Riverside Public Schools




2017–2018 Edition

408 West Dayton Street124 South Ash Street

Cedar Rapids, NE 68627-5559 Spalding, NE 68665

(308) 358-0640 (308) 497-2431

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Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Riverside Public Schools and a new school year!We are excited to continue and build upon the successes we’ve had as Riverside Public Schools! As always, our number one priority remains the same: providing opportunities for student success and excellence in a safe and nurturing environment! Back-to-school time is an exciting time for staff and students, and we hope to keep enthusiasm for learning at a high level throughout the year! The purpose of this handbook is to provide both parents and students with guidelines to maintain an environment conducive to learning.

To save on publishing costs and time, the handbooks for students in grades 6-12 have been saved to their desktop for you to read. If you prefer a hard copy, please contact the school office. Please take the time to read and review the handbook so we can prevent miscommunication regarding rules, regulations, and procedures that are to be followed in our new school district. Mutual respect and responsibility for ones actions will allow us to work and learn in an atmosphere that fosters achievement and success.

Highlights to this year’s handbook:

There is one signature sheet for confirmation that the following policies were read and understood: Harassment, Bullying, Computer network & internet use, Drug Free Schools, & Dating Violence

School day—8:00 start and 3:36 dismissal; Breakfast Grab and Go for Middle School and High School Students is available prior to boarding the bus

Mealpriceshave increased by $.10 for full-rate meals. This year students will NOT be able to order a 2nd entrée if the family has an outstanding balance on their Hot Lunch bill. Students with outstanding bills will be served a sandwich instead of the entrée unless arrangements for payments have been made.

Course offerings—With our partnership with CCC and Peru State College, and the availability of online and distance courses with other high schools, students wishing to take a class not currently offered at RPS may be able to do so. Please check with Mrs. Metz or an administrator if your student has interests outside of our listed school offerings.

6th Grade girls participating in JH sports will need to have a physical

Please pay special attention to the forms located at the back of this handbook. ALL parents and students need to sign and return the form on the following page stating that this handbook has been received and read by the students and a parent.

Feel free to contact Mr. Kuncl, Mrs. Nordhues, or myself should you have any questions or concerns. We welcome and appreciate your directing concerns or complaints directly to us to prevent needless confusion or misinterpretations!


Dr. Joan Carraher, Supt.

Acknowledgement Signatures Required!

Please review the Riverside Public School Student and Activities Handbook with your student(s). Sign below and return this form to the principal’s office.

My student(s) and I have received and reviewed the Student Handbook for the 2017-2018 school year, which include the Harassment Policy, the Bullying Policy, the Computer, Network & Internet Use by Students, Drug-Free Schools & the Dating Violence Policy.

______Parent/Guardian Signature

Student(s) Signatures (below):


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature


Print Name of StudentStudent’s Signature

This form is to be signed and returned by Monday, August 21, 2017.

Table of Contents

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!

Acknowledgement Signatures Required!

Table of Contents

Intent of Handbook:

Notice of Non-Discrimination

School Colors

School Mascot


Nebraska Truancy Law (79-209)

Make-up Work Due to Absences

Absences – Planned in advance

Absence to Attend Funerals

Absences – Student is obligated to:

Absences – Parent is obligated to:


Class Dismissal

Emergency Closing

Nutrition Services


Charges for Food Consumed by Students.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Payment for Meals

Rules for the Cafeteria

Noon Period Procedures

Closed Campus for Lunch

Candy, Gum, Food, and Drinks


Student Records

Copies of Student Files or Records.

Directory Information

Non-directory Information.

Transfer of Records Upon Student Enrollment.


Child Abuse

Protection of Pupil Rights, Policy 5015


Invasive Physical Examinations

Collection of Personal Information from Students for Marketing

Inspection of Instructional Material

Notification of Rights and Procedures

Notice Concerning Staff Qualifications


Academic Lettering

Certificate of Attendance

Class Rank & Grade Point Average



Graduation Awards

Graduation Requirements

Homework / Assignments

Honor Roll

Instructional Program - Curriculum Design


Physical Education

Mid-Term Graduation

Study Time

Credit for Non-academic Work

Independent Study and/or Distance Learning

Student Assessments

Report Cards

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Classroom Visits

Saturday School

Procedure for Staff

Procedure for Student

No Zero Regulation

Student Schedule Changes

Student Rewards (Eligible for students in grades 9 – 12.)

Withdrawal From School


General Discipline Philosophy

Discipline Regarding School-issue Student Laptops

POLICY 5028 Initiations and Hazing

POLICY 5065 Audio and Video Recording

Policy 6024 Student Discipline

Short-Term Suspension

Emergency Exclusion

Weapons and/or Firearms

Long-Term Suspension


Grounds for Long-Term Suspension, Expulsion or Mandatory Reassignment:

Cheating Policy – see Board Policy for full policy.

