Whirligig Part III

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember that when I ask for complete sentences, I mean for you to restate the question in your answer. Complete sentences do NOT begin with “Because…” or “That…”.

Ch. 7: “Apprentices”

1.  Briefly describe Brent’s trip across the country from California to Florida.

2.  What inspired the design of Brent’s Florida whirligig?

3.  What do the children predict will happen to the whirligig? Why doesn’t this upset Brent?

Ch. 8: “San Diego”

4.  Describe the two main characters in this chapter.

5.  List 3 places the 2 characters visit; next to each, tell the significance of that place.

6.  What is the “lesson” from the San Diego whirligig for Jennifer and her grandmother?

Ch. 9: “Everybody Swing!”

7.  What happens to the whirligig book? How is Brent affected by this discovery?

8.  Describe some of the unusual materials Brent decides to use to use in making the Maine whirligig.

9.  Where does Brent decide to place the finished whirligig? Why there?

Whirligig Personal Response:

In the space below, write some of your personal thoughts about the book so far. What do you like or not like? What does the book make you think of? Do you agree with any of the choices the characters have made so far?

Whirligig Favorite Passage: Choose one favorite passage from the novel that you think is important for a reader to notice. It might be serious, funny, sad, etc.

Page ______, paragraph # ______is an important passage because ______



MY Whirligig Questions

In the space below, write TWO questions of your own that you would like the class to discuss. These should not be questions that have a single, correct answer. Write questions that will make people think. You could ask people to put themselves in a character’s shoes, tell why they think a character behaves as he or she does, compare the story to real life or another story, or give an opinion, etc.

Question # 1 ______


Question # 2______


Whirligig Vocabulary

Use the squares below to analyze 6 vocabulary words from the novel.