Jennifer A. Sandlin curriculum vitae

1203 Haines Drive, College Station, TX, 77840

phone (979) 777-0993, email:

current as of September 22, 2006

Education, Background, and Professional Experience

Educational History /

Doctor of Philosophy (Adult Education)

§  August 2001, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
§  Ronald M. Cervero, advisor. Dissertation: “Manufacturing Workers: Exploring Ideological Assumptions in Educational Programs for Welfare Recipients”
Popular Education Institute
§  June 2000, Sponsored by Rutgers University Adult Education Department, held in Guanajuato and Tlaxcala, Mexico.

Master of Arts with Distinction (Anthropology)

§  1994, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Bachelor of Arts with Distinction (English Literature)
§  1992, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS
Experience /

Assistant Professor

§  Fall 2002-present, Texas A&M University, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, Adult Education Program. Courses taught:
§  EHRD 630: Adult Learning
§  EHRD 631: Foundations of Adult Education
§  EHRD 655: Introduction to Qualitative Research
§  EHRD 638: Advanced Issues: Consumerism, Consumption and Adult Education
§  EHRD 689: Evaluating Adult Learning
§  EHRD 690: Review of the Literature in Adult Education

Visiting Assistant Professor

§  Spring 2002, Texas A&M University, Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development.

English Literacy Civics Education Web Page Developer

§  Spring 2002-Spring 2003, Texas Center for Adult Literacy and Learning & Brenham Community Education. Created a web page to provide practitioners access to best practices and resources in EL/ Civics education for adults.

Curriculum Writer and Staff Development Coordinator

§  1999-2000, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Worked on a web-based curriculum project funded by the Center for Rehabilitation Technology, Atlanta, GA, writing multi-media curriculum units focusing on adult and workplace literacy. Led the staff development segment of the project, creating staff development materials for teachers and writing lesson plans for teachers on a variety of work-related topics.

Curriculum Coordinator, Beyond Basic Skills

§  1996-1999, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Served as co-editor and Curriculum Coordinator of Beyond Basic Skills, a curriculum guide that was part of the Adult Literacy Staff Development Project funded by the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education’s Office of Adult Literacy. Produced three times a year, the curriculum, consisting of discussion-based activities and resources, reached over 1350 adult literacy teachers in Georgia and across the US.
Other Professional Experience / Assistant Curator, NAGPRA Project (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act)
§  1995-1996, Laboratory of Anthropology, the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM. This collaborative project between the Museum of New Mexico and Native Americans from six different Puebloan groups and the Navajo Nation was funded by a National Park Service grant. I worked closely with Native American consultants, created a database of relevant items, researched archived records, and physically inventoried the collection.

