Mr Jones KS2
Rules of Word Processing
Spacing: one space after a comma, two spaces after a full stop.
DO NOT press enter at the end of a line unless starting a new paragraph.
DO NOT use WordArt unless it is appropriate for the purpose of the document.
Use a maximum of two fonts on a single page; otherwise your work will look untidy.
DO NOT TYPE USING ALL CAPITALS. This makes you look as if you are SHOUTING.
Do NOT indent when starting a new paragraph.
Check that what you have typed makes sense. Proofread your work.
Check your spelling and grammar, particularly before printing your work out.
Centre your text using the tool on the toolbar. Not the Space Bar.
Don’t forget to use the UNDO tool on the standard toolbar if you make a mistake.
Save your work regularly in case the computer crashes.
Always add your name to your work as a header or footer.
Use Both hands to type with.
Fonts: Use fonts sensibly. Some fonts can be difficult to read! This makes your work difficult to check for spelling mistakes and correct punctuation.
All About Me!
In this exercise, you will be writing about yourself and inserting a picture or clipart into a word processor.
You should make notes in your book about yourself to word process. Remember the rules of word processing! Your document could include something about your interests and hobbies; any sports you take part in; any pets you may have; your likes and dislikes in music, art etc. Use the suggestions below to help you start your document, and write at least half a page (font no larger than 14pt please).
If you have it available, use Microsoft Word for your essay.
You can start your document with:
I am interested in …………
My favourite sport is …… and my sporting hero is ……….
My pets are ……
You could also use some or all of the following ideas:
Write about your brothers and sisters or best friends.
What is your favourite TV program? Why?
The next three you should include in your document:
What is your best subject in school?
What are you looking forward to in the comprehensive school?
What are you NOT looking forward to in the comprehensive school?
There are endless things you can write about! Just use you imagination….
Use your name as the heading and centre then underline it.
Include a header and footer. The header should show your name. The footer should show the name of your school. Please see the example.
You can also insert a boarder around your page, to make it have more impact. (What does this mean?)
If your photograph is available to you, copy it into your document. If not, insert a piece of clipart or a picture into your document instead.
Check your spelling, use spellchecker but make sure you are using the correct words! (Why?)
Save your document using your name as the name for your document. If your name is Adam Smith, then name your document Adam Smith.
Improve the look and content of your document.
Why are some of the words on this page in BOLD?
Then login to your own folder on the Llantwit school network, and copy your document to your own folder.
Well done, your first task for ICT in Llantwit School is done!
Llantwit Major Comprehensive
Mr Jones KS2
Mr Jones
Hello! My name is Mr Jones, and I teach ICT in Llantwit Major School. I have lots of interests including astronomy, photography, robotics, electronics and science. I have three cats at home, one girl called Pixie and two boys called Tiger and Merlin. Pixie is a very small tortoise shell coloured cat, Merlin is a black cat and Tiger is a large tabby cat.
I particularly enjoy giving naughty pupils detention but I also give points to those pupils that are good. The good pupils also get to use my computer room at break times and lunch times.
This is a picture of my tabby cat Tiger.
I hope you are looking forward to attending my lessons! We will be using spreadsheets, databases and desk top publishing as well as word processing.
Good Luck
Llantwit Major Comprehensive
Mr Jones KS2
Logging on to the Llantwit School Network
You will need a user name and a password.
Your user name will be formatted like this:
In this case the surname of the pupil was smith and his first name was Adam. Notice it was all in lower case. Do not use capital letters!
Your password will be password to start! You will be asked to change this when you come to Llantwit School next term. Why?
To go to your own area of the Llantwit School network you must go to the school website at
Then go to Resources / RM Easylink and click on RM Easylink:
Then click on Click Here To Enter
Then enter YOUR user name and the word password for the password.
Click on Open the Easylink Website
Click on the YES button.
Click on the Home Directory button.
We are nearly there!
Type your password (password) in again. Your user name will already be entered.
Click the OK button.
You may be asked to do this twice.
Congratulations, you are now on your own folder in Llantwit School!
Llantwit Major Comprehensive