English III/Grade 11

Unit 3: Civil War Realism

Time Frame: 4 Weeks

Essential Questions / Targeted Core Content & Program of Studies / Essential Vocabulary / Activities & Assessments
Reading / Writing / Speak, Listen, & Observe
How does the philosophical, political, religious, ethical, and social climate of a historical period influence the writings of the period?
1. How are literature
elements used in
different genres produced during the same era?
2.How do these pieces of
literaturereflect real
cultural/social/world issues?
3. How does each writer present his/her personal views on the events and social climate in his/her writings? (Theme, genre, character development, setting, literary techniques, style) /

For POS Understandings, see English Reading Check sheet

Students will describe the influence of historical events on the development of the English language


Students will paraphrase and summarize information from texts of various lengths; distinguish between a summary and a critique
RD-11 -2.0.1 & RD-12-2.0.1
Students will paraphrase information in a passage.


Students will demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts
a)identify characteristics of different types of literary texts (e.g., comedies, tragedies, satires, parodies)
b)explain the main ideas of a passage and identify the key ideas or information that support them
Students will explain the main ideas of a passage and identify the key ideas or information that support them.


Students will use text references to explain author’s purpose, author’s message or theme (including universal themes), arguments and supporting evidence
Students will identify or explain an author’s purpose in a passage.
Students will explain the appropriateness of the author’s content for an intended audience


Students will demonstrate understanding of literary elements and literary passages/texts
a)analyze the use of supporting details as they relate to the author’s message
Students will analyze or evaluate the use of supporting details as they relate to the author’s message.
b)analyze the relationship between a character’s motivation and behavior as revealed by the dilemmas
Students will analyze the relationship between a speaker’s or character’s motivation and behavior in a passage, as revealed by the dilemmas
c)explain or analyze how external or internal conflicts are resolved
Students will explain or analyze how a conflict in a passage is resolved
d)explain author’s craft as appropriate to genre (e.g., metrics rhyme scheme, analogy, symbolism, allusion, soliloquy)
Students will read a wide range of texts, including texts by the same author, about he same subject or theme, from the same genre, and from different cultures and time periods, in order to respond and make connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world)
Students will analyze the content or make connections as it applies to students’ lives (text-to-self), real-world issues (text-to-world) or other texts (text-to-text).
Students will demonstrate participation in a literate community by sharing and responding to ideas and connections with others through writing and in-depth discussions about texts


Students will form and support warranted judgments/opinions/
conclusions about central ideas


Students will analyze the interactions between and among literary elements within and across a variety of texts


