Council Agenda, June 9, 2008, Page 3 of 3





JUNE 9, 2008– 7:00 P.M.


JUNE 9, 2008 – 12:00 NOON




1. Call to order and welcome – Mayor James F. Palmer.

A. Invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag – Mayor James F. Palmer.

3. Motion to amend/approve Proposed Agenda.

4. Motion to amend/approve the May 19, 2008 City Council Minutes of the Regular Meeting.

5. Mayor’s Comments:

A. Remind everyone that the regular June 23, 2008 City Council meeting has been moved to June 16, 2008 due to the Annual GMA Convention in Savannah, Georgia.

B. Presentation of flag flown over Camp Ramadi, Iraq by the Raider Brigade Combat Team at the request of SPC Charlie Lumpkin in honor of Gordon County, Calhoun GA for the support during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

C. Remind Council and public of any zoning hearings scheduled for July 14, 2008. Zoning Advisory Board will meet July 10, 2008.

July 14, 2008

1. An annexation request by Randy and Donna McEntyre for .43 acres located at 175 West Belmont Drive.

2. A 10’ variance request by Jim Haggard to build a 26x24 detached garage on the rear of his property located at 110 Shenandoah Drive.

3. An annexation and zoning change request from A-1 to IND-G by Champions of Calhoun, LLC for 8.17 acres located at 127 Nance Road.

6. Council Comments:

A. Councilman Edwards – Street, Sanitation, Cemetery, Animal Control, Parks, Zoning Advisory Board, Main Street Partnership and Downtown Development Authority, Safety.

B. Councilman Denmon – Water, Sewer, Water-Sewer Construction, Building Inspections.

C. Councilman Crowley – Electric, Telecommunications, Airport, Revolving Loan, School

D. Councilman Hammond – Police, Fire, Coosa Valley RDC

7. Public Hearings:

A. Announce at this time, public hearings on zoning matters will be held. The public will have the opportunity to make pro and con comments with a ten minute maximum time limit for each side of the matter, with each person speaking having filed a financial disclosure statement five days prior to the hearing if required, with each person giving their name and address. An inquiry should be made to determine if any elected official has filed a disclosure statement regarding ownership or special interest in any of the agenda items. Zoning Land Use Maps on display in Council Chambers for Zoning Advisory Board and Council hearings. (*Reminder – Annexation first and zoning as a second motion)

1. 2nd reading of an annexation and zoning change request from A-1 to CN for 2.79 acres located at 1584 Highway 53 Spur by Flipper McDaniel. Open public hearing. (Report of Peterson on notices. Report of Zoning Advisory Board. Comments. Close Hearing. May be approved, denied, or continued.)

B. Other Public Hearings:

1. Open public hearing for a beer package license request by East India Enterprises, Inc d/b/a/ Neel’s Market #2 with Dilipbhai K. Patel as authorized agent at a location of 461 Harris Beamer Road. (Clear police report) Comments. Close Hearing. (May be approved/denied)

2. Open public hearing for the March 2007 zoning map changes. (May be approved/denied/amended)

8. Old Business: NONE

9. New Business

A. 1st reading of an annexation request by Larry W. and Kathy S. Brown for 4.05 acres located at 122 Nelson Lake Road. (Earliest date for a public hearing is August 11, 2008)

B. Request from the Calhoun Housing Authority to close down McConnell road on August 2nd, 2008 from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm for a “Back to School” block party. (Close from the dumpster to the stop sign & use of playground). (They have made arrangements to have an ambulance present during this time & they are currently working on obtaining an off-duty police officer for security.) (May be approved/denied)

C. Request by the Calhoun Police Department to declare the following vehicles as excess property and to sell through (May be approved/denied)

  1. 1991 Geo Prizm, Confiscated, Vin# 1Y1SK5464MZ004838, valued at $300.00 or less.
  2. 1995 Ford Taurus, City purchased with Asset Seizure funds, Vin# 1FALP5247SA174964, valued at $750.00 or less.

D. Request by the City of Calhoun General Government Finance Department to close cash account 6175000094 with Regions bank due to interest rate dropping significantly with no notification and also to manage in a more simplified way depositing directly into pooled operating account. (May be approved/denied)

E. Request to dedicate Creek Meadow Lane to the City of Calhoun. (May be accepted/declined).

F. Request to adopt a resolution to approve and adopt the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan update for Gordon County and the cities of Calhoun, Fairmount, Plainville, Ranger, and Resaca. (May be adopted/amended).

G. 2008-2009 LARP resurfacing contract. (Signatures required)

H. 1st public hearing of the 2008-2009 City of Calhoun General Government budget.

I. 1st public hearing of the 2008-2009 City School budget.

10. Other Written Items Not on the Agenda: NONE

11. Work Reports:

A. Director of Utilities - Kelly Cornwell

B. Additional Comments – City Administrator - Eddie Peterson

12. Mayor to determine if Executive Session is needed.

13. Motion to leave General Session, if required.

14. Motion to return to General Session.

15. Report of Executive Session if appropriate.

16. Motion to adjourn.