ACC-MN Board of Councilors

Feb. 9, 2009


Attending: Scott Wright, Ann Loth, Donna Kania-Lachance, Uma Valeti, Gary Hanovich, John Haley, Tim Henry

Staff: Bill Monn, Andy Shelp

A quorum was present

Hanovich called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

  1. Annual Conference
  2. Speakers confirmed. Henry committed to following up with speakers for the session he is leading – Robert Simari and Doris Taylor. Monn or Shelp to follow up with Jenny Krech, Henry’s associate, to assist in confirming.

Monn to follow up with council member Joseph Murphy and Barry Borlaug to be in contact with panelists for the first session – Dave Homans and Charles Herzog

  1. Conflict of interest statements signed – all speakers on the program are required to sign a conflict of interest declaration with the ACC.
  1. Save the date going out. Monn and Shelp to review timing of when a Save the Date notice can go out per ACC CME regulations
  1. Grant writing beginning. The grant writing will begin shortly, following final technical review(s) and approval(s) from ACC
  1. Hotel contract signed. A contract has been signed with the Bloomington Hilton for June 4.
  1. Program brochure being developed. The program brochure is being finalized and as soon as it is reviewed and approved by ACC will be distributed.
  1. The board decided that there will be no charge for attendees with the stipulation that persons must pre-register – with the message that the Chapter will incur a cost if persons signing up do not attend.
  1. The board decided to decrease the cost for exhibitors to $1,500, down from $2,000 in 2008. Sponsor fees will be the same as last year: $10,000 for platinum; $5,000 sustaining; $2,500 benefactor and $2,000 Supporting.
  1. Leadership conference, Jan. 30, Washington, D.C.
  2. Chapter Recognition Award. Hanovich and Monn noted that the Minnesota Chapter received an award at the ACC leadership conference Jan. 30-31
  1. Chapter Goals for 2009
  1. Successful Chapter conference
  2. Hold FIT conference
  3. Collect home addresses
  4. Prepare Dr. Valeti for Governor term.

Monn reviewed Chapter goals that were drafted by Hanovich, Valeti and Monn at the ACC leadership conference. Council members endorsed the goals.

  1. Additional –
  2. Hanovich and Monn reported that the financials of the Chapter have been reviewed and the Chapter is in a sound position.
  3. Councilor Nominations. Monn reported that there has been difficulty getting a response from several doctors who had been identified as candidates. He said there were no candidates in District 1 (northern half of the state) and the by-laws provide for one councilor; three candidates in district two (southern portion of the state that includes Rochester) where there are two council seats; One candidate in district three (Minneapolis and suburbs) where there are four council seats; and two candidates in district four (St. Paul and suburbs) where two seats are available.

Council members Hanovich, Valeti and Henry said they would try to recruit additional council members.


* Monn to work with Hanovich and Valeti to identify a practice captain in all Minnesota practices.

* Monn to send conference program information to Wright as soon as available

* Monn to send personal SAVE THE DATE emails invitations to Minnesota members of the ACC Board of Trustees – David Holmes, Rick Nishimura and CaroleWarnes to encourage them to attend the Chapter Conference and to encourage others to attend

* Monn to send Chapter goals to ACC national

* Monn to send an e-mail to Andy Chiu, councilor in Duluth, seeking nomination information and confirmation that he will serve if elected.

* Monn to call Bill Nelson per request from Valeti

* Monn to coordinate with Hanovich to include David Holmes on the program for a brief address on the future goals of the ACC (Holmes to become president of the ACC in 2010.)

* Monn to prepare an estimate of cost and timing to gather the home addresses of all chapter members to all matching them with the state legislators to be prepared if legislation affecting cardiologists is introduced in the Minnesota Legislature.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.