Chapter 19 and 20 Notes– pp. 634 - 719

Post War America

  1. Effects of GI Bill –
  2. Redefining American Family –
  3. Economic Recovery –

Truman– “Give’em Hell Harry”

  1. Supports civil rights –
  2. Faces labor strikes –
  3. 1948 Election – p.640.
  4. “Dixiecrats” –
  5. Fair Deal –

Republicans in 1952

  1. Gen. Dwight David Eisnehower – Truman decides not to run.
  2. Korean War and McCarthyism sink Truman’s approval rating.
  3. “I Like Ike” vs. Adlai Stevenson
  4. “middle road” –
  5. “dynamic conservatism” –
  6. Ike’s accomplishments –
  7. Desegregation -

1950’s – “a time of peace, progress and prosperity”. “everything’s booming but the guns”….what other time might this describe?

The American Dream p. 643

  1. shift to white color employment –
  2. social conformity –
  3. baby boom –
  4. shift to suburban life –
  5. Dr. Spock –
  6. Role of women –
  7. Leisure, sports and fads –

The Culture and Effects of the Car

  1. demand, roads, gas, desire = millions of cars produced….why?
  2. status of car –
  3. uses? – Eisenhower Interstate System -
  4. effects, problems –

Consumerism Booms

  1. buying material goods becomes equal to success….
  2. New products, inventions, technology –
  3. Advertising –
  4. Credit purchasing –

Popular Culture

  1. mass media –
  2. FCC and TV –
  3. Sterotypes, westerns –
  4. Radio and Movies –
  5. Hollywood influences –
  6. Beat Movement –
  7. Rock n’ roll -
  8. The King, Elvis Aron Presley –
  9. African-American influences –
  10. The “teenager” –

The Other America

  1. urban poor –
  2. “white flight” –
  3. “urban renewal” and the inner cities –

JFK – The Cold Warrior p. 670

  1. 1960 Election –
  2. JFK – 43, “Camelot”, Jackie, small children, Catholic, Irish…
  3. TV Debates –
  4. Civil Rights and MLK –
  5. Older brother Joe?

Bay of Pigs

  1. 1960 Ike gave go ahead to CIA to train for invasion of Cuba.
  2. JFK went ahead even though he didn’t like it.
  3. Failure, nothing worked, Cuba made it to be a victory.
  4. Fidel Castro –

Cuban Missile Crisis

  1. Nikita Khrushchev –
  2. Soviets said they would defend Cuba vs. USA
  3. U-2 spotted Soviet nukes 90 miles away from USA in Cuba.
  4. p. 674 –
  5. JFK stated that any attack on the US would result in all-out attack in USSR.
  6. JFK – ordered a blockade of Cuba and ordered 200,000 troops to Florida for invasion of Cuba.
  7. Khrushchev backs down and removes missiles if we pledged not to invade Cuba and remove some missiles from Turkey.
  8. JFK stood up and won…

Berlin Crisis

  1. Khrushchev challenges JFK again by cutting off W. Berlin from free world because too many people were defecting.
  2. USSR built concrete wall to prevent defections.
  3. JFK – “Ich bin ein Berliner” (jelly donut)


  1. hotline –
  2. Limited Test Ban Treaty –
  3. “best and the brightest” –
  4. Peace Corps –
  5. Race to the Moon –
  6. Dallas – 22 NOV 1963 –
  7. Warren Commission –

The Great Society p. 683

  1. LBJ – 6’3”, Texan -
  2. War on Poverty –
  3. Great Society – p. 687

Taking on Segregation

  1. Plessey vs. Ferguson –
  2. NAACP –
  3. Brown vs. Board of Education –
  4. Little Rock –
  5. Montgomery Bus Boycott –
  6. Sit-ins –
  7. Freedom riders –
  8. 1962 – Ole Miss – James Meredith –
  9. MLK – “I have a Dream” –
  10. Civil Rights Act of 1964 –
  11. Voting Rights Act of 1965
  12. Nation of Islam –
  13. Malcolm X –
  14. Black Panthers –
  15. Black Power –


  1. MLK assassinated on April 3rd.
  2. RFK – in June
  3. Civil Rights Act of 1968 –
  4. Affirmative action –