☺ Mr. Brinkman’s Algebra 2 Class ☺

This course continues and enhances Algebra I. It is an important transition course for preparation for higher-level mathematics. The course emphasis is on problem solving. This course involves extended thinking skills and applications. Students learn to use the scientific graphing calculator to better understand the concepts.

Teacher: Joshua Brinkman Conference Period: 6th Period 12:36 – 1:36 pm

Classroom Telephone Number: 936-890-7386

Supplies Needed: Sharpened pencils for daily use, erasers, a notebook with different sections, blank ruled paper for notes, a box of Kleenex, and a graphing calculator (optional). We will be using the TI-84Plus calculators in class.

Guideline for Success:


Come into the classroom quietly and get prepared for class. In other words, sharpen your pencils, get your assigned calculator and have them on your desk along with your completed homework. If you need to borrow a pencil or use a piece of paper there is some available in the back of the room. Have the warmup completed by the time I finish taking the roll. Homework will be checked during the warmup time.

  1. DURING LESSON – Be Engaged!.

Do your best to focus on what is being taught in class. If you do not understand something please ask! (That is what I am here for.) Restroom breaks will not be permitted during this time except in cases of absolute emergencies.

  1. NON-LESSON TIME/Independent Work/Group Work – WORK RESPONSIBLY.

In other words, respect the possessions, learning environment, and space of others as you wish to be respected. Do not throw anything in the room or on the floor or stick gum under the desk. Never open my class door without asking me first!


In other words, if I am still talking wait until I finish before you get up to leave. Put class textbook in the basket under your desk, the calculator in the caddy and the first person out prop the door open with the doorstop as you leave. Standing at the door waiting for the bell to ring is NEVER allowed! I dismiss you NOT the bell!

Things to know about my classroom

  1. Nine-Week Grading Policy: Major Grades - 60% (tests & projects, some quizzes), Daily Grades-40%. Quizzes may be major or daily depending on teacher discretion.
  2. Semester Grading Policy: 45% each marking period and 10% for final exam.
  3. Expect to work and participate in class everyday. I will call on individual students randomly every day for answers to class work; so make sure you are paying attention and working the problems.
  4. Expect your parent to be contacted if you are failing.
  5. School Policies: All school policies will be followed in this class. You will be marked tardy if you are not in my class before the tardy bell rings. All school policies will be followed.
  6. Hall Passes: If you ask to leave my classroom during class for any reason be sure to get a hall pass and fill it out properly. Do not ask to leave within the first or last fifteen minutes of class or during direct teaching. There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to leave since classes are only 50 minutes. As I am standing at the door, please do not ask me if you can go to the restroom. Look at the clock and decide yourself if you have time.


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T.E.A.M.WORK – Together everyone achieves mATH!

☺ ☺ ☺ Tips to be Successful in Algebra 2 ☺ ☺ ☺

  1. Homework is an integral part of learning mathematics. To be successful at what you do, you must practice; hence you will have homework almost every night. You must show your work to get credit. Some assignments may be due by the end of the week or given several days to complete. This decision is at the teacher’s discretion.
  1. Late Work Policy: Any assignment not completed and turned in on time is considered late (unless absent-see #5). Any late work is 25% off. A “not accepted after this date” date will be told for each graded assignment. No assignment is accepted after this date. Any graded assignments during the last week of the marking period MUST be turned in before the end of marking period, no extra time is allowed.
  1. Re-teaching/Tutoring: Re-Teaching and Tutoring is available when you feel it is needed. If you score poorly on a test and want to raise the grade you will be required to attend a tutorial session. Tutoring is available during Wildkat B lunch Monday through Thursday or after school by appointment. If you are struggling please take responsibility for your learning and come in for tutoring.
  1. Chapter Reviews: The only way to study for a math test is to work/re-work math review problems. It also helps to review the chapter assignments.
  1. *Make-Up Work: Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Generally, you have the same amount of time to complete the work you missed as the time you were absent. Ex: Absent 1 day, work due next day. All absent work will be entered as a zero until it is completed. It is your responsibility to get any absent work completed when due or it becomes late work (refer to #2). I will post a list of completed assignments on the board for the marking period. If an assignment is on that list it has been turned in and is due or nearing late work date.
  1. Quizzes: You will have quizzes each marking period including vocabulary. Vocabulary is cumulative. In other words, words from day one may possibly be on all other vocabulary quizzes. Any other quizzes will be as needed per work ethic of class.
  1. Tests: I allow retests over failed sections of a unit test. Only the failed section needs to be retaken after a tutoring session. Grades for retests can receive no higher than a 70. No test corrections will be allowed the last week of the marking period.
  1. Cheating: I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHEATING! You should have more respect and dignity for yourself and never lower your values and character just for a grade. Cheating includes taking another student’s work to copy OR giving your work to another student for him/her to copy. Whether this occurs during a test, quiz, or on daily homework, the result is the same; both the student that is copying and the student that allowed them to copy will receive a zero on that paper. Do not allow students to copy your homework for any reason and keep your paper covered during tests and quizzes so that you will not be suspected of cheating. Talking during a test is NEVER allowed and will be interpreted as an attempt at cheating. Any questions you need answered need to be directed to your teacher.
  1. Grade Reports/Retests: Grade reports are given generally to those students who are 70 or below. I will try to keep grades updated on a weekly basis so you can check parent portal.
  1. Phone/Ear Buds: Unless it is posted that phones will be used in class that day the expectation is that the phone is on silent and in your backpack/purse. It needs to be off of your person so that you can concentrate in class. When given the privilege of listening to music while you work (NOT on tests!), you may only have one earbud in your ear so that you can hear any instructions/announcements/alarms that may be given.


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T.E.A.M.WORK – Together everyone achieves mATh