It is a known fact that the humanity or the human approach can work like a magic. We all have been using this in our home front as well as at work place. Maslow & Herzberg have also explained in human being to motivate them for better productivity.

Amongst all other resources used in an organisation to meet its objectives, human resource is the element, which, if harvested in a proper way cab bring about miracles. The studies and researches on the learning process in organisations interpersonal relationship or even in achieving effectiveness in the organisations, revealed that this resource has tremendous potential capabilities.

However this potential needs to be diagnosed, analysed and oriented in a desired direction. In the past, the organisations were content with developing these potential through training by improving knowledge and skills under the principles of personnel Management.

As the organisations started realizing the limitation of the training in bringing out desired change in employee’s attitude, the concept of Personnel Management enlarged its vision and has linked human values to Management. The need to create an environment to inspire a human being to enjoy working, has been felt by the psychologist and behavioural scientists which later on gave birth to the new concept of Human Resources Development (HRD).

The importance of HRD is increasingly being appreciated now, especially in the changing systems, environment and technological culture.


The process by which the human being is continuously helped to acquire knowledge and skill and to change, adjust the organisational culture by changing his attitude, is defined as Human Resource Development.

Therefore the basic concept of HRD can be defined as:

  • To acquire capability to meet present and future job specification.
  • To develop an organisation climate to bring about team spirit and group dynamism.


HRD concept is therefore not only for the individual’s development but for the group and organisational development also. The organisational effectiveness is directly proportionate to the efficiency of the individuals, their competence, inter-personal relationship and the team dynamism. The HRD is therefore concerned with:

  • Increasing the competence of the individuals.
  • Increasing the dynamism of the team.
  • Developing organisational climate and work ethics.
  • Bringing out industrial/working harmony.

Since the human resource is most costly yet potential the need to develop this resource, is the key factor towards the organisational growth and its effectiveness.


The human resource development is a system by itself. Its prime objective is to have an organisation which takes care of recruitments, staffing, training and development of the employees in accordance with the set objectives of the organisation. The HR department thus constantly strive at these functions through its sub-systems.

The inputs like new recruitment, when processed through its initial training, familiarization programme becomes outputs to the organisation as new hirers and records. These are termed as human resource assets to the HRD Department. During each process, through sub system the employees are processed through

One to other and output of one becomes input to the other sub system. Therefore the quality of the output directly affects the input of the other and in turn its output. The figure below is a conceptualization of an HR Department as system taken from T&D guide for the teaching purposes.

We can therefore summarize, that in broad sense the HRD system has three sub systems:

  • Staffing and Training Department.
  • Career planning.
  • Potential appraisal and development.


The principles related to HRD system and sub systems are as follows:-

  • To focus on enabling capabilities.
  • To focus on desired culture to improve effectiveness.
  • To co-ordinate sub systems and improve their qualities
  • To strengthen the roles and responsibilities.


Apart from the knowledge and skill, the behaviour of an employee is an important attribute towards the total effectiveness of self and the organization. Secondly the behaviour is determined by one’s own perception and its values in the organization. The HRD concept takes care of this psychological aspect and helps the individuals to develop an attitude to bring group effectiveness and the organizational effectiveness.


A value system plays an important role in understanding the self and others. This is also an instrument in developing employees behaviour. The humanistic values to match the organizational or more so the HRD philosophy is a prime function of the HRD department once the philosophy has been framed.

To have an appropriate humanistic approach, the organization must consider the following:-

  • Optimistic and constructive approach.
  • Openness and professionalism.
  • Mutual trust and support.
  • Clarity of roles and responsibilities.
  • Allowances for risks and mistakes.
  • A growth Vs maintenance perspective.
  • Personal pride and respect.
  • High standard.
  • Award for loyalty.


As a result of HRD efforts, during the last 40 years after independence India has acquired considerable skill and expertise in running complex enterprises. Average Indian is more competent than other nationalist but he needs to be motivated or molded to work in a group. The stress should be laid down on fundamental literacy and education system must change to changing needs of Indian economy.

Trained man power is required at middle and junior level for improving the productivity. At the same time entrepreneurship, training and development is a must to reduce un-employment and optimize the talents of the national human resources.

This concept has taken a momentum in our country since 1980s and professional bodies like IIPM NILM NIPM ISPD IIMS AIMA NIHRD etc. have started strengthening their activities towards the national cause of human resource development.

The management studies available are based on westernized culture. To make them effective in Indian scenario, these will have to be blended with case studies and Indian psychology.