Driving and Parking Personal Vehicles

Damage to School Property

Policy 5054 Student Bullying

Drug Free Schools

5027 Sexual Harassment of Students by Other Students

Dress Code

5030 Dating Violence

Due Process Procedure

Hearing Procedure:

Complaint Procedure

Computer Network and Internet Use by Students


Coats and Boots

Playground Rules

Student Services - Medical

Physicals, Birth Certificates, and Immunizations

Health Checks

Student Medications

Illness or Injury at School

Health Problems

Contact Information

Communicable Diseases

Head Lice or Nits

Student Services – Title 1 Program

Title 1 Program

Student Services - General

Kindergarten Entrance Requirements

Homeless Children and Youth

Transportation Services

Transportation to School

Transportation to Activities

Field Trips


Books and Supplies

Student Lockers and Student Backpacks


Bulletin Boards

Telephone Calls

Personal Items

School Safety


Student Fee Policy



Documentation of Chickenpox

Release of Information

Title 1 Compact







Office Personnel / Classroom Aides:

Nutrition (Cafeteria) Program:


Bus Drivers:



Activities Handbook

Intent of Handbook:

This handbook is intended to be used by students, parents and staff as a guide to the rules, procedures, and general information about Riverside Public School. Each student must become familiar with the handbook. Parents should use this handbook as a resource and assist their child in following the rules contained in this handbook. In this handbook, the use of the word “parents” means any adult who has the responsibility for making education-related decisions about a child, including, but not limited to biological parents, adoptive parents and legal guardians.

Although the information found in this handbook is detailed and specific on many topics, the handbook is not intended to be all encompassing so as to cover every situation and circumstance that may arise during any school day, or school year. This handbook does not create a “contract” with parents, students or staff. The administration reserves the right to make decisions and make rule revisions at any time to implement the educational program and to assure the well being of all students. The administration is responsible for interpreting the rules contained in the handbook. Should a situation or circumstance arise that is not specifically covered in this handbook, the administration will make a decision based upon all applicable school district policies, and state and federal statutes and regulations.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Riverside Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, or age or in admission or access to, or treatment of employment or educational programs and activities.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the School District’s non-discrimination policies: Joan Carraher, who may be contacted in writing at 124 S. Ash St., Spalding, Nebraska, at by e-mail or by telephone at (308) 497-2431.

Any person may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, by email at ; by telephone at (816) 268-0550; or by fax at (816) 268-0599, regarding compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, or any other applicable laws.

School Colors

Royal blue and gold are the official colors for Riverside Public Schools.

School Mascot

The official mascot for Riverside Public Schools is the Charger.

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Students are expected to attend school every day it is in session. Students must attend school regularly and on time in order to be successful. Parents are obligated to insure that their students attend school every day they are able. The school recognizes outstanding attendance with special awards at the end of the school year—STUDENTS RECEIVING A PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD MUST BE IN SCHOOL ALL DAY/EVERY DAY WITH NO TARDIES OR EXCUSED ABSENCES.

The school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:36 PM. Students are to leave the school grounds after dismissal. School staff will provide supervision for students on school grounds 15 minutes before the school day begins and 15 minutes after the school day ends. There will be no supervision provided by the school before or after these times. Please be prompt in picking up your child. Elementary students entering the building prior to 7:55 must enter through the MPR doors at the Cedar Rapids site. Students at the Spalding site will enter through the west main entrance no earlier than 7:45 AM.

Breakfast begins at 7:30 AM and students will not be permitted inside the school building before this time. All K-12 students must remain in the MPR gym/cafeteria until first bell @ 7:55 A.M. unless prior arrangements have been made with a member of the faculty. Breakfast at the Spalding site will be available at 7:15 AM for 9-12 students riding the bus to Cedar Rapids. All other students may eat breakfast beginning at 7:30 AM.

Bus from Cedar Rapids to Spalding will depart CR with Middle School students at 7:40 AM; Bus from Spalding to CR will depart Spalding at 7:30 AM. Middle School students will leave Spalding for CR at 3:20 PM.

A parent must call the school office (308-358-0640), Cedar Rapids; or Spalding (308-497-2431) before 8:00 AM if his or her student will not be in school. Students may not call to inform the school of their absence. The school will telephone parents if their child is absent and the office does not receive notice from the parents. Perfect attendance awards will only be given to STUDENTS IN SCHOOL ALL DAY/EVERY DAY WITH NO TARDIES OR EXCUSED ABSENCES. This includes leaving early for any event or activity.

