Tsaturyan or the Church Office. All Sacraments must be arranged at least three months ahead. Other church related matters, such as hospital and home visitations and counseling, should also be made first with Fr. Dajad. In order to invite clergy from other churches, arrangements must be made through the church office.
Fr. Dajad can be reached at the Church Office on: MTWThF 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
April 28 – May 4 - Annual Clergy Conference and Diocesan Assembly,
Providence, RI
Thursday, May 8 - Women’s Guild Dinner/Business Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 11 - Mother’s Day Brunch
Tuesday, May 20 - 34th Annual Armenian Fest Meeting – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 21 - Parish Council Meeting – 7:30 p.m.
Church Attendance April 20: 75
Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Tsaturyan
Interim Pastor
6700 W. Diversey Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60707
Phone: (773) 637-1711
Fax: (773) 637-5592
Morning Service – 9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy – 10:30 a.m.
Sixth Sunday of Eastertide