Pastor Charles Holmes



126 Like Moab and also Moses. There come Israel, little, no denomination, no nation at all. And they had the same sacrifice here in Moab; a fine denomination, all their dignitaries come out, offered the same sacrifice. Trying to... Their bishop up there, Balaam, come down to curse that what God had blessed. They thought, "These renegade people! They don't even have a church home, as it was. They're just wanderers about."

127 And He said, "But they failed to hear that shout of the King in the camp. He failed to see that Divine healing go in there, by that serpent. And the--the smitten Rock, to give them life! The shout of the King in the camp!"

128 He failed to see That, that blinded bishop. But yet, fundamentally, he was just as right as Moses was; seven altars, seven sacrifice, even offered a ram, speaking of the coming of Christ.


177 Sure, she has good. Can anybody speak evil of a hospital? No, sir. Library? No, sir. Education? No, sir. But, see, they're giving them that without the Word. See how deceiving it is? Giving them a church to go to, a worship to worship, "a god setting upon a throne." The Bible foretold it.

178 Now you belong to one of those bodies. There is only two of them in the earth now, always has been, and will be till Jesus comes, and one of them will be destroyed. Now you belong to one of the bodies. One of them, you've joined; the other one, you are born in It. See?

One of them, you're a part of because you are born into It. You have to be a part of It. Could I deny I got an arm? No more than I can deny any Word of God, if I'm part of God. I'm part of William Branham; I'm in parts, and every part is a part of me. And every Word of God has to fit my spirit, has to fit my soul, has to fit my living, It has to fit my ideas. If my ideas is contrary to That, then God's Spirit don't dwell in me. That's right. Can't deny one Word of It.


But have men heeded this truth? Have they esteemed His Person Who alone has the full sovereign authority over His church? I say, "NO". For in every age the church has been governed by a hierarchy--a priesthood--an apostolic succession--closing the door of mercy and grace to whom it will, and instead of assuming the love and responsibility of the church it has with mercenary lust preyed upon her and destroyed her. The clergy lived in luxury while the poor church fed on the husks of abuse. And not one age did any different. Each bound itself to organization and put the government upon men and committed the church to that government. Dare let the people rise up, and they were brutally suppressed or cast out. Every denomination has the same spirit. Every denomination swears that it has the key to the government of the church. Every denomination claims that it opens the door. But that is not true. It is Jesus and Jesus, alone. He sets the members in the Body. He endows them with their ministries. He puts the gifts at her disposal. He cares for her and guides her. She is His sole property and He has no other one but her.


When the church allowed herself to move away from the original, like Adam and Eve, death set in.

There is no strength in her. She has become a monstrosity. The minute the church moved toward form and ceremony, and toward priesthood by organizing the ministers into a group that decided leadership apart from the Holy Spirit and His Word, that very moment death entered and she started to get sick, and as she got sick she changed to a powerless group of people whose only weapon was argument. She could produce nothing in the Spirit, for her hopes were built on program and not on faith in His Word. They sowed program so they reaped program. They sowed perversion so they reaped perverted children.


You tamper with God and you reap exactly what you injected. Man ought to learn that from nature. He has tampered with nature. He has injected his own ideas into nature and rearranged the molecules, etc., and now he is reaping a whirlwind. Just look how they have bred the chicken. It is so highly bred that it is a laying machine that lays itself out. It is no good for food and is soft and poor eating. They inject substances into the meat we eat and because of that the human body is changing so that women are getting narrower in the hips and broader of shoulder and men are getting just the opposite. Now if you fool with nature and get a monstrosity and a backfire, what will happen if you change the truth into a lie? The answer is, you will breed an antichrist, godless system of religion that is so perverted it will not look like or produce what the original did. The only answer that God has for a situation like that is the lake of fire.


99 God told them, down in Egypt, also, that He would deliver them, "Into a promised land, a good land, full of milk and honey." And it was absolutely there. They didn't know it was there, but He said, "It's there, and I have given it to you. It's already yours, just go claim it!"

100 And in the wilderness, when many of them come out, dancing in the Spirit, when Miriam beat the tambourine; eating manna out of Heaven; listened at Moses sing in the Spirit; watching the miracles and signs go forth. But when it come to a showdown, to believe the whole Word of God, all the promise, they failed.

Only two of them believed it, that was Joshua and Caleb.


All right. Now what was the spiritual climate of that church? It had left its first love. Leaving its first love of the Word of God was revealed to us as having fallen from its origin, which was Pentecost. In plain English, that means this church was in danger of being taken away from the leading of the Holy Spirit, the control of the Spirit. This was exactly what took place after Moses led Israel out of Egypt. The way of God was to lead them by the cloud of fire, prophetic utterance, miracles and signs, and God-given wonders. This was to be accomplished by 'God-selected', and 'God-ordained', and 'God-equipped', and 'God-sent' men, with the whole camp being dominated by a Holy Ghost move. They rebelled and wanted a set of rules and creeds to go by. Then they wanted a king. Then they wanted to be exactly like the world and went into complete apostasy and oblivion. That is exactly how the first church age started, and it will get worse and worse, until the Holy Spirit is completely rejected and God must destroy the people.

Now, but this all happened, and it shows here an example. I'd like to draw from this, this afternoon, to show that how God can bless a man and--and make him a great man. But, you know, when this king got... felt secure, felt to a place that--that he was just absolutely anchored, and there was no way for him to ever fall, got lifted up in pride. That's when he took his tumble. That's when any man will take his tumble.