Public sector is a prominent organization in India which contributes most towards national economy. Most of the organizations or business houses are public enterprises using costly technology and equipments. Therefore HRD assumed greater importance in public sector enterprises to improve their efficiency. The role of education to uplift the moral, ethical and spiritual values have to be inculcated by the public enterprises. The character development through HRD can be a real hall-mark in Human Resources Development which automatically improves the quality of work, productivity and organizational work culture.


In last two decades the Banking industries have expanded many folds and increased their network to almost double the number. The working load and the competence at the corporate level and at the branch have also increased. This rapid expansion of the activities vis-à-vis the consumer’s expectations from the Banks have necessitated the development of the employees and change in personnel activities.

Secondly being service industry and having varied groups of people to deal with the interpersonal skill development, ability to analyze consumer behaviour and psychology also demands trained staff at urban and rural front.

Thirdly to avoid work alienation because of overload and rural working areas, job satisfaction will require the organizational culture to inspire them to enjoy the work.

The HRD activities have therefore started in mostly all the Banks and have shown the amazing results. Today most of the Banks have T&D centers or HRD divisions at least at each zonal center.

Mayo’s Hawthrone Effect, Mc Gregor’s X&Y Theory, Berne’s Ego states Analysis, all propounded the legacy of man as social and emotional with varied attitudes.

Further the studies and researches in learning process, interpersonal cohesion, group dynamics, improve the productivity etc revealed that apart from training of skills or knowledge, development of attitude, institutionalization of employee is also essential to bring group dynamism and effectiveness. The process of developing self & others and organizational climate has therefore replaced the traditional personnel management system and personnel training department.

Based on the belief that human resource is the most viable assets in the organization which has unlimited potentials, the human resource development activities have taken momentum and are being appreciated in all sectors. This concept not only develops the employee’s capabilities but also improve the organizational climate and encourage employees’ commitment to the task and performance.

In Indian environment a unique approach of KISS (keep. It simple Strategy) can be found more appropriate because of Indians being more emotional and sentimental. Simplicity comes by evolving systems and policies which can be easily understood by the employees. The work ethics, moral uplifting, recognition and well planned career growth can make HRD process more effective and quicker.

HRD is required not only in industrial sectors but commercial banking or service organization also needed more, as the involvement of human values are more in these sectors. Public sectors need HRD to help nations to improve its per capita income. HRD is a need of today as there is no two opinion that the people and not the science or technology will determine the future.


There is no end to learning process and it is therefore suggested to get more information by going through the following writings:

  1. Human Resource Development & Productivity G K Suri – NPC publications (India)
  2. Director’s Guide to Management Techniques. Dennis Lock – Gower press publications (UK)

3. Hand Book of HRD Administration Joseph J Famularo – Mc Graw Hill publications (UA)

  1. Designing and Managing HR Systems Parekh Udai & Rao TV
  2. Recent Experiences in ‘HRD Parekh Udai & Rao TV
  3. Role Analysis for HRD parekh Udai – Indian Management Aug 83 issue.




* It is a short term process* It is a long term process

* It utilities systematic and* It too utilizes systematic

organized procedure & organized procedures

* Managerial personnel acquire* Managerial personnel get

skill of training sub-ordi- conceptual & theoretical

nates knowledge & skill or mana-

ging. It is rarely used.

* Non managerial personnel* Non managerial personnel

acquire technical skill & acquire technical skill

knowledge for a definite and knowledge for a long

purpose term purpose

* It is primarily related with* It is mainly useful for

the job and technical skill long term management

learning development process.



* WHAT IS HRD HRD is a continuous process of

enhancing the capability of human

being and helping them to change their

attitude to give best results in an


* WHY DO WE NEED HRDOrganisation is a group of people

and the people have high potential

resources. To optimize these resources

and to make organization more

effective it is necessary to have HRD


* HOW DOES IT WORKIt works at all levels. The analysis

of management philosophy helps in

designing HRD strategies and its

implementation. It is a combination of

training and development process.

* ROLE OF T & D IN HRDTraining contributes to all attribu-

tes of HRD and HR management. T&D

accelerate the acquisition of desired

competence as it is one of the sub

system of HRD system





HRD is based on the faith in the inherent potential in very human

Being, which can be manifested by giving right direction and

Orientation. At the same time human resource is unpredictable

Resource which has unlimited potential. These two statements

Gently hint that the organisational efficiency can be improved

By optimizing this resource as it is the only resource which can

Be adjusted and modified to meet the challenging technological

And socio economic environment.

