8th Grade American History – Language Support

(based on HRW units and themes)

Unit 1: Beginnings


1.  Early America

2.  Europe in the middle ages

3.  European exploration and early colonization

1.1 Early America – Basic or High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  environment

2.  society

3.  culture

4.  ancestor

5.  climate

6.  populate*

7.  settlement

8.  region

9.  transportation*

10.  migration*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  populate(d,s), population, populous, popular, repopulate

·  transportation, port, trans-, transport(ed,s), support, portable, porter

·  migration, migrate(d,s), migratory, immigrate(doss), emigrate, immigrant, emigrant,

1.1 Early America –Advanced or Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  archaeology*

2.  artifact

3.  buffalo

4.  hunter-gatherer

5.  domestication*

6.  maize

7.  kayak

8.  igloo

9.  totem

10.  confederation*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  archaeology, archaeologist, archaeological, -ology

·  domestication. domestic, domesticate, domicile

·  confederation, confederate, federation, federal

1.2 Europe in the Middle Ages – Basic or High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  famine

2.  plague

3.  colony*

4.  merchants

5.  trade

6.  sailors

7.  land route

8.  sea route

9.  empire*

10.  kingdom

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  colony, colonize, colonial

·  empire, emperor

1.2 Europe in the Middle Ages – Advanced or Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  invention*

2.  possession*

3.  feudal, feudalism

4.  manor

5.  peasant

6.  lord

7.  crusades

8.  renaissance

9.  spices

10.  trade network

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  invention, invent(ed,es), -tion, inventor, reinvent

·  possession, possess(ed,es), -tion, possessor, repossess

1.3 European Exploration and Colonization – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  exploration*

2.  voyage

3.  expansion*

4.  navigation*

5.  conquer

6.  interior/exterior*

7.  superior*

8.  weapons

9.  warriors

10.  islands

11.  border

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  exploration, explore(d,s), explorer,\

·  expansion, expand(ed,es), -tion, expander

·  navigation, navigate(d,s), -tion, navigator, naval, navy

·  interior/exterior, in-, ex-

·  superior, super-

1.3 European Exploration and Colonization – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  expedition

2.  fleet

3.  monopoly

4.  charter

5.  circumnavigate*

6.  strait

7.  officials*

8.  Protestant

9.  Catholic

10.  missions*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  circumnavigate, circum-, circumference, circumstance, (see above for navigate)

·  officials, official, office, officer

·  missions, mission, missionary, missive, missile

Unit 2: Colonial America


1.  Settlement

2.  Politics and military colonization

3.  Economy and colonization

2.1 Settlement – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  colony*

2.  settlement*

3.  famine

4.  starve*

5.  immigrant*

6.  emigrant*

7.  labor

8.  servant*

9.  governor

10.  forest

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  colony, colonial, colonize, colonization

·  settlement, settler, settle(d,s)

·  immigrant/emigrant, im-, e-, migrate, migration, etc.

·  servant, serve(d,s), service, servitude

2.1 Settlement – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  dissenters*

2.  puritans

3.  pilgrims

4.  tolerance*

5.  recruit

6.  indentured servants

7.  tobacco

8.  trial

9.  pioneers

10.  frontier

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  dissenters, dissent, assent, dissention

·  tolerance, tolerate, tolerable

2.2 Politics and Military Colonization – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  rebel*

2.  military*

3.  forts*

4.  peace treaty

5.  governor*

6.  law

7.  weapons

8.  casualties

9.  defend*

10.  expand*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  rebel(verb, ed,s), rebel(noun), rebellion, rebellious

·  military, militia

·  forts, fortify, fortification, fortitude

·  governor, govern, government

·  defend, defense, defensive, defender

·  expand(ed,s), expansion, expander

2.2 Political and Military Colonization – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  recruit

2.  fortification*

3.  militia*

4.  revolt*

5.  proclamation*

6.  casualties

7.  massacre

8.  trial

9.  representation*

10.  parliament

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  fortification, fort, fortify, fortitude

