Edgecam User Rights

Version 1.7

At version 2010R2 Edgecam underwent a major change in the way Edgecam is used in a network environment. This document details the improvements that are now available to the IT professional to setup Edgecam users on a network.


·  Use Edgecam without Administrator Rights.

·  Remove the need to disable UAC (User Account Control)

·  Give secure control to Corporate and Educational customers who require their users to have limited access

·  Upgrade existing customers easily

·  Maintain the ability to set a Network Location for shared files


With normal user rights files cannot be altered within the Program Files folders. So Code generators, default files, tool store data and specially Language (EdgeKrnl.mnu) has to be written to a different location which the user does have rights to, e.g. “My Documents”


Edgecam needs to write files to the local user folders, but still have the ability to read from the “Program Files” and Network location areas as well.

Edgecam now has a Folder Location Utility that controls the search locations for various file types. The utility can set multiple paths using a mixture of folder names and tokens. The default locations will be set to run Edgecam as a standalone installation and will be compatible with previous versions. Many of the folder locations will be locked to ensure they cannot be accidently modified.


As in previous releases, the user will be able to change the following by default:-

Network Location / ToolStore Data Location / Temporary Folder Location
Strategy Folder / Sub Strategy Folder

All other settings are locked and do not need to be changed.


Customers with large network infrastructures require a tighter control over the use of Edgecam. In these cases, IT departments can control exactly what folders are set and which can be controlled by the user. This is achieved by setting all keys they wish to control in HKLM via a script file.


Each folder location type is stored in the Registry under a Key name. If the key is only defined in the current user area (HKCU) then the user has control. If the key is defined in Local Machine (HKLM), then the user cannot change to folder locations.

Note: As each Edgecam version uses a different number the registry and My Document will change. Where ever you see {version} substitute the real version number e.g. 2013.10




The Folder Utility program is one of the Utilities program.

The Files Location utility is used to set where Edgecam related files and documents are stored or written to. Some categories can have multiple search paths and Edgecam will display the combined list from all paths. For example, Code Generators maybe located on the local machine and on the network. The default setting is for Edgecam to list all the Code Generators from both locations.

Code Generators / <USER>\cam\machdef;<NETWORKLOCATION\cam\machdef;<ECINSTALLDIR>\cam\machdef

Locking and unlocking Categories

The File Location utility displays some of the categories as read only (greyed out). The default installation only allows the user to alter some of the categories that can be available. The mechanism Edgecam uses to decide if a category can be modified is whether the path has been written to a Registry Key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (locked) or HKEY_CURRENT_USER (unlocked)



When the Folder Utility is started you will find that most of the Categories are greyed out. This is because the paths are set in HKLM section of the registry by the Installation Program and the default is to look in the USER folders <USER>, Installation folders <ECINSTALLDIR> and Network Location <NETWORKLOCATION>. This gives compatibility to previous versions of Edgecam and therefore is suitable for both upgrades and new installations.


Category name / Description / Registry Key name
Network Location / Single Path to the network Edgecam folder structure / NetworkLocation
Temporary Location / Single Path to the temp folder / TempLocation
Code Generators / Path(s) to the location of the Code Generators (*.tcp;mcp etc) / CodeGeneratorFolder
ToolStore Support Folders / Single Path to the folder containing the tool graphics / Tool Store Directory
Master Strategy Folder / Single path for the main strategy files (*.rbm) / MasterStrategyFiles
Sub Strategy Files / Path(s) to the additional sub strategies. Relative paths can be specified / SubStrategyFiles
Tool Library Files / Single Path to the legacy Tool Library Database / Tool Data
Machine Files / Path(s) to the Communication setting files (*.mdv) / MachinesFolder
Profile Folder / Path(s) for the interface configuration files (*.config) / SupportProfilesFolder
Default Files / Path(s) for the default files (*.dft) / SupportDefaultFolder
Feature Templates / Path(s) for the Feature template files (*.ft) / FeatureTemplateFolder
Code Generator compilation folder / Single path to where the Code Wizard will create Code Generator files. This is not displayed on the form and can only be set via the registry / CodeGeneratorWriteFolder
Job Reports Folder / Single path to where the HTML files are created / JobReportsFolder
Job Templates Folder / Single path to where the HTML source files are stored / JobTemplatesFolder

Using Tokens

To simplify typing paths we have created tokens that represent system paths. For example, the user could install Edgecam anywhere on his system and it would be time consuming to have to keep referring to the complete path. The token <ECINSTALLDIR> contains the path to the root of the Edgecam installation

Typically: <ECINSTALLDIR> = C:\Program Files\Planit\Edgecam

Token name / Description
<ECINSTALLDIR> / Path to the Edgecam installatione.g. C:\Program Files\Edgecam
<NETWORKLOCATION> / Path to the network Edgecam folder structure
<USER> / Path to the Edgecam folders in the users “My Documents”. This will be the location for posts and default files created by the user.
e.g. C:\User\UserName\Documents\Planit\{version}\Edgecam
<PUBLIC> / Path to the Public documents area
<TEMPLOCATION> / Location where the temp files are written
<LOCALAPPDATA> / Path to user application data such asconfig files and ptvars.$$$
<ALLUSERSPROFILE> / Path to the general ProgramData folder

Files Duplication

Sometimes, files will be duplicated depending how many paths you have set. If you leave the Profile Folder with more than one location, you may have more than one default.config. In this case, Edgecam will read and display only the first one it can find with the same name (reading the path from left to right).