Scholarship of Research

Refereed Journal Articles (22)
* indicates “top tier” journal as defined by Texas A&M Adult Education program’s benchmarking survey
^indicates journal indexed in an ISI database (including the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index)
#indicates articles co-authored with students / Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Horatio Alger and the GED: Narratives of success in adult literacy education. Literacy and Numeracy Studies
*^#Wickens, C. M. & Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Literacy for what? Literacy for whom?: Analyzing the politics of literacy education and neocolonialism in UNESCO and World Bank-sponsored literacy programs. Adult Education Quarterly.
*#Sandlin, J. A. & Chen, C. (in press). Stress on the job: How family literacy program directors perceive and cope with occupational stress. Adult Basic Education
#Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K., & Sandlin, J. A. (in press). The art of leadership: Using popular culture in leadership development. Advances in Developing Human Resources.
Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Netnography as a consumer education research tool. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Lifestyle magazines as informal consumer education: Evidence from a qualitative analysis of Budget Living. Journal of Consumer Education.
*Sandlin, J. A. (in press). In GED we trust?: A critical examination of the rhetoric and reality of the General Educational Development diploma. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education.
*Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). From critical vision to critical practice: Exploring the process of critical transformational learning among archaeologists. Studies in the Education of Adults, 38(1), 48-63.
^Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning a more critical practice of archaeology. Journal of Social Archaeology, 6(2), 256-277.
Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Beyond price comparisons: Towards a critical consumer education for adults. Adult Learning, 15(2).
*^Ozanne, J. L., Adkins, N. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Shopping [for] power: How adult literacy learners negotiate the consumer world. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(4), 251-268.
*^Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Culture, consumption, and adult education: Re-fashioning consumer education for adults as a political site using a cultural studies framework. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(3), 1-17.
Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Andragogy and its discontents: An analysis of andragogy from three critical perspectives. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, 14, 25-42.
Sandlin, J. A. (2004/2005). More than technical skills: Consumer education and a critical pedagogy of consumption. Journal of Consumer Education, 22, 19-26.
Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Designing women: Gender and power in welfare-to-work educational programs. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 32(1&2), 147-162, (WSQ special issue, Women and Literacy: Moving to Power and Participation).
*St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Incompetence and intrusion: On the metaphorical use of illiteracy in U.S. political discourse. Adult Basic Education, 14(1), 45-59.
*^Sandlin, J. A. (2004). It’s all up to you: How welfare-to-work educational programs explain workforce success. Adult Education Quarterly, 54(2), 89-104.
Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Adult literacy and the myth of educational amelioration: A critical literature review. Perspectives: The New York Journal of Adult Learning, 2(1), 33-48.
*Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Sympathy and scorn: Negotiating popular rhetoric about welfare recipients in welfare-to-work educational programs. Adult Basic Education, 13(3), 146-167.
*Sandlin, J. A. & Cervero, R. M. (2003). Contradictions and compromise: The curriculum-in-use as negotiated ideology in two Welfare-to-Work classes. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(3), 249-265.
*Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Out of balance: Contradictory depictions of adult literacy students as consumers. Adult Basic Education, 11(1), 17-39.
*^Sandlin, J. A. (2000). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Adult Education Quarterly, 50(4), 289-307. [reprinted in S. Merriam (ed.), 2002, Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis, pp. 352-370. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass].
Books & Monographs (1) / St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. (2004). Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Book Chapters (6) / Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Popular culture, cultural resistance, and anti-consumption activism: An exploration of “culture jamming” as critical adult education. In Tisdell, E., ed., Popular culture and adult education, New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Jennifer A. Sandlin: An autobiography. In Armstrong, Keith B. & Lee W. Nabb, Editors. American adult educators: Quintessential autobiographies by adult educators of the twenty-first century. Chicago, IL: Discovery Association Publishing House.
Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2005). Volunteers in adult literacy education. National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Vol. 5, pp. 125-154, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Consumerism, consumption, and a critical consumer education for adults. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102, pp. 25-34, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2004). Editors’ notes. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102. pp. 1-4, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Structure and subjectivity: Reflections on critical research. In S. Merriam (ed.), Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis, pp. 371-373, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Refereed Conference Papers (16)
#indicates articles co-authored with students / #Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K., & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). The art of leadership: Using popular culture in leadership development, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Tilburg, Netherlands, May 22-24.
Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Culture jamming and emotional hegemony: Exploring consumer resistance within a postemotional society. Proceedings of the 2006 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Columbus, OH, February 22-26.
Bey, G. J., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning, teaching, and enacting environmentally-friendly, community- inclusive practices. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 25-30.
Sandlin, J.A. (2005). “Spend smart, live rich”?: A critical analysis of the consumer education lifestyle magazine Budget Living and its readers’ forums. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 387-392.
Kilgore, D., Chupina, G., Clark, M. C., Sandlin, J. A., & Sparks, B. (2005). Learning and education of marginalized women in the United States. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 503-504.
Ozanne, J., Adkins, N., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). The social construction of consumer literacy: Consumer empowerment among adult literacy learners. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 325-330.
Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). The tyranny of technology: A critical assessment of the social arena of online learning. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds Metropolitan Univ., UK.
Sandlin, J. A. (2004) Troubling consumption: Creating critical consumer education through cultural studies. Proceedings of the 45th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), May 29, 2004, 420-425.
Sandlin, J. A. & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Creating consumer resistance through Adbusters: Managing emotion beyond organizational boundaries. Proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference (AHRD), Austin, TX, March 5, 2004, 234-241.
Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2003). Bullish in business or cowed in coach? Differing implications of the new economy for employment preparation learners and instructors. Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Work and Learning Network, University of Alberta, September 27, 2003, 175-180.
Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Working on women: Gender, power, and the construction of the “good woman” in welfare-to-work educational programs. Proceedings of the 44th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), San Francisco, CA, June 6, 2003, 369-374.
St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2002). The unlettered state: Illiteracy and intrusion in US social policy. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), University of Stirling, Scotland, July 2, 2002, 252-258.
Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Text, lies, and the welfare state: The portrayal of welfare recipients in welfare-to-work educational programs. Proceedings of the 43rd annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Raleigh, NC, May 25, 2002, 339-344.
Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Manufacturing workers: How adult literacy and welfare-to-work programs construct the world of work. Proceedings of the 42nd annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), East Lansing, MI, June, 2001, 351-356. Winner of the Graduate Student Research Award, 2001.
Sandlin, J. A. (2000). Literacy for work: Exploring dominant discourses about work and literacy in the everyday practice of adult literacy education. Proceedings of the 41st annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Vancouver, BC, May, 2000, 583-584.
Sandlin, J. A. (1999). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Proceedings of the 40th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), DeKalb, IL, May 21, 1999, 285-290.
Book Reviews & Other Publications (5) / *^Sandlin, J. (2004). Book review of Princen, T., Maniates, M., & Conca, K., (Eds.), Confronting consumption. Adult Education Quarterly (54)4, 334-336.
Sandlin, J. (Spring, 2003). Notes from the English Literacy Civics Resource Center: Spotlight on Professional Development and Community Building. Literacy Links, (7)3.
Sandlin, J. (Winter, 2003). English Language Civics. Literacy Links, (7)2.
Sandlin, J. (Fall, 2002). New directions for the EL/Civics Education Resource Center. Literacy Links, (7)1.
Sandlin, J. (June, 2002). The English Language Civics Education Resource Center: Online EL/Civics resources for teachers and students. Literacy Links, (6)4.
Journal Articles under Review (4)
* indicates “top tier” journal as defined by the Adult Education program’s benchmarking survey
^indicates journal indexed in an ISI database (including the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index)
#indicates co-authored with students / ^Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review, Journal of Business Research, special issue on Anti-Consumption Research). Deviance, dissonance, and détournement: Emotion management in anti-consumption culture jamming.
#Sandlin, J. A., Milam, J. L., & Wickens, C. M. (under review, Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy). “Spend smart, live rich?”: Popular pedagogy and the construction of the “good consumer” in the popular culture lifestyle magazine Budget Living.
^Commeyras, M., Moller, K. J., Payne, C. R., Rush, L. S., Sandlin, J. A., & Bowles, S. N. (under review, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy). In search of a literacy animator self: Teachers learning together.
^*Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review, Adult Education Quarterly). The tyranny of technology: A critical assessment of the social arena of online learning.
Refereed Journal Articles in Process (7)
* indicates “top tier” journal as defined by the Adult Education program’s benchmarking survey
^indicates journal indexed in an ISI database (including the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index)
#indicates co-authored with students / ^Sandlin, J. A. & Clark, M. C. (Revise & Resubmit, August, 2005, Teachers College Record, currently under revision). I get by with [very] little help from my friends: Self-reliance, social policy, and success stories in adult literacy education.