·  militia, military, militant

·  revolt, revolve, revolution, evolution

·  proclamation, proclaim, claim

·  representation*, represent(ed,s), present, representative

2.3 Economy and Colonization – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  economy*

2.  industry

3.  import/export*

4.  wealth

5.  slavery*

6.  crops

7.  labor

8.  plantation*

9.  debt*

10.  merchants

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  economy, economic, economize, economical

·  import(ed, s, ing), export, port, im-, ex-, portable, transport, etc

·  slavery, slave, to slave, pro-slavery, anti-slavery

·  plantation, plant (noun and verb), planter

·  debt, debtor, indebted

2.3 Economy and Colonization – Advanced and Low-Frequency Words

1.  trade network

2.  balance of trade

3.  revenue

4.  boycott

5.  taxes*

6.  duties

7.  currency

8.  propaganda

9.  smugglers*

10.  apprentices

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  taxes, tax, taxation, taxed

·  smugglers, smuggle(d,s)

Unit 3: A New American Nation


1.  Politics and government during the Revolutionary War

2.  Military aspects of the Revolutionary War

3.1 Politics and Government During the Revolutionary War – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  liberty*

2.  revolutionary*

3.  independence*

4.  citizens*

5.  democracy*

6.  union*

7.  national*

8.  international*

9.  federal*

10.  justice*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  liberty, liberate, liberal

·  revolutionary, revolve, revolution

·  independence, depend, in-, independent

·  citizens, city, citizenship

·  democracy, democratic, democrat

·  union, unite, unify

·  national, nation, international

·  federal, federation, confederation, federalism

·  justice, just, jury, judicial, judge

3.1  Politics and Government During the Revolutionary War – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  congress*

2.  declaration of independence

3.  confederation*

4.  constitution*

5.  republic*

6.  delegates

7.  compromise

8.  ratify

9.  Bill of Rights

10.  amendments*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  congress, congressional, egress, regress, ingress

·  confederation, federal, federation, con-, etc.

·  constitution, constitutional, constitute

3.2 Military Aspects of the Revolutionary War – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  army*

2.  militia*

3.  volunteers

4.  troops

5.  recruit

6.  ally

7.  enemy

8.  victory*

9.  strategy*

10.  navy*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  army, arms, armed, armor

·  militia, military

·  victory, victor, victorious

·  strategy, strategic, strategize

·  navy, naval, navigate

3.2 Military Aspects of the Revolutionary War – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  minutemen

2.  redcoats

3.  continental army

4.  seige

5.  blockade

6.  patriots*

7.  loyalists*

8.  mercenaries

9.  guerilla warfare

10.  pardon

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  patriots, patriotism, patriotic, patriarch

·  loyalist, loyal, loyalty

Unit 4: Building a Strong Nation

Theme – Government and Expansion

4. Government and Expansion – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  representative*

2.  capital

3.  presidential*

4.  policy*

5.  offense/defense*

6.  rebellion*

7.  treaty

8.  territory

9.  purchase

10.  expansion*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  representative, represent(ed, ing, s), representation, present

·  presidential, preside, president, presidency

·  policy, politics, political

·  offense, offend, defense, defend(ed, ing, s), defensive, defender, etc.

·  rebellion, rebel (noun and verb), rebellious

4. Government and Expansion – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  foreign

2.  neutrality*

3.  precedent*

4.  impressments

5.  embargo

6.  expedition

7.  invasion*

8.  electoral*

9.  removal

Word Part and Word Family Study

·  neutrality, neutral, neuter

·  precedent, precede(d, ing)

·  invasion, invade, invader, evade

·  electoral, elect(ed, s, ing), elector, election

Unit 5: A Changing Nation

Theme: Growth of Economy and Territory

5. Growth of Economy and Territory: Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  technology*

2.  production*

3.  factory

4.  manufacture*

5.  machine*

6.  transportation*

7.  communication*

8.  agriculture

9.  mining*

10.  plantation*

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  technology, technique, technical

