Masterclasses April 2014
Name of child ………………………..…………...... ….. Date of birth. ……...... ……..…....
Address ……………………… …………………...... ……………………………….………...... …...... …..…......
Postcode ...…….....…..………...... E-mail …….....………………......
Monday 7 – Seam Bowling
Monday 14 – Spin Bowling
Monday 7 – Batting against Seam
Monday 14 – Batting against Spin
Cost: £25 per class I enclose payment of …...…..… (payable to CORNWALL CRICKET CENTRE)
No refund will be given once we have received your payment – unless CCB Ltd has reason to cancel the event.
IMPORTANT Please give name of cheque payee in case of refund, as no cash can be given: ………………………………………
All children should attend in sports clothing and bring cricket equipment and appropriate refreshments.
Your child will be reserved a place on the course, unless otherwise notified.
PARENTS / CARERS: Please read carefully, and then sign the form.
Medical information: Please detail below any important medical information of which our coaches should be aware:
Emergency contact: Please indicate the person(s) for contact in case of accident / injury:
Name …………………………..….…………...... …… Telephone………...... …………….……………......
By signing this form, I agree to my child taking part in this course and I give permission for my child to be administered First Aid,
including any emergency treatment:
Signed (Parent / carer): …………………...... ……………...... ……..…..…….... Date: ……………...... …….…….....
Cornwall Cricket Board Data Protection Statement: Cornwall Cricket Board Ltd will hold the personal details provided by you on this form together with other information it may hold about you and use your data for the following purposes: training, providing goods and services, marketing, player profiles, statistical research such research into player and non-player participation and to inform you of any future cricket activities in Cornwall. We may share your information with third parties such as the ECB, ECB sponsors, Board commercial and non-commercial partners, schools, other Board Associations and equipment suppliers in accordance with our Privacy Statement (see Board website and available on request). We may need to contact you by mail (letters, posters and flyers), email and social media with information and offers of commercial products or services that we or the third parties believe may be of interest to you. Please ensure that you TICK the boxes below; otherwise it will be assumed that you consent to receive such material.
Information from Cornwall Cricket Board Ltd YES NO

Information from ECB YES NO

Information from third parties YES NO
You have the right to see or to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by the Board in connection with the above activities; for such enquiries or information, please contact the Board Cricket Development Manager, Joe Skinner, at the Cricket Centre on 01872 267138 or by email at . In addition, you have the right to ask for any inaccuracies in your data to be corrected or amendments made or to request that specific information be deleted.
Photography I confirm that I am happy for my child to be photographed / videoed for the purposes of advertising promotion of CCB Ltd activities. All
photos will be used according to the CCB Ltd Data Protection statement.
Yes No (Please tick the relevant box)
Send this completed form to: Mark Mitchell, Manager, Cornwall Cricket Centre, Gannel Building, College Road, Truro TR1 3XX
Further details: 07805 787858 / 01872 267138 /