There is a single field to set the Network location (not dissimilar to previous versions). It defaults to the Edgecam installation folder. The path entered in this field is stored in the token <NETWORKLOCATION>

This token can then be used as a path on other File Locations Categories. If your Network Location only stores Post Processors and Strategies, you can remove the token from the other file Categories.

The network Location is the root folder for the Edgecam folder structure. For example, Code generators would be stored in:-



Where will the files be written to?

User files will be written to the relevant folder under “My Documents\Planit\[version]\Edgecam”

For example the Code Wizard would save the Code Generators to:-

..\My Documents\Planit\{version}\Edgecam\cam\machdef

NOTE: The sub folders in “My Documents” are not created until the applications are started for the first time. If you have files you wish to copy to the “My Documents” structure as part of the installation process, you may have to create the folders. We would suggest creating a Edgecam folder structure on a network drive and use XCOPY to copy the entire structure to the local user’s “My Documents”

Where will the files be read from?

The general default will be to look in the user location, network location and the Edgecam installation location. e.g.



The Language files and User Images are saved to %LocalAppData%\Planit\{version}\Edgecam folder in the Operating System. These file locations cannot be customised.


IT departments in corporate companies or educational institutions do require greater control over what the user can set. Rather than using the Folder Utility this can be done via a batch or script file and would normally be performed as part of an automated installation. The registry keys can be modified with the DOS command REG.EXE

Add or Modify A Key To HKLM - Set The Key And User Cannot Alter

This will force the Network location to a specified folder on a server.

REG add HKLM\Software\Planit\EdgeCAM\{version}\Location /v NetworkLocation /t REG_SZ /d "\\servername\edgecam" /f

Delete A Key In HKLM - Allow User To Set The Value In The Folder Utility

By deleting the HKLM key it will give control back to the user.

REG Delete HKLM\Software\Planit\EdgeCAM\{version}\Location /v "NetworkLocation" /f


The HKLM is stored in a different path on 64bit Operating systems.

32bit is HKLM\Software\Planit\{version}\Location

64bit is HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Planit\{version}\Location


The standard Edgecam installation will be similar to previous releases. The main change the user will see is that files like MCP, MCC, DFT are written to an Edgecam folder structure under "My Documents" rather than "Program Files". As before, they can also change the Network Location and some other settings that where available in previous releases.

However, we now have the ability for tighter control over where files are read and written. This means corporate and educational IT departments can control all options and disable end users from changing anything if they wish. By storing the paths in the registry, IT departments can deploy Edgecam safely by adding these registry keys to their installation scripts and know all the PCs will have the same settings. I would expect IT departments to have the knowledge to use registry command and scripts. This documentation and example scripts can be used to customize their own scripts.

The main reason I have added these example scripts is for Edgecam engineers to be aware of what can be done and in the case of ecRegDefault.cmd get back to a standard install after playing with the settings.

ecRegDefault.cmd / Set the folder locations back to the standard Installation. Handy if you have been playing with the settings and just want a quick way to reset.
ecRegLocked.cmd / Example of how to set all the folders and remove user control.
ecRegClearAll.cmd / Clears all the folder locations in HKLM and HKCU. Gives full user control and you will see the Edgecam default folder setting.
ecRegUserControl.cmd / Clears folder locations in HKLM leaving HKCU settings as they are. So basically gives control to the user, but without changing the local settings.

Example Automated Installation from a network drive

To help understand how you would go about creating an automated install script, we have written an example with appropriate comments.

SampleAutomatedInstall.cmd / §  Check if operating system is 32bit or 64bit
§  Installs Edgecam by using a response file (depending on OS)
§  Set some of the folder locations in the Local Machine so the user cannot alter them.
§  Set the ToolStore to point to a network server
§  Disable the "Do you wish to register" question that is displayed first time
§  Set Edgecam to a network dongle with a specific license type
§  Run Edgecam with a PCI to set any options

To install Edgecam automatically you will first need to generate a response file.

First run the Edgecam installation manually with a -r switch.

This creates the file C:\WINDOWS\SETUP.ISS which is an InstallShield Response file recording of the settings entered into the installer.

e.g. "\\MyServer\EdgecamInstallSet\Edgecam\setup.exe" -r

This file can be copied to a convenient place on the server, for example the network Edgecam install folder. You may need more than one ISS file if different settings are needed. For example, 32bit installs into C:\Program Files\Edgecam and 64bit into C:\Program Files (x86)\Edgecam.

The ISS file is a text file and can be modified in an editor and the file name changed to suit the need. The install script will run the silent install

"setup.exe" -s -f1”\\Myserver\EdgecamInstallSet\Edgecam\setup.iss”

-s = Silent

-f1 = response file name

Change Control

Version / Change / Date
1.0 / Original document
1.1 / Added more information to “Where will the files be written to? “ / 27/07/2010
1.2 / Updated for Edgecam 2011.20. Changing from Pathtrace to Planit in the registry. / 07/10/2010
1.3 / Added Job Report locations.
Updated Install script to disable the Migration wizard / 12/10/2010
1.4 / Updated to 2011 R2 / 15/04/2011
1.5 / Updated to 2012 R1 / 11/10/2011
1.6 / Updated to 2012 R2 / 11/05/2012
1.7 / Updated to 2013 R1 / 17/10/2012