·  production, product, produce, reduce

·  manufacture(ed, s, ing), manufacturer, factory

·  machine, machinery, mechanization, mechanical

·  transportation, transport(ed, s, ing), port, porter, support

·  communication, communicate(d, s, ing), communicator

·  agriculture

·  mining, mine, mineral

·  plantation, plant(noun and verb), planter

5. Growth of Economy and Territory: Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  industry

2.  industrial revolution*

3.  textiles

4.  trade unions

5.  strike

6.  cotton gin, cotton belt, cotton boom*

7.  manifest destiny

8.  underground railroad

9.  abolition*

10.  middle class

Word Family and Word Part Study

·  industrial, industry, industrious

·  cotton, cotton gin, cotton, belt, cotton industry, cotton boom

·  abolition, abolitionist, abolish(ed, es, ing)

Unit 6: A Nation Breaks Apart


1.  Political and economic aspects of the Civil War

2.  Military aspects of the Civil War

6.1 Political and Economic Aspects of the Civil War – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  states

2.  confederate*

3.  union*

4.  slavery*

5.  nominate*

6.  prejudice

7.  freedom

8.  election*

9.  political party

10.  politician*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  confederate, confederacy, federal, federalist, federalism, federation

·  union, unite, unity, union forces, union states, reunite

·  slavery, slave, enslave, pro-slavery, anti-slavery, en-, pro-, anti-

·  nominate(d, s, ing), nomination

·  election, elect(ed, s, ing), electoral, select

6.1 Political and Economic Aspects of the Civil War – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  ballot

2.  secession*

3.  dissolve*

4.  sovereignty

5.  fugitive

6.  abolition*

7.  emancipation

8.  proclamation*

9.  reconstruction*

10.  loyalty

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  secession, secede

·  dissolve, solve, solution

·  abolition, abolitionist

·  proclamation, proclaim, claim

·  reconstruction, construction, re-, construct(ed, s, ing), structure

6.2 Military Aspects of the Civil War – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  civil war

2.  civilian*

3.  military

4.  raid/raiders

5.  troops

6.  defeat

7.  surrender

8.  armored*

9.  supply line*

10.  commander*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  civilian, civil, civilization, civilize(d)

·  armored, arms, armory, armed

·  supply line, supplies, supplied(ing)

·  commander, command(ed, s, ing), commandment

6.2 Military Aspects of the Civil War – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  border states

2.  strategic*

3.  opposing*

4.  blockade

5.  transportation network

6.  siege

7.  assault*

8.  fortification*

9.  home front

10.  assassination*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  strategic, strategy, strategize

·  opposing, oppose, opposition, position, opposite

·  assault (noun and verb), assaulted

·  fortification, fort, fortify, fortitude

·  assassination, assassin, assassinate(d, s, ing)

Unit 7: A Growing America

Unit 8: America Becomes a World Leader


1.  Politics and Economic Expansion

2.  Territorial Expansion

8.1 Economic Expansion – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  expansion*

2.  territory

3.  public

4.  debate

5.  scandal

6.  commerce/commercial*

7.  boom

8.  labor*

9.  majority*

10.  minority*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  expansion, expansive, expand(ed, s, ing)

·  commerce, commercial, merchant, mercantile, merchandise

·  labor, labor(ed, s, ing), laborious

·  majority, major

·  minority, minor

8.1 Politics and Economic Expansion – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  annex

2.  nationalism*

3.  imperialism*

4.  isolationism*

5.  diplomacy*

6.  Monroe Doctrine

7.  unification*

8.  prosperity*

9.  investment

10.  tariff

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  nationalism, nation, national, nationalist