This recognition of emphasis on human resource development has

Created a need for appraisal of present competence, future

Demand and maintenance of resources for long term benefits.

The roles and activities of HRD system, therefore depends upon

The size of organisation, its strategic plans and philosophy of

Maintaining the human resources. Some of the functions may vary

From organisation to organisation but mostly the activities or

The role of HRD department can be categorized as below:


The role of HRD department starts from the analysis of the

Objectives or the goals of the organisation, to arrange

Specification for human resources, recruitment methods, selection

Process, appraising, placement, training and development and

Maintenance of these to give satisfactory and rather reliable

Services towards the success of the organisation.

Accordingly the main function of HRD can be listed as :

  1. Human resource planning
  2. Human resource accounting
  3. Human resource allocation and role planning
  4. Human resource training and development
  5. Human resource maintenance
  6. Climate development of HRD.
  1. Better selection and recruitment process
  2. Better placement of the employees to suit their


  1. Overlaps of responsibilities can be avoided.
  2. The effectiveness of the employee and that of the group can

be enhanced.

  1. Delegation can easily be planned without any conflict.
  2. Performance appraisal procedures can be simplified.
  3. Feed-back on strength and weaknesses of the employee’s

Performance. Counseling can help expending HRD.

  1. Harmonious working climate can be developed.

Further it helps to design management information system and in

the attainment of organisational goals.

HR & T&D

Training and development plays an important role in the HRD.

Training alone prepares individual to develop skill and

Knowledge through classroom. Instructions on the job training

or planned outside training or coaching while human resource

development process develops individual with dyadic

relationship and organisational health. The T & D process and HRD

HRD and T & D

Personnel Mgt.Trg. & Dev.

Set goals processAppraiseAppraise

man powerman powercompetence


StrategiesfacilitiesTrg. needMgt. Dev.


DevelopmentStaff thePlan/DesignDevelop &

Of culturedeptt.T&D prog.Maintain HR




To perform the above functions the department normally plans,

Designs and implements the following activities:

  1. Studying the organisational objectives and their strategic


  1. Analyzing the present and future plan, demands and


  1. Apprising the individuals potential
  2. Designing the specification for human resources.
  3. Organising research for potential resources.
  4. Computing the cost/investment on human resources.
  5. Comparing present and existing human resources.
  6. Identifying training needs and assessing the needs.
  7. Computing the cost of training and development
  8. Evaluation of T & D activities.
  9. Assigning various roles to the employees
  10. Modifying organisational culture/climate
  11. Looking after welfare activities.
  12. designing and developing T & D programme

These functions of HRD department can also be understood from the

Model of HRD as drawn on the next page.


It is the analytical role of HRD to study the organisational

policies & climate before forecasting most suitable human

resources. The planning of HRD is different than the man-power

planning of traditional personnel management function. This role

is to emphasize the selection based on future career planning of

individual and organisational development. After appraising the

human resource department this activity also includes

Computerizing the HR specifications for considering the

Management development plans.


Human resource is also an investment to the organisation and this

Asset needs ro be precisely computed and controlled. HRD also

Takes are of this aspect by way of comparison of cost of

Recruitment process, cost of in-house availability and hiring

From outside, working out optimal cost and number of human beings

Required in each department of the organisation.

Therefore HRA is an important function of the HRD department.


To perform a specific task or to achieve the objective, there

Must be clarity of responsibilities and accountability of an

Employee. The process of defining the role of an employee in

Context of his work and expectation of the department is an

Important role of the HRD.

The role analysis is therefore very useful to the individuals and

The organisation in many ways.

Through this role the HRD department helps the organisational to

Equip each employee with desired knowledge, and skill to perform

His/ her job effectively in present situation and to develop

Competence for the future requirement. Thus to acquire, maintain

& improve the level of skill & knowledge and quality of the Human

resources, the contribution of T&D are manifold.


HRM is an important function of HRD which binds the employee

The organisation and develops belongingness. Until institution

have developed the job, satisfaction, job enrichment can not come

out of the eventual, sentimental or motivated barriers in an

organisation. The emphasis of human value in management has

helped to develop work ethics and respect to the self esteem.

Proper maintenance of human resources will take care of the

Aspects and continuous process of appraising the performance,

Training and retraining for the deficiencies and performance.

Counseling, will keep on motivating the employees.



* Human Resource * Role clarification * Perception

* Role Description * Widening Perception * Moral improve-


* Organisational * T&D Process * Rise in

Structure self-esteem

* Cost input * Group dynamism * Improved


* Harmonious work


HRD functions also take care of modifying the organisational