2016 TransITech Conference /Fare Collection &

Revenue Management Summit Call for Presentations

November 11, 2015

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2016 TransITech Conference /Fare Collection &

Revenue Management Summit Call for Presentations

November 11, 2015

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Session Topics for Revenue Management & Fare Collection Summit 2016

Integrated Mobility/Disruptive Technologies

·  Revenue Impacts

·  Rolling stock forecasts

·  Universal Fares

·  Other consideration

Maintaining Legacy Systems

·  Innovative best practices

·  Modernization models

·  Creative funding

Data Security Issues

·  Internal systems

·  Customers information data

Fare System Implementation

·  Role of marketing in fare system roll outs and changes, particularly in the area of social media use and management

·  Implementation: operational readiness; phased deployment

·  Successful Rollout : lessons learned, critical steps; transitioning from an existing system

·  Planning and Overall Lessons Learned.

Mobile/Cashless Payment

·  Alternative Approaches: applications and lessons learned; eliminating cash-accepting TVMs and fareboxes

·  Off-site Cash Payments: Pre-paid debit cards; outsourced pre-paid card management; retail network sales & oversight

·  Mobile Payments: mobile ticketing, NFC payments – how far they can go to eliminating on-site cash payments

·  Bar Code Mobile Ticketing: latest developments, lessons learned, security, pricing, systems suppliers, synergies with other systems; part of a mobile transit planning package, marketing to the public; market segments: who is responding,who is not

·  NFC Payments: the payment schemes on the different phone platforms; technology approaches and what is emerging asdominant; projected deployment and market growth timeframe; end-to-end transaction process: the players and how they each make their money from the NFC sale; security and vulnerability issues: experience to date, potential issues that mightarise in the future; who wins/loses: banks, device suppliers, cellular service carriers, application developers, etc.; beyondcash fare payments: making it work with pre-paid products, capped/accumulator fares, loyalty programs, free transfers, etc.

Revenue Management & Reporting

·  Data Collection and Data Integrity

·  Legacy System Interface

·  Audit Programs & Practices

Credit card electronic payments

·  Agency (as merchant), system supplier, bank, credit card brand, service acquirer/transactionprocessor, gateway providers, clearinghouse

·  Understanding the Costs: charges, fees, fee structure, interchange rates, chargebacks and reserve accounts

·  Variables: attended vs unattended payments, debit vs credit, PIN vs signature vs no signature

·  Regulations: PCI, AVS, etc.

·  EMV: timeframe, impacts, unknowns

Shrinkage Control/Security and Vulnerability (prevention, discovery, response, correction)

·  Proof-of-Payment: partners in enforcement (courts, security/police; legislative; agency staff); UPass vulnerability; fare equipment reliability/availability; staff support/buy-in

·  Mobile Ticketing: cloning/counterfeiting; visual verification vs. machine scan; security features; mobile ticketing in a POP environment

·  Credit Card Payments: fraud; closed/expired accounts; chargebacks; declined transactions; cash flow

·  Infrastructure: data networks, unattended field devices, portable devices; disaster recovery

·  Smart Cards: cloning; counterfeiting; hacking/decrypting; account-based vs. card based systems

·  Printed Fare Media: transfers, prepaid pass and ticket products; counterfeiting, alteration, duplication/copying; internal theft; external theft

Internal Monitors

·  Internal Audit

·  Finance/Revenue

·  Police/Security

·  IT

System Design, Procurement and Project Management

·  Agency:Internal stakeholders,projectreporting, designated roles

·  Contractor Roles:subcontractors/suppliers, expectations and responsibilities

·  Interfacing Systems: integrating with existing systems: comm./data networks, financial/maintenance management/dispatch/personnel systems; roles of contractor, 3rd party supplier, agency

·  Alternative Approaches: single supplier vs. systems integrator/open platform; DBOM

·  Quality Assurance: software quality & configuration management; hardware/installation

Small & Mid-sized Operators

·  Regional Systems: having a voice in regional system design and governance

·  Small Town & Rural Operators: contrasting their requirements and priorities with the larger agencies; addressing those needs;
differences in ridership markets, fare products, organization structure, state/municipal support