·  imperialism, imperial, imperialist, emperor, empire

·  isolationism, isolate, isolation, solitude, sole

·  diplomacy, diplomat, diploma, diplomatic

·  unification, unite(d, s, ing), unit, reunite

·  prosperity, prosper, prosperous

8.2 Territorial Expansion and World War 1 – Basic and High Frequency Vocabulary

1.  canal

2.  harbor

3.  restrictions*

4.  defense*

5.  offence*

6.  advance*

7.  retreat*

8.  hostility

9.  treaty

10.  armistice/disarmament*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  restrictions, restrict(ed, s, ing), constrict

·  defense, defend(ed, s,ing), defender, defensive, fender, offend, offence, offensive, offender

·  advance(d, s, ing), advancement, advantage

·  retreat(ed, s, ing), treaty,

·  armistice, arms, armed, armor, disarm, disarmament

8.2 Territorial Expansion and World War 1 – Advanced and Low Frequency Vocabulary

1.  isthmus

2.  alliance*

3.  intervene

4.  neutrality*

5.  stalemate

6.  balance of power

7.  occupation*

8.  evacuate*

9.  mobilize*

10.  autonomy*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  alliance, ally, allied

·  neutrality, neutral, neuter, neutralize

·  occupation, occupy(ed, s, ing), preoccupied, reoccupy

·  evacuate(d, s, ing), evacuation, vacuum, vacant

·  mobilize, mobile(noun, adj.), mobility, mobilization

·  autonomy, auto-, automatic, automobile

Unit 9: A World in Crisis


1.  The Depression

2.  World War II

9.1 The Depression – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  production*

2.  finances*

3.  competition*

4.  decline

5.  increase/decrease*

6.  unrest

7.  restore*

8.  labor*

9.  unions*

10.  strike

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  production, product, produce, reproduce

·  economy, economic, economical, economize

·  finances, finance(d, s, ing), financial

·  competition, compete, competitor, petition

·  increase(d, s, ing), decrease(d, s, ing)

·  restore(d, s, ing), restoration, store

·  labor, labor(ed, s, ing), laborious

·  unions, unite, unity, reunite

9.1 The Depression – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  depression*

2.  stock market

3.  investor*

4.  collapse/crash

5.  consumption*

6.  surplus

7.  federal relief

8.  recovery

9.  New Deal

10.  Social Security Program

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  depression, depress(ed, es, ing), repression, impression

·  investor, invest(ed, s, ing), investigation, divest

·  consumption, consume(d, s, ing), consumer

9.2 World War II – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  dictators*

2.  aggression/non-aggression*

3.  global/local

4.  resistance*

5.  battle

6.  attack/counter-attack*

7.  document

8.  military bases

9.  occupied

10.  liberate*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  dictators, dictate, dictatorship

·  aggression, non-aggression, aggressive

·  resistance, resist(ed, s, ing), resister

·  attack(ed, s, ing), counter-, counter-attack

·  liberate, liberty, liberation, liberal, deliberate

9.2 World War II – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  totalitarianism*

2.  fascism*

3.  axis powers

4.  allied powers

5.  military alliance

6.  pacifists*

7.  internment

8.  reinforcements*

9.  Holocaust

10.  genocide*

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  totalitarianism, total, totalitarian

·  fascism, fascist

·  pacifists, pacific, peace, pacify, pacifier

·  reinforcements, reinforce(d, s, ing), enforce, force, reinforcer

·  genocide, genus, generation

Unit 10: Postwar America


1.  After World War II and the Cold War

2.  Economic Prosperity

3.  Change and the Vietnam War

10.1 After World War II and the Cold War – Basic and High-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  war crimes

2.  trials

3.  aid

4.  airlift

5.  veterans

6.  postwar*

7.  spies

8.  crisis

9.  nuclear arms

10.  Cold War

Word Family and Word Parts Study

·  Postwar, post-, pre-, war, pro-, anti-, warrior, warring

10.1 After World War II and the Cold War – Advanced and Low-Frequency Vocabulary

1.  United Nations