August 14, 2017
The meeting of the Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners was called to order in their meeting room at 10:00 a.m. Present were Chair Karen Skoog, Vice-Chair Stephen Kiss, Commissioner Mike Manus, and Clerk of the Board Rhonda Cary. S. Kiss offered the invocation. K. Skoog led the flag salute.
K. Skoog provided an update on the WCIF board meeting she attended last week.
The Board discussed the Noisy Creek fire.
Community Development Director Greg Snow was present to follow up on a personnel matter regarding a wage increase for an employee in his department. Also in attendance were Human Resources Manager Spencer Shanholtzer, Newport Miner Reporter Sophia Aldous, county resident Bob Eugene, and Financial Manager Jill Shacklett. The Board reviewed an updated job description and salary table.
M. Manus provided an update on a healthcare meeting he attended last week.
The Board discussed requests regarding the Northshore culvert and Rustler’s Gulch.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:10 p.m.
Consent Agenda - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the Minutes of the Board’s August 7, 2017 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings (year-to-date estimate): $29,142.45
Payroll Change Notice:
Sheriff-Deputy –
Daniel Dice, Termination, Effective 8/09/2017
Approve Vacation Rollover for Gregory Hicks
Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the new job description and the new payroll for the Senior Building Inspector. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by S. Kiss to finalize the lease of the Ione property to the two tenants and allow the chair to sign. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried unanimously.
In the Matter of a Lease of County Property at 208 Main Street, Ione, Washington
Land Lease between Pend Oreille County and Stewart Porter/Porter’s Plaza
Land Lease between Pend Oreille County and Wendy Pettis/Hwy 31 Grind
The Board convened in executive session regarding the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 90 minutes from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt was present for a legal update. Topics discussed included the leasing of county property in Ione, the Rustler’s Gulch property, the county park, enforcement of regulations, VSP, and Ashenfelter Bay.
The Board convened in executive session regarding the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 25 minutes from 3:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Also present were D. Hunt and S. Shanholtzer.
Public Comment Period – There were no persons present for comment.
The Board convened in executive session regarding the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 20 minutes from 4:05 p.m. to 4:25 p.m. Also present were D. Hunt and S. Shanholtzer.
At 4:30 p.m., K. Skoog announced the meeting continued to August 15.
August 15, 2017
The meeting resumed at 9:00 a.m. K. Skoog was excused to certify the election.
Public Works Update – Present were Public Works Director Sam Castro and Road District Supervisor Dan Reijonen. K. Skoog arrived to the meeting in progress.
Action Items:
S. Castro reviewed the request to sell the F150 pickup to the Town of Cusick in the amount of $3,300 not including tax. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the sale of the pickup to the Town of Cusick. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Sale of a Vehicle between Pend Oreille County and the Town of Cusick
S. Castro reviewed the supplemental agreement and updated project prospectus for the Indian Creek Fish Passage Project. Motion was made by M. Manus for the Chair to sign the Indian Creek Fish Passage Project documents. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
WSDOT Local Agency Agreement Supplement 4 and Updated Project Prospectus for the Indian Creek Fish Passage Project
S. Castro reviewed the contract with Versatile Industries for the construction of the Sullivan Lake inlet bridge. Motion was made by M. Manus to execute the contract for the Sullivan Lake inlet bridge. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.
Contract between Pend Oreille County and Versatile Industries, Inc. for the BRS-T261 (005) LA-8109 Sullivan Lake Inlet Bridge CRP 837
Update Items:
D. Reijonen provided an update on the pavement and preservation program for the year which included chip seal of 14.83 total miles. Also discussed was the Duncan Springs project, mitigation in process, paint striping, bridge inspection, the arena repair at the fairgrounds, a lake access issue, and placement of the reader board. D. Reijonen was excused from the meeting following the discussion.
S. Castro continued the update which included the inclinometer at the LeClerc slide area, a survey of the Northshore culvert, impacts to the Solid Waste department due to lack of CPG funding for hazardous materials, a request for a workshop, construction of the tarping station, the landfill closure, solid waste disposal rates, a water main break at the jail, Buildings & Grounds projects, the Fire Recovery Bill, and the Sheriff’s request for a pole building.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m.
The Board convened in executive session regarding the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 60 minutes from 1:25 p.m. to 2:25 p.m.
M. Manus was excused at 3:15 p.m.
The Board submitted preliminary budget requests.
Correspondence Received:
8.13 J. Hankey-Invitation to POC Fair
8.14 WSLCB-Marijuana License Renewal, Carol’s Country Store, Producer Tier 3 and Processor, 556 Lone Pine Rd.
8.15 WSCLB-Liquor License Renewal, Skookum Creek Grab & Go, 54 Lenora Drive, Usk
8.16 T. Frisque-Pend Oreille River Property
8.17 K. Hopkins-Contract Addendum Request
Correspondence Sent:
W. Antcliff-Appointment to the Planning Commission
As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:
Salary and Claim
Current Expense $346,502.53
Counseling Services $ 76,806.54
Crime Victims Compensation $ 256.48
Fair $ 2,268.99
Park $ 773.81
Road $277,995.10
Emergency 911 Communications $ 9,862.02
Extension Education $ 40.15
Public Facilities $ 2,776.09
Capital Projects $ 322.50
Solid Waste $ 26,064.59
Equipment R&R $ 95,616.58
IT Services $ 22,744.17
TOTAL $862,029.55
Checks 166730 through 166801 totaling $59,065.30 and Electronic Funds Transfers 13685 through 13921 totaling $548,911.52 dated August 10, 2017. Includes Jr. Taxing Districts.
Checks 166802 through 166898 totaling $333,931.06 dated August 14, 2017.
K. Skoog adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
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