Calgary Digital Kadima Chinook Scavenger Hunt 2011
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Sunday, September 25th, 2011: Chapter elections and business meeting.
“Why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer.”
Figure out what the clues are hinting at.Each answer is related to Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur or Succoth.
Write down the answer and take a picture of what the answeris or something that looks like it.
Some answers are concepts.
The group that creates the best album will be awarded a cash value prize.
1)I am a Citron fruit used at the Festival of Booths.
Click!Take a picture an Etrog, or something that looks like it.
Rules- Return to check in point every 30 Mins. (Sour the Metal Dinosaur)
- Make sure your advisor is with you.
- Do not take pictures of any store fronts or brand name logos.
- Ask for permission before you take a picture, be polite, and explain yourself.
- No running.
- No yelling.
- No Roughhousing.
- No Shopping.
- Be responsible, you represent your community.
- Meeting point – Sour the Metal Dinosaur (TD Canada Trust)
- No up-stairs.
- North – Do not go past Shoppers Drug Mart.
- South – Do not go past HMV. Do not go into HMV.
- Do not leave the mall or go to any parking areas or stairwells.
- If there are already Kadimanicks in a store, do not go into that store while they are there.
All answers are related to Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur or Succoth.
All answers are either an idea, a place, a person, a time, an event, a ritual item, a food, a name, a holiday, a concept, a metaphysical idea, a spiritual conundrum where each question leads to another question and in actuality the answer IS the journey itself, a vegetable, etc. Basically, anything.
Do the easy ones first, do as many as you can, be creative on the ones where you are stuck. Take a guess.
I AM ...
1)I am the first holiday of the year! In fact, I am the head of the year! / 1)
2)I am from the tree and from the hive, have a sweet new year! Please don’t get me all over your parents’ car. / 2)
3)I am a type of ritual egg bread with a dried fruit baked into me. The dried fruit and type of bread is mentioned in another clue. / 3)
4)I am instead of eating lots of big meals, on Yom Kippur, we all do what I am. But, not people that are young, old, sick, or pregnant. They gotta have their eats! / 4)
5)Am I a Nike logo or part of an animal’s head?! Or am I a trumpet? Could I possibly be a ballerina? So many loud noises, it’s starting to hurt my brain! / 5)
6)I am when the leaves change colors and the children go back to school.Shudder. / 6)
7)I am hung up in the Succah. I am used to make it more beautiful. I don’t do much, and sometimes I get rained on or snowed on, but I sure am beautiful! / 7)
8)I am the building on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem, where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac, Jacob had a dream about angels and where people walk to the House of Gd on the Shalosh Regalim, (three pilgrimage festivals). / 8)
9)I am a special egg bread eaten on Shabbat and Holidays. I am braided and fluffy! CAUTION ALLERGY ALERT: I May contain, egg, wheat, nuts, seeds, flour, air, water. / 9)
10)I am the source of the Shofar and the animal that Abraham sacrificed instead of Isaac. You’re welcome. / 10)
11)I am what some people eat to remind them to be at the head and not the tail. Some old people like to eat my eyeballs and it really grosses out the kids! Stay out of the deep end! Wink! Oh wait, I can’t wink, I don’t have eyelids and that bubbie just ate my eyeball! / 11)
12)I am what all people undergo on Rosh Hashanah. It is a very serious deliberation of one’s soul and it relates to a court room. / 12)
13)I am a time when the farmers gather their crops and separate a portion for the poor, the Levites and The Temple. / 13)
14)I am an article of clothing that is worn by Jews when praying and I am wrapped around one’s shoulders. / 14)
15)I am a system set up to track and report the days, months and years. I am sometimes found on a desk, wall, or personal hand-held electronic device. I sometimes have funny cartoons! / 15)
16)I am an ancient article worn by the high priest in The Temple. I had twelve gems imbedded in me and I was worn on his chest on top of the robe. I was depicted in the movie Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost ark. You can see it, at the end, when that guy puts on all the clothes of the high priest and says some Hebrew words, they open the ark and everyone’s face melts off? / 16)
17)I am what you must do and ask for by Yom Kippur. I am hard to ask for because it means you admit guilt and I am hard to give because it is hard to forget when someone hurts us. / 17)
18)I am not sure if I am a lemon or not, but I can’t take much more of this shaking! / 18)
19)Don’t have too much of me or you might get drunk! Of course have four of me on Passover, and a little at your briss!!! But, don’t take a picture of me in a bottle, or it won’t count. / 19)
20)I am what is traditionally worn by a person after their B’nai Mitzvah. I am worn while someone is reciting morning prayers. I am wrapped around one’s head and arm and my English name is phylacteries. Nice to meet you! / 20)
21)I am a booth sort of shack type hut that the Israelites dwelled in. It is traditional to eat a meal in me and some people will sleep in me. The Holiday I’m used on is named after me. It’s nice, come to visit! / 21)
22)I am palm, myrtle and willow branches all bound together. I am not my separate parts, I am taken as one with an Etrog and shaken in all directions. / 22)
23)I am the second book of The Torah. I am a really long war movie. I am the name of a ship that was going to Palestine after WWII and got turned back to Europe. I am a Bob Marley song title and probably a Greek word. / 23)
24)I am two triangles. One is pointing up, and one is pointing down. The two triangles are interwoven as one. / 24)
25)We are a couple of Kadima kids taking pictures on a scavenger hunt in the mall. We are all bunched together and someone in the group is holding the camera up high in the airstraightabove our heads and is taking a picture of all of us looking up! / 25)