Data & Information Re-use CEs Steering Group Minutes

Date of meeting: / 03 April 2012
Time: / 2:00 – 3:30pm
Venue: / Pohutukawa Room, Level 7, LINZ
Members: / Colin MacDonald, LINZ (Chair)
Geoff Bascand, Statistics NZ
Debbie Chin, Standards NZ
Peter Mersi, Department of Internal Affairs
In attendance: / Secretariat: Keitha Booth
Minute taker: Raeanna Thomas
Corresponding member: David Noble, Parliamentary Counsel Office

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and apologies
/ Apologies:Paul Reynolds, Ministry for the Environment
Murray Bain, Ministry of Science and Innovation
2.Approval of meeting minutes
/ It was noted that the Steering Group’s 1 February 2012 meeting had been cancelled.
The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2011were approved and confirmed as a true and accuraterecord.
The minutes of the strategic session held on 13 March 2012were approved and confirmed as a true and accuraterecord.
3.Review of action points
/ 110413/07 – MSI to present an update on next steps to June 14 meeting
110609/06 – Awaiting a response from Ministry of Education CE
111215/01 – Completed
111215/02/03 – Secretariat and DIA to report to June 14 meeting
111215/04 – Working with MFAT; lead agency needed; keep open
111215/05/06 – Completed
11215/06 – BIM not needed. Close
A status column will be added to the action list.
4.Mix and Mash 2012
/ Peterexplained that the tabled paper outlines Digital NZ’s proposed approach for 2012. Keitha advised that MSI have read it and agree with its proposals.
It was suggested that agencies consider the Mix and Mash approach on a case by case basis and that they keep there-use objective to the fore.
It was noted that the current emphasis is on digital content. It was agreed that the Secretariat will continue to work with Digital NZ to also target data.
5.Draft report on Agency adoption of Declaration on Open and Transparent Government
/ Keitha advised that all departments have assigned a Data Champion at a senior level. The results of the report set a good benchmark for future comparisons, indicating a gradual acceleration from dissemination to data release in reusable formats. There is an opportunity now to work closely with agency data champions, link to the Government’s priorities and look outward to understand business and community re-use of public data released for re-use.
It was agreed that Colin will sign off the updated paper which will then go to Ministers.
6.Data and Information Re-use work programme
/ The next steps for the programme were discussed, including retaining its re-use focus and not over-expanding the scope. Asystematic focus on where there will be strategic impactis necessary. This will require careful prioritisation.
Akey activity will be to work withAgency data champions to understand user demand and help identify the datasets people consistently want.
It was agreed that the Secretariat will bring specific plans to the next meeting and cover the relationship between the Working Group and Agency data champions.
7.Next steps for Information Oversight function
/ TheDIA memorandum and accompanying strategic management of public sector information position paper werenoted and discussed. The Steering Group supported the need for a strategic policy framework, noting the risks of having no cross-system high-level policy oversight. Peter Mersi will take suggested changesto the recommendations back to the team at DIA.
8.Shared Data Service proposal: noting paper
/ It was noted that this work will consider the opportunity for agencies to align and share data services. Discussions with Statistics NZ will be prioritised to leverage their work and ensure double-up of activities does not occur.
9.Steering Group composition
/ The Steering Groupagreed that:
  • the Chairman’s role will move with Colin as he takes up his new position as CE, Department of Internal Affairs
  • Sue Gordon, Acting CE. Land Information NZ, will join the Steering Group; and
  • the current arrangements for the Secretariat to be housed at Land Information NZ will continue.
The Secretariat will contact the Gateway team at SSC to alert them to the Declaration on Open and Transparent Government.
10.Other Business
/ There was no other business.
The meeting closed at 3.39pm
11.Date of next meeting
/ The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 14 June 2012, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at the Department of Internal Affairs, 46 Waring Taylor Street.

Approved by:


Colin MacDonald Date

Chairperson Data & Information Re-use CEs Steering Group

Action points:

Meeting Date / Item # / Summary of Task / Due date / Responsible person / Status
13.04.11 / 110413/07 / Present an update on the Framework for eResearch Adoption / 01.02.12 / Murray Bain / Framework received by MSI; present update on next steps to June 14 meeting
09.06.11 / 110609/06 / Report back on how the Education sector is represented in the Steering Group / 01.02.12 / Colin MacDonald / Awaiting response from Ministry of Education CE
15.12.11 / 111215/02/03 / Factor the review recommendations into the updated communications strategy and future planning for and report back in 2012 / 01.02.12 / Keitha Booth/Nadia Webster / Secretariat and DIA to report to June 14 meeting
15.12.11 / 111215/04 / Provide update on Open Government Partnership / 01.02.12 / Keitha Booth / Working with MFAT; lead agency needed; keep open
03.04.12 / 120403/01 / Continue to work with Digital NZ on Mix and Mash competition covering data as well as content / ongoing / Keitha Booth
03.04.12 / 120403/02 / Report to Ministers on Agency adoption of Declaration on Open and Transparent Government / May/June / Colin MacDonald
03.04.12 / 120403/03 / Present next steps for the programme and cover the relationship between the Working Group and Agency data champions / 14.06.12 / Keitha Booth
03.04.12 / 120403/04 / Alert the SSC Gateway team to the Declaration on Open and Transparent Government / 14.06.12 / Keitha Booth

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