The Specialist Teaching and Preschool Service advises and supports:

  • primary schools in relation to the education of pupils with low-incidence SEND across the full range of categories of need (ASCD, HI, LDD, MSI, PNI, SEMH, SLCN, and VI)
  • secondary schools in relation to the education of pupils with sensory and physical impairments only (HI, MSI, PNI and VI)

Guidance on the request for support process can be found here.

In order for us to determine how best to support you, please give as much detail as possible.

School / Click here to enter school. /
Date / Click here to enter a date. /
Please provide this information so that we can contact you
Name / Click here to enter name. / Role / Click here to enter role. /
Telephone / Click here to enter telephone number. / Email / Click here to enter email. /

Please complete for all requests

What is the desired outcome of our involvement? What will be different as a result of our Involvement?
Click here to enter outcome.
Which staff (roles) will benefit from this involvement?
Click here to enter staff roles.
Which broad area of SEND does this request relate to?
Select broad area of need.

The Local Authority has a duty to identify and assess the needs of children and young people in our area with special educational needs or disability (SEND)1. If this request focusses on staff needs in relation to a specific pupil, then please confirm that the pupil’s parents are aware of your request for our involvement.

Part 3 of the Children andFamilies Act 2014

Include any relevant information from person-centred planning as an attachment.

Pupil’s Name / Click here to enter pupil name. / Date of Birth / Click here to enter DOB. /
Year Group / Click here to enter year group. / Date discussed with parents / Click here to enter a date. /
Has the Specialist Teaching and Preschool Service previously been involved?
Please give details.
Click here to enter text.
Are any other services involved?
Click here to enter text.
Please attach current evidence of person-centred planning to demonstrate aspirations, outcomes, barriers to achieving outcomes, actions already taken and the impact of these, including information and advice from other services ….
Click here to enter text.
How will involvement of the Specialist Teaching and Preschool Service support staff development to enable the achievement of these outcomes?
Click here to enter text.
What are the pupil’s views of his/her support needs?
Click here to enter text.
What are the parent/carer’s views of the support needs?
Click here to enter text.

Once you have completed this form, please save and sendusing Egress Switch secure email to the appropriate mailbox for the area Specialist Teaching Team:

Mid /
North East /
South /
West /

A response will be made within 5 working days.