Absences can be excused for reasons of 1) medical appointments with a doctor’s note provided to the school, 2) personal illness with a doctor’s note provided to the school; 3) family emergencies, and 4) school activities. All other absences will be considered unexcused. Each student will be allowed five (5) unexcused absences per class period per semester. Students will make up time in after-school detention, lunch detention, and/or Saturday school for days past their five unexcused absences.

Each student will be allowed a total of 8 absences (excused and unexcused combined) per class period per semester.Parents will receive written notification from the principal when the student has received 8 absences for the semester. If a student is absent beyond these limits for any reason, he/she (along with his/her parents) will be required to meet with the principal. Students and parents should be aware that when absences are excessive, an administrator is required to report the student to the county attorney for truancy.

Nebraska Truancy Law (79-209)

Nebraska legislature amended this truancy law during the spring 2014 session. If the child is absent more than twenty days per year and any portion of the absences is unexcused, the attendance officer may file a report with the county attorney in which the student resides. For example, if the student accumulates 23 days of excused absences due to documented illness and is tardy one time, the attendance officer may file a report with the appropriate county attorney. The county attorney may file a complaint against a person violating the compulsory attendance law before the judge of the county court of the county in which such person resides charging such person with violation of the compulsory attendance law. Penalty for truancy is a Class III misdemeanor.

Make-up Work Due to Absences

When a student is absent, he or she has 2 days for every one day they were absent to complete assignments that were missed. In the event of a pre-arranged absence, the homework must be turned in before the student leaves or upon his/her return. The school district will contact parents if a student becomes ill while at school.

Absences – Planned in advance

When parents know in advance that a student will be absent, they must call the school or send a written note at the earliest possible date. This includes absences for Honor/Award Daysgranted to the students. Students who will be absent for reasons that can be anticipated such as those for appointments and school activities and honor days, must make up any work required by the teacher before leaving for their appointment or school activity. In the event of a pre-arranged absence, the homework must be turned in before the student leaves or upon his/her return. Parents should make every attempt to schedule medical and other appointments after school hours whenever possible. In case of an emergency absence, parents should report to the building office.

Absence to Attend Funerals

School will not be routinely dismissed for funerals. Students will be required to bring written permission from parents to attend funerals.

Absences – Student is obligated to:

1.make up all class work in advance for any absence that can be anticipated;

2.make up any and all work that is assigned by teachers as make up work for the instructional time that has been missed;

3.attend school a full-day on any day they expect to practice for or participate in a scheduled student activity except in cases of family emergencies or prearranged absences; and

4.check out of school at the office, if leaving school during the school day.

5.Exceptions to this must have prior administrative approval.

Absences – Parent is obligated to:

1.call the school office to inform the school of the reason for each absence; and

2.submit a doctor's statement for each period of absence due to illness if the student has been seen by a doctor.


If a student does not have a doctor’s note or explanation of situation to the principal, he / she may expect detention time after school or at noon or possibly Saturday school. Consequences will be as follows: 4 tardies=1 lunch detention, 8 tardies=2 lunch detentions, 10= Saturday school and meeting with parent, 11+ = 1 lunch detention for each with mandatory Saturday School for next date scheduled. Tardies DO NOT have to occur in the same class period for consequences to be given.

Class Dismissal

Classes are in session from the ringing of the tardy bell until dismissal by the classroom teacher. The bell at the end of the period is a warning bell and not a dismissal bell. Students may not leave their classrooms until their classroom teacher has excused them.

Emergency Closing

School shall be held on the dates set forth on the official calendar, and shall not be closed or dismissed except by action of the board of education or the administration when they determine that it’s unwise to hold school. When school is closed because conditions make it unwise to have the buses run their routes, school will be closed for all students of the district. Students will not be allowed in the school for any purpose. (No open gyms, no weight lifting, no practices of any kind unless prior approval is given by the Superintendent.) It shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent if our students participate in any events scheduled for that day. In the case of an emergency closing, staff and students’ families will be notified through the School Messenger notification system. Please be sure your contact information is up to date and you have selected how you wish to receive emergency notifications from the school.

Nutrition Services

The school district participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs to provide adequate meals and an educational experience for students. Applications for free or reduced meals are sent to all households in the August newsletter, and are available at the school office and on the district’s webpage:

Policy Revision:


School Meal Program and Meal Charges

Meal Program.The school district will make a school meal program available to students. The cost of the program will be determined by the board of education so as to make the program as nearly self-supporting as possible. With board approval, the district may contract with a private company or corporation for the management and/or provision of the program.