85 I think that's what's the matter with a lot of our peoples today, we get lifted up. I think that's what causes organizations to do what they do. They get a better class, of what they call, "a more intellectual, better class of people," they think. Man, their sch-... all their ministers with high school and college education, two or three years of psychology, give them mental tests and brain waves, and everything, to see if they fit the case, and sometimes know no more about God than a rabbit does about snowshoes. That's right. Right. That mental has nothing to do with it. It's the power of the Holy Ghost. It's not in your mind; it's in your heart. Right. But, see, we get... Then they get lifted up, "Our, we go to the best church in town. We belong to the first church. We belong to where the mayor goes. We belong to this."

86 And all these things there, see, what it is, then the people just simply can't stand to hear That. They just think that you're just--just a terrible person. But, what it is, there is no place for the Seed to anchor. There is nothing for It to lay on; just rock. It'll never take hold. "The birds fly around and pick It up," the Bible said.


17 Many times, people misunderstands. And when they say, "Brother Branham, you're--you're... You don't go to the places like you used to, and like these other ministers do, and have all the..." I--I learned one thing, that learning a lesson from our Bible and from our Lord, that Jesus was not a showman. He--He lacked that; He didn't have showmanship. See, He--He wasn't a showman at all. And I don't believe that His disciples are showmen. Never did they ever make themselves showmen.

That's where I think we miss the boat a lot today (maybe it's just my own idea), that when we have to make a big blow about everything, you know, why, I think it looks like it's more of a show than it is the sacredness.

19 Did you notice in the coming of the Lord, those who really received Him was Simeon, nobody never heard nothing about him, but he was looking for the Lord; blind Anna in the temple, John the Baptist in the wilderness. And those...

John went in the wilderness at nine years old, never appeared again till he was thirty: in the wilderness. And men like that who secretly believed, and kept humble, they was looking for the coming of the Lord. And they never did blow their meetings up and have to put it on great signs (the hour, the time) and--and telecasts and everything.

23 John was one time... John the Baptist, the--the Scriptures spoke of him coming, and said when he come, that... Why, Isaiah said about seven hundred and twelve years before he was born "There'd be a voice of one crying in the wilderness." And said, "All the mountains skipped like little lambs, all the leaves clapped their hands, the high places was made low, and the low places was made high," such prophecies as that.

What do you think ministers of that day... When they picked that up, they must have said, "My, when that great prophet comes, everybody will know him. God will just spread back the canopies of the sky, the corridors of heaven will roll down, a chariot of fire will move down, Angelic band escort him to the earth."

When he come, he was an old fuzzy-faced preacher with a piece of sheep--sheepskin wrapped around him, with a piece of leather for a belt. Probably never took a bath every three or four months. Out there in the wilderness, come out, standing in mud, knee deep, preaching, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." He never went to no cities. If anybody wanted to hear him, they come out to Jordan to hear him them that want to. What did he do? He shook the nation; he shook the world.

26 There's a shaking going on that people don't know nothing about. When Jesus come, He never represented Himself among the big highs. He come to His own; He come to those Who were looking for Him. There's where the shaking come. That's what He does today. The Holy Spirit comes to those who God has called. There's a great shaking amongst the elect: great, powerful thing going on, but the world knows nothing of it.

They think, all this big flowery stuff, and worldwide broadcasts, and televisions, and million-dollar buildings, and everything, and that's the things that's great. That's foolish to the sight of God. God don't look at big things. What man calls foolish, God calls great; and what man calls great, God calls foolish. "It pleased Him, through the foolishness of preaching, to save those which were lost."


109 It was down in Kentucky, we used to call it, "Protractive meetings," and that's about what it does, protractive. And they come far from attractive from the Gospel. That's right. Yes, they say, "Oh, we had a meeting. You know what? We got Doctor So-and-so to come in the city, and we had thousands. All the churches cooperated together." What did we do, we have a revival? Bring the people back to the Word of God, and God go to work in the church? What did we do? We have a bunch of getting together, and glittering with worldly tinsel, that's exactly right, scholarship, Hollywood showmanship.

Oh, you say, "That's the Baptists."

110 That's the Pentecostals. Right! Up on the platform, women jumping and dancing, and horrible-looking, with little old tight dresses on, that, it's a shame. I can't even find words right now. It's a shame. Man sitting there, hollering, "Glory to God! Hallelujah!" What kind of a spirit have you got, anyhow? You think Jesus would shout at such as that? He'd condemn it! You think Isaiah raised on the scene, Jeremiah, Amos, one of those prophets of the Old Testament rise on the scene like they did, and seen the things they seen going on, how they cried out against it, said, "The very God that you claim to serve will destroy you." He'd say the same thing today. Certainly would!


Now watch this doctrine of Balaam most carefully. Notice above all, that it is the deliberate maneuver of a corrupt clergy to bind the people to them, by leading the people deliberately into the sin of unbelief. The Nicolaitane doctrine was the corruption of the clergy as they sought political power amongst themselves, while Balaamism is the subjection of the people to their system of creed and worship in order to hold them. Now watch this carefully. What was it that bound the people to the nominal church and thereby destroyed them? It was the creeds and dogmas formed into church tenets. It was the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. They were not given the true food, the Word. They were given the food that came from idol worship, Babylonian paganism wrapped up in Christian terminology.