·  Leveraging Technology: benefits/limitations of electronic payment systems, managing costs – investment; O&M – outsource, in-house, centralized services/shared multi-agency costs

·  Implementation: operational readiness; phased deployment; successful rollout – lessons learned, critical steps; transitioning from an existing system: planning and lessons learned

·  Cash Revenue: farebox revenue; over-the-counter (OTC) cash payments; self-service devices accepting cash and giving change;
internal theft; fare evasion

Session Topics for TransITech 2016


As a response to the changing threat landscape today, most organizations are looking to establish some form of Cybersecurity practice. Cybersecurity is viewed fairly broadly and includes not only the classical area of information security but embraces the necessary enforcement and outreach activities as well. Let’s hear from the experts in this domain and get to know the best practices available…

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps storms the global market place in a big way and fundamentally change the way of business operations. “Customer Centric” has become the buzz word in mobile development. It is all about the user experience. Come and see what have been developed and what’s on the pipeline from the experts in this field. Let’s use these disruptive innovations to lead the transformation of transit industry

ITS Data Management

We can generate it by the busloads, but how can we make the best use of ITS data to support operations and business management within transit systems? What techniques are emerging?

Security Technology & Applications

Threats are evolving. What is the latest in security systems and practices? Are there new threats and new means of mitigation? The latest APTA standards efforts and what is in development. Best practices and lessons learned.

Connected Vehicle Technology

Connected Vehicle Technology has been endorsed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Transit was represented in the Connected Vehicle pilot program in Ann Arbor. The results of that demonstration are leading to improvements in transit applications. What’s next for transit?

Intelligent Transportation Systems

With many ITS components deployed in transit, where do we go next? Refining systems through integration and expansion can lead to savings in time and safety. What is new in the field and how can it be integrated into existing systems. Are we ready for “Connected Vehicle”? Continued deployment of transit ITS systems present increasing challenges to Information Technology professionals. What are the current challenges as ITS becomes an ever increasing point of systems integration among transit business systems such as CAD/AVL, electronic payment systems, transit signal priority, advanced traveler information systems and automated passenger systems.

Fare Collection and Electronic Payment Systems Software

Fare collection and the fast moving field of payments systems dominates transit technology issues in transit. Session content related to smart cards, credit card payments, migration of legacy systems, influence of international initiatives, back office issues and public policy will be welcome.

Technology Innovations in Rail

Not to be ignored, technology deployments in rail are beginning to influence the overall transit space. Share your experiences, successes and failures.

Transit Safety & Security

These are everyone’s favorite subjects these days, what is new in the field of safety and security and what are the solutions? Are there new issues to be faced, and how are existing solutions working in the shaded environment?

Information Technology

Where is this field headed as systems integration becomes wide-spread in transit organizations? What is the evolving role of this vital asset as information becomes critical to operations and administration? What are the new tools, and how do we transition as technology and practices evolve?

Transit Research

This is an opportunity to exchange ideas with leadership in transit research. Propose topics to be addressed in group discussion. No subject is to be ignored. If it’s transit it is eligible for discussion. Put on your thinking caps and send in broad ranging ideas to discuss and propose for funding.

Wireless Communications

Wireless is here and becoming more pervasive. Once upon a time it was just voice, but today’s radio has expanded to offer CAD/AVL, maintenance data, customer WiFi, security, onboard payment systems and much more. In this session we’ll look at not only the legal and regulatory aspects of guaranteeing wireless service availability for transit, but also some emerging technologies and how they fit into the existing framework.

Autonomous vehicle technology

Lots of big players in this space. What are the implications for transit? Some say it will make transit irrelevant, others look at AV as very limited. Implementations are proceeding in the various levels of automation. Where does transit fit in and how can we leverage these developments.

Big Data

Transit is a data intensive industry, counting the data coming from traditional back office functions, such as financial, human resources, procurement, and other transit systems, such as fare collection, Intelligent Transportation Systems, CCTV, and so on. How to combine the silo data into an integrated meaningful data source to assist the transit agency to overcome the funding shortfall and be able to operate more efficiently has become a hot topic. Let’s take a look at what have been done by the transit peers as well as the new data tools to facilitate the processes.