Discussion Questions - Week 1

Please remind the group that the “Balanced” Series by Andy Stanley consists of 6 sessions in total. CBC is only viewing sessions 2-5. Other sessions are available for viewing on our website.

The “Summary Thoughts” (http://bit.ly/1VNzIvX) and “5 Tips Facilitating Tips” (http://bit.ly/1PPcP6H) documents would be useful to discussion group leaders.

You might consider downloading some additional resources on our website as well. http://cbchouston.org/stewardship.html

Discussion Starter:

If you could change one thing about your current financial situation, what would it be?

Quotes and Verses:

Jesus doesn’t want to get your money, Jesus wants to make sure that your money doesn’t get you.” - Andy Stanley

The older you get, the more this makes sense, but the older you get, the fewer opportunities you’ll have.” - Andy Stanley

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” - Matt. 6:21

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” - Luke 16:13

Questions: (if you are short on time, focus on the questions with an *)

1  *Do you have trouble balancing finances in your life?

2  Do you agree that it is impossible to be a committed follower of Christ and remain financially healthy? Why or why not?

3  Do you feel that you spend too much, hoard too much, or have a perfect balance?

4  Do you find finances creating dissonance in your relationships?

5  What are some of the things that cause people to get lost financially?

6  *Read Matthew 6:21 - What are some examples in your life of your heart following your stuff?

7  *Read Luke 16:13. How does our stuff compete with their devotion to God?

8  When it comes to your finances, what do you think God wants for you? (as opposed to what most people think He wants from you?)

9  *How easy is it for you to trust God with your finances?

10  *What would you do differently if you were confident that God wanted the best for you in that area?

11  What would you like to see happen in your finances as a result of this study?