Policy and Procedure Document

Document Name: / Salary Protection Policy
Ref & version no.: / SPJDVFinal
Status: / Agreed
Equality Impact Assessment: / Desk top completed – stakeholder meeting took place 19/01/2011
Approved by: / Executive Director of Human Resources
Effective from: / 26.01.2011
Date for review: / As Required
Author: / HR Division
Owner: / HR Division
Document control: / All printed versions of this document are classified as uncontrolled. A controlled version of this document is available from Human Resources website. Questions on this policy should be initially directed to HR Reception on 0161 2952121 or

Version History

Version number: / Date: / Nature of Change (reasons/comments)
1 / 27/10/2010 / Introduction of new policy to replace the Salary Assimilation Policy which was introduced as part of the introduction of HERA. This policy is an essential element of a suite of policies covering organization restructure which includes Avoidance of Redundancy/Redundancy Policy and Procedure, Restructuring Principles Policy and Procedure, andRedeployment Principles Policy and Procedure
2 / 26/01/2011 / Terms of protection agreed
3 / 01/03/2011 / Full policy wording
Scope & purpose: / This policy sets out the University’s approach to basic salary protection when employees move from their existing grade to a lower grade as a result of redeployment process. This policy is also an important measure in meeting equal pay requirements.
Start point: / On redeployment
End point: / Cessation of protection period or appointment to former grade level whichever is the earliest
Compliance: / Equal Pay requirements
Who this applies to: / This procedure applies to all University staff. This procedure does not apply to those who are not employed by the University, for example, agency staff or contractors.
Users: /
  • The Managers of affected people will be responsible for implementing the policy in a fair and consistent manner
  • All employees subject to redeployment and change to lower grade will be responsible for engaging with and adhering to this policy.
  • Trade Unions have agreed the policy and procedure and will be available to offer advice and support to members as the policy and procedure affects them.
  • Human Resources Division will be responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and procedure and providing guidance and direction

1.Detail of Policy

1.1.Scope of Protection
  • Salary protection for the defined period and terms will be limited to no more than one grade below the substantive grade (existing role) and where this is exceeded, protection will be limited to one grade above the grade being offered as alternative employment. For example, a grade 9 employee who is offered an alternative role at grade 7 may receive protected salary based on the maximum of grade 8.
  • Where a job offer at the same grade level as the existing role is unreasonably refused, then the terms of this protection policy will not apply and no salary protection will subsequently be allowed.
  • For details of conditions relating to suitable alternative offers, refer to “Redeployment Principles Policy and Procedure”(section 2.3.7).
  • Defined Period
  • The salary protection period will be limited to a period of 2 years beginning from the effective date of the new appointment at the lower grade.
  • Terms of Protection
  • The employee’s salary will be frozen at their current level (subject to the offer being within one grade of their substantive grade (existing role) – refer to “Scope of Protection”). Where the offer is more than one grade less than the substantive grade (existing role), protection will be limited to one grade above the grade being offered as alternative employment.
  • During this period of protection, the employee will not receive any further increments or negotiated pay awards which are applied to salary scale points.
  • At the end of second year of the protection period, the employee’s salary will reduce to the salary level equivalent to the maximum point of the grade relating to the alternative employment i.e. their new substantive grade.
  • This policy will also apply to grade changes arising from the Sickness Absence and Performance Improvement Policies. It will not apply to any measures taken as part of the Disciplinary Policy or changes arising in response to an individual request.
  • During the period of the protection, payments and allowances will be calculated at the maximum point of the grade for the alternative employment i.e. new substantive grade and not at the protected salary level.
  • All other terms and conditions of employment will be according to the alternative employment i.e. substantive grade and will be effective from the date of appointment
  • Where appropriate and relevant i.e. when moving from grade 7 and above to grade 6 and below, existing pension scheme membership will be retained for the duration of the protection period. Thereafter, and as part of the formal job change, the employee will join the pension scheme appropriate to the new substantive grade
  • Commitment to Development
  • We will be committed to helping any protected employee compete and secure a role at their former grade level. In this respect, we recognise that this may require specific development planning to consider options outside the employee’s experience/discipline. This planning and review will be conducted by the employee’s line manager as part of the individual performance, development, and review process (PDR). Where appropriate, specialist advice and support may be provided by the Human Resources Division.

2.Detail of Procedure

2.1.Notification and Management of Protection Details
  • The full details of the protection terms will be confirmed as part of the appointment letter with clear reference to this policy
  • Protection details will be set up on HR SAP. Base salary will relate to the alternative employment i.e. new substantive grade and the protected salary will be paid as a monthly allowance this being the difference between the protected salary level and the maximum salary point of the alternative employment i.e. the new substantive grade. This allowance will be pensionable
2.2.Commitment to Development
  • It is recognised that, in order to help the employee obtain a role at their former grade level, it may be necessary to support their development in areas outside of their previous experience/discipline
  • Any such development discussion and planning will be part of the performance and development review (PDR)
  • As appropriate, specialist advice and support should be provided by the Human Resources Division.

3.Process Maps

4.Links to Related Documentation or Other Policies

4.1.Related Policies
  • Avoidance of Redundancy/Redundancy Policy and Procedure
  • Restructuring Principles Policy and Procedure
  • Redeployment Policy and Procedure
  • Performance Improvement Policy
  • Guidance Notes On The Operation Of Fixed Term Contracts


Protection letter to follow

Owner: HR DivisionPage 1 of 4

Author: John Doran

Document ref, SPJDVFinal 01.03.2011