Students will make comparisons and synthesize information within and across texts (e.g., comparing themes, ideas, concept development, literary elements, events, genres)
Students will compare and contrast the characteristics of a variety of literary genres
Students will compare or contrast elements, views, ideas or events presented in one or more passages.
Students will analyze the ways in which similar themes or ideas are developed in more than one text. / For KY Core Content, refer to the English Writing Check sheet.
EL – 11- WC – U – 1
Students will understand that there are many reasons for all high school students to write including writing- to – learn, writing-to demonstrate – learning and writing for authentic purposes and audiences.
Students will understand that different forms of writing are appropriate for different purposes and audiences across the content areas and have different features (e.g., journals on-demand responses, editorials, literary critiques).
Students will write to learning by applying strategies effectively (e.g., personal journals, writer’s notebooks)
Students will write to demonstrate learning and understanding of content knowledge (e.g., on-demand writing, research papers and essays, lab reports)
Students will communicate purpose, focus, and controlling ideas authentic to the writer
Students will develop ideas that are logical, justified, and suitable for a variety of purposes, audiences and forms of writing.
Students will provide sufficient details and appropriate depth of elaboration for clear understanding.
Students will use and sustain suitable voice or tone
Students will understand that different types of structures are appropriate for different purposes, audiences, and forms of writing. Texts must be unified and coherent.
Students will develop analytical structures to purpose (e.g., sequence, problem/solution, description, question/answer, cause/effect, compare/contrast, chronology, proposition/support
Students will apply structures of a variety of academic and work-related tests (e.g., essay, narrative, poetry,, memoir, article, job application, memo proposal) for authentic and justifiable purposes
Students will establish a context, thesis and a controlling idea in the introduction; develop the piece sufficiently, arranging ideas with intent; and conclude the writing effectively
Students will understand that standard grammar and usage are important in making meaning clear to the reader, nonstandard and/or unconventional grammar, mechanics and usage may be used for intended effect.
Students will choose precise and descriptive language for clarity, richness, and/or its effect on the reader (words with multiple meanings, words that imply different shades of meanings, words with literal and non-literal meanings, foreign, words/phrases, strong nouns and verbs, concrete and sensory details, figurative language- metaphors, paradox, allusions, hyperbole
Students will understand that the writing process is a helpful tool in constructing and demonstrating meaning of content (whether personal expressive, literary, academic or practical through writing.
Students will understand that the stages are sometimes recursive (e.g., in the process of revising, a writer sometimes returns to earlier stages of the process).
Students will understand that writers work through the process at different rates. Often, the process is enhanced by conferencing with others.
Students will focus: establish and maintain a controlling idea on a selected topic.
Students will reflect and evaluate personal progress and skills in writing / During times of cooperative learning, class presentations and speaking opportunities, the following will be assessed.
In formal speaking situations
Students will create oral presentations that
a)are appropriate for the purpose (e.g., to inform, persuade, entertain), audience, context and occasion
b)support ideas with sound evidence and appropriate details
c)maintain a consistent focus
d)exhibit a logical structure appropriate to audience, context and purpose
e)organize ideas in a coherent, meaningful way including an introduction and a conclusion that are appropriate to audience and purpose
f)choose language for its effect on the audience (e.g., strong nouns, active verbs, concrete and sensory details, and figurative language, use of rhetorical devices)
Students will apply delivery techniques
  • both verbal (e.g., tone, volume, rate, articulation, inflection, pacing) and nonverbal (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, eye contact)
  • avoid distracting delivery behaviors (e.g. excessive verbal pauses, fidgeting)
  • use language appropriate to audience; use specialized content vocabulary as needed
  • adhere to standard guidelines for grammar, usage, mechanics or use non-standard language for effect when appropriate (e.g., word plays, common figures of speech)
  • choose language for its affect on the audience (e.g. strong nouns, active verbs, concrete and sensory details and figurative language)
Students will use visual aids, media and tools of technology to support oral communication
Students will document ideas from outside sources (e.g., citing authors, titles, websites) In informal speaking situations /
  • Realism,
  • Naturalism,
  • Characterization, Regionalism,
  • Local Color,
  • Spirituals,
  • omniscient point of view, objective point of view, third person limited point of view,
  • situational irony, vernacular,
  • idioms,
  • dialect,
  • motivation,
  • verisimilitude, characterization,
  • theme,
  • parable,
  • single effect,
  • description,
  • motivation,
  • meter,
  • tone,
  • conflict,
  • rhyme,
  • speaker,
  • reality vs fantasy, Comparison/contrasts, hyperbole,
/ Teacher select from district provided texts, collections and other out side sources as needed for APP. Suggested authors; Whitman, Dickinson, Bierce, Crane, Twain, London, & Chopin. Poetry Unit on going Douglas, Robinson, Dunbar,
Suggested Assignments:
  • Notebooks,
  • Timelines,
  • plot line,
  • H graphic organizer,
  • Venn Diagram,
  • audio and video presentations,
  • story map,
  • group presentation,
  • character letters/journals,
  • readers responses,
  • learning logs,
  • vocabulary,
  • posters,
  • reading circle,
  • literary analysis/review,
  • review games( ie Jeopardy or board game)
  • research project
Possible Assessments;
  • Quizzes,
  • Objective Test
  • Group work evaluations, Teacher observation
APP Suggested Reading List:
Adventure of Huckleberry Finn
Red Badge of Courage,
Personal Essays

KnottCountySchool DistrictHindman, KY2008/2009