
National Speaker's Association (NSA)

1500 South Priest Drive

Tempe, AZ 85281

Attention: Member Services

Dear NSA:

I am writing to verify the professional speaking presentations which have been given within the past 12 months by Anita Carr, Sales Manager of Trendy Cars 4 U. As part of their salaried position, the following list of presentations have been delivered in front of live audiences of 15 or larger.

Please accept this letter as the supporting documentation ofthe required 20 speaking presentations in the past 12 months.

Date / Group/Description / Attendance
1 / 3/31/17 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
2 / 2/28/17 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
3 / 1/31/17 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
4 / 12/30/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
5 / 11/30/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
6 / 10/30/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
7 / 9/30/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
8 / 8/30/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
9 / 7/29/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
10 / 6/29/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
11 / 5/27/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
12 / 4/29/16 / Trendy Cars 4 U -Monthly Sales Class / 75
13 / 2/10/17 / Super Car Convention – Keynote Speaker / 500
14 / 1/14/17 / Major Vehicles Marketing Seminar / 250
15 / 12/12/16 / Book Signing Speech / 25
16 / 10/21/16 / WOW! Factor Seminar – Keynote Speaker / 100
17 / 9/9/16 / Toyota Sales Training / 75
18 / 8/3/16 / Honda Sales Training / 50
19 / 7/3/16 / Ford Sales Training / 65
20 / 3/7/16 / Roadway Marketing Seminar / 40


Rick N. Pinion

Rick N. Pinion, Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Trendy Cars 4 U