All Strikes during the Year 2005

(By States)

Sr. No. / State/Union Territory / Number of Strikes / Number of Workers involved / Number of Mandays Lost / Wages Lost
( in Rs) / ProductionLoss
(in Rs.)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Andhra Pradesh / 18 / 128,100 / 365,158 / 8,30,74,523(18) / 23,18,22,423(17)
2 / Assam / 1 / 15,832 / 15,832 / 28,44,775(*) / ..
3 / Bihar / * / 23,163 / 23,163 / .. / ..
4 / Chattisgarh / 1 / 7,700 / 10,400 / 41,60,000(1) / ..
5 / Gujarat / 28 / 78,972 / 165,205 / 5,40,67,627(23) / 52,27,01,500(14)
6 / Haryana / 16 / 21,285 / 493,589 / .. / ..
7 / Himachal Pradesh / 11 / 6,394 / 23,447 / 2,54,800(1) / 1,35,55,000(10)
8 / JammuKashmir / 1 / 145 / 145 / .. / ..
9 / Karnataka / 14 / 146,268 / 457,533 / 10,74,13,444(13) / 57,72,57,288(6)
10 / Kerala / 15 / 562,504 / 3,368,458 / 3,54,53,753(6) / ..
11 / Madhya Pradesh / 1 / 84,773 / 84,823 / 3,46,73,050(*) / 3,07,01,100(*)
12 / Maharastra / 6 / 929,670 / 951,889 / 31,31,51,834(3) / ..
13 / Manipur / 2 / 600 / 19,200 / 19,20,000(2) / ..
14 / Orissa / 3 / 23,856 / 80,385 / 36,63,285(3) / 19,87,12,999(2)
15 / Punjab / 6 / 8,544 / 33,455 / 29,98,899(5) / 7,41,95,412(5)
16 / Rajasthan / 13 / 54,871 / 665,376 / 3,59,40,768(11) / 33,15,15,118(9)
17 / Tamil Nadu / 52 / 31,464 / 536,366 / 4,40,24,510(21) / 50,21,73,550(21)
18 / Uttar Pradesh / 7 / 46,266 / 61,530 / 2,18,03,650(6) / 1,87,63,000(6)
19 / Uttranchal / 3 / 4,824 / 38,761 / 1,10,63,052(3) / 18,85,01,237(3)
20 / West Bengal / 26 / 492,936 / 3,348,967 / 10,16,65,454(3) / 14,44,40,370(2)
21 / Chandigarh / 3 / 44,204 / 46,591 / .. / ..
22 / Delhi / * / 10,413 / 10,413 / 31,94,630(*) / ..
23 / Total / 227 / 2,722,784 / 10,800,686 / 86,13,68,054(119) / 2,83,43,38,997(95)

.. = Not available

Note: i) Figures in brackets indicate the number of cases to which relevant information relates.

ii) Information in respect of the other States/ UnionTerritory is Nil.

* = The number of disputes have been shown as ‘NIL’ as the same relates to All India Strikes and not counted in the State/Union Territory. During the Year 2005, three All India Strikes took place which have been accounted for in the State/Union Territory in which the mandays lost were maximum but the number of workers involved, mandays lost, wages lost and production loss have been included in the concerned